

单词 世界人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ANYTHING/ANYBODY〕any one of the people in a group or in the world 一群人或全世界人中的任何一个朗文写作活用〔distribution〕a map showing distribution of global population 世界人口分布图剑桥高阶〔enormity〕realize the enormity of the problem of feeding the world's population 认识到让全世界人有饭吃这个问题的艰巨性英汉大词典〔explode〕the exploding world population 迅猛增长的世界人口牛津高阶〔fight〕fight on the side of the world's people against terrorism 与全世界人民共同战斗反对恐怖主义英汉大词典〔galloping〕the world's galloping population growth 世界人口的急速增长文馨英汉〔galloping〕the world's galloping population growth 世界人口的急速增长英汉大词典〔growth〕the exponential growth in world population 世界人口不断加速的增长牛津搭配〔growth〕the rapid growth of world population 世界人口的迅速增长朗文当代〔growth〕the world population growth 世界人口的增长英汉大词典〔overpopulation〕world overpopulation 世界人口过剩韦氏高阶〔overpopulation〕young persons who are concerned about overpopulation in the world. 担心世界人口过剩的年轻人柯林斯高阶〔overpopulation〕young persons who are concerned about overpopulation in the world关注世界人口过剩问题的年轻人外研社新世纪〔refurbish〕refurbish one's country's tarnished image in the world 刷新国家在全世界人民心目中遭污损的形象英汉大词典〔world〕people all over the world 全世界人民英汉大词典




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