

单词 丈夫死后
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕She continued to live in the same house after the death of her husband. 丈夫死后,她仍住在原来的房子里。朗文写作活用〔POOR〕She was quite badly off for a while after her husband died. 丈夫死后的一段时期里她相当穷。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕After her husband died Priscilla became very withdrawn and seldom left her home. 丈夫死后,普丽西拉变得沉默寡言,很少走出家门。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕Her loneliness was hard to bear, after her husband died. 丈夫死后,她寂寞难熬。朗文写作活用〔consider〕She's had a lot of problems since her husband died but she seems quite cheerful, all things considered.自从丈夫死后,她面临很多困难,但总的来说她看上去情绪还是满乐观的。牛津高阶〔downward〕Her life went downward after her husband died.自丈夫死后她的生活每况愈下。英汉大词典〔fall off the wagon〕When her husband died, she fell off the wagon.她丈夫死后,她又重新喝起酒来。剑桥高阶〔father〕Elena's brother was a surrogate father to her kids after her husband died.自从埃琳娜的丈夫死后,她的哥哥就担当了孩子们的父亲。牛津搭配〔fight〕After her husband died there was very little fight left in her.丈夫死后,她就没有多少斗志了。麦克米伦高阶〔funny〕She went a bit funny after her husband died.丈夫死后她神志就有点不大正常了。牛津高阶〔hell〕She's been going through hell since her husband died.自从她丈夫死后,她一直倍受煎熬。麦克米伦高阶〔manage〕My aunt managed so well after her husband died.我婶婶在她丈夫死后日子过得还不错。麦克米伦高阶〔poorly〕She's been poorly off since her husband died.自丈夫死后她生活一直贫困。英汉大词典〔refuge〕After the death of her husband, she took/sought/found refuge in her music.丈夫死后,她在音乐中寻求慰藉。韦氏高阶〔remarry〕She never remarried after her husband died.丈夫死后,她不曾再婚。韦氏高阶〔survive〕She survived her husband by ten years.丈夫死后她又活了十年。牛津高阶〔sustenance〕When her husband died, she drew sustenance from/she found sustenance in her religious beliefs.丈夫死后,她从宗教信仰上寻求精神寄托。剑桥高阶〔thin〕She has had rather a thin time since her husband died.她自丈夫死后,生活很清苦。英汉大词典〔tower〕Lucy was a tower of strength after my husband died.在我丈夫死后,露西成了我可以依靠的人。麦克米伦高阶After my husband died, my brother became an emotional crutch for me.丈夫死后,哥哥成了我的精神支柱。剑桥国际She became deeply/profoundly/severely depressed when her husband died.丈夫死后,她极度忧郁。剑桥国际She doesn't go out much (= very often) since her husband died.她丈夫死后,她不太出门。剑桥国际She has been living a hard life since her husband died. 自从丈夫死后,她一直过著艰苦的生活。译典通She suffered every hell after her husband died. 她在丈夫死后吃尽苦头。译典通She's been on anti-depressants ever since her husband died.自从丈夫死后,她一直服用抗抑郁药。剑桥国际The sparkle went out of/left her after her husband died.丈夫死后,她失去了往日的活力。剑桥国际When her husband died she seemed to shut herself off from her friends and family.她丈夫死后,她似乎将自己同朋友和家人隔绝了。剑桥国际When her husband died, she drew sustenance from/she found sustenance in her religious beliefs.丈夫死后,她在宗教信仰中寻求精神寄托。剑桥国际




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