

单词 万物
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Creation〕a simple sign of the goodness in Creation上帝在世间万物中留下的朴素印记外研社新世纪〔arrival〕the changes that occur with the arrival of spring 春来万物生韦氏高阶〔blot out〕with mist blotting everything out except the endless black of the spruce on either side. 除了两边一望无际的黑压压的云杉以外,万物都被薄雾笼罩了柯林斯高阶〔cosmic〕humanity's place in the cosmic order of things. 在宇宙万物的秩序中人类的位置柯林斯高阶〔cosmic〕humanity's place in the cosmic order of things人类在宇宙万物秩序中的位置外研社新世纪〔creation〕the Creation of the universe as told in Genesis Chapter One. 《创世记》第一章所述的上帝创造世界万物柯林斯高阶〔existence〕sang the beauty of all existence. 歌颂万物的美丽美国传统〔generative〕the generative power of the sun. 太阳催生万物的能力柯林斯高阶〔life-giving〕drop life-giving rain and snow on the west 在西部降下使万物苏生的雨雪英汉大词典〔life〕the life force in all things 万物的生命力韦氏高阶〔order〕the natural order of things 天地万物的自然秩序牛津高阶〔sermon〕sermons in stones 木石的启示(指自然万物在精神、道德、真理等方面给予人的启示;语出莎士比亚剧本《皆大欢喜》)英汉大词典〔universe〕everything in the universe 宇宙万物朗文当代




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