

单词 万字
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fylfot〕A swastika.万字饰美国传统〔produce〕She works swiftly, producing up to 20000 words a day.她干得很快,一天写作达2万字。英汉大词典〔sport〕People sported swastikas and walls were covered with inflammatory slogans.人们扬扬自得地佩戴着纳粹党万字饰标志, 墙上还写满了煽动性的口号。外研社新世纪〔submit〕Candidates for the degree are required to submit a 30 000-word thesis.学位申请人必须提交一篇 3 万字的论文。牛津搭配〔trim〕They had to trim the dictionary from 1 200 000 words to 1 000 000.他们不得不把该词典的字数从120万字压缩到100万字。21世纪英汉Fascists painted swastikas on the walls in immigrant neighbourhoods.法西斯主义者在移民区的墙上画上万字。剑桥国际He then attempted something more ambitious, a novel of 200,000 words. 接著他试图写作一部更大的作品,一本二十万字的长篇小说。译典通The swastika was the symbol used by the Nazi party in Germany.万字是德国纳粹党的党徽。剑桥国际




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