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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TIME〕The train schedules are all on the website now. 各火车时刻表现已上载至网站上。〔朗文写作活用〔bear〕The papers bore reports of attacks on the town by guerrillas.报上载有游击队袭击该镇的报道。英汉大词典〔buoy〕In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory.5月里,他们在大街上载歌载舞,欢庆胜利。柯林斯高阶〔carry〕The ship was carrying drugs.这艘船上载有毒品。朗文当代〔charter〕Yesterday, a cargo ship chartered by the UN arrived in the capital carrying 1,550 tons of rice.昨天,一艘联合国租用的货船到达首都,船上载有1,550吨大米。柯林斯高阶〔contraband〕The ship was found not to be carrying any contraband.并未发现这艘船上载有任何违禁物品。柯林斯高阶〔elevator〕A platform or an enclosure raised and lowered in a vertical shaft to transport people or freight.升降机:在垂直通道上载运人们或货物升降的平台或笼子美国传统〔loaded〕The van was loaded with crates of beer.厢式货车上载着一箱箱啤酒。牛津搭配〔plane〕The plane was carrying 350 people.飞机上载有 350 名乘客。牛津搭配〔upload〕It might take a while for this to upload.上载这个可能要花些时间。朗文当代〔upload〕To transfer (data or programs), usually from a peripheral computer or device to a central, often remote computer.上载:传递(数据或程序),通常是从辅助计算机或设备传递到中央的(通常为远程的)计算机美国传统〔upload〕To transfer data or programs to a central computer.上载数据:传递数据或程序到中央计算上美国传统〔vessel〕The vessel carried a crew of 130.这艘船上载有 130 名船员。牛津搭配She travelled on a boat full of fugitives from post-Holocaust Europe.她乘上了一条难民船,船上载满从大屠杀后的欧洲来的难民。剑桥国际There has been concern about the safety of passenger cruisers on the River Thames.人们担心泰晤士河上载客游轮的安全。剑桥国际




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