

单词 young offender
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕Many young offenders escape punishment completely. 许多少年犯完全逃脱了惩罚。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕The committee will investigate more effective ways of dealing with young offenders. 该委员会将会调查研究更有效的方法来处理青少年罪犯。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕People are calling for steps to reform the juvenile justice system, including streamlining the process of prosecuting young offenders. 人们在呼吁采取措施改革青少年司法体系,包括简化起诉少年犯的程序。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕Putting very young offenders in prison can be counterproductive. 监禁少年犯有时候会适得其反。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕Many of these young offenders should have been freed a long time ago. 这些少年犯有许多早就应该被释放了。朗文写作活用〔a firm hand〕Reforming these young offenders will require a firm hand.对这些少年犯进行改造需要严格的管教手段。剑桥高阶〔adopt〕The courts were asked to adopt a more flexible approach to young offenders.法庭被要求对少年犯采取更为灵活的处理方法。朗文当代〔all-or-nothing〕The legal system seems to take an all-or-nothing approach to punishing young offenders.法律制度似乎在惩罚年轻的违法者方面采取极端的方式。麦克米伦高阶〔answer〕Prison is not the answer for most young offenders.就大多数年轻的犯法者来说,把他们关进监狱不是解决问题的办法。柯林斯高阶〔answer〕Prison is not the answer for most young offenders.对于大多数少年犯而言, 坐牢并非解决问题的办法。外研社新世纪〔away〕British courts are increasingly moving away from sending young offenders to prison.英国法院渐渐地不再将少年犯送进监狱。柯林斯高阶〔care〕The police must exercise more care in the arrest of young offenders.警察在逮捕年轻犯人时必须格外小心。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕The courts are coming down heavily on young offenders.法庭对年轻罪犯实行严惩。牛津高阶〔come〕We need to come down hard on young offenders.我们对少年犯要严加惩罚。朗文当代〔counterproductive〕Research shows that sending young offenders to prison can be counterproductive.研究表明,把年轻罪犯送进监狱可能会产生适得其反的结果。麦克米伦高阶〔counterproductive〕Sending young offenders to prison can be counterproductive.把少年犯送进监狱会产生适得其反的效果。朗文当代〔deal〕He believes young offenders should be dealt with quickly and harshly.他认为应该迅速而严厉地对付少年犯。麦克米伦高阶〔laugh〕Young offenders just laugh at this sort of sentence.年轻的罪犯对这种判决根本不在乎。朗文当代〔offending〕Ms Mann is working with young offenders and trying to break cycles of offending.曼女士正在从事帮助少年犯的工作,试图打破犯罪的恶性循环。柯林斯高阶〔offending〕Ms Mann is working with young offenders and trying to break cycles of offending.曼女士正在从事帮助少年犯的工作, 试图打破犯罪的恶性循环。外研社新世纪〔penalty〕He threatened stiffer penalties on young offenders.他扬言要对未成年犯施加更严厉的处罚。牛津搭配〔purposeful〕Purposeful work is an important part of the regime for young offenders.使从事有意义的劳动是管理少年犯的重要一环。牛津高阶〔remand〕The young offender had to be remanded in custody for ten days.这个少年犯不得不被关押十天听候审理。21世纪英汉〔severe〕The courts are becoming more severe on young offenders.法庭对青少年犯罪者的处罚趋于严厉。牛津高阶〔short sharp shock〕He's in favour of the short sharp shock treatment for young offenders.他赞同对青少年罪犯予以快速而有效的惩戒。剑桥高阶〔socialize〕Here at the school we make every effort to socialize these young offenders.在这所学校里,我们努力使这些青少年罪犯适应社会生活。剑桥高阶〔soft〕Courts have been taking a soft line (=not being strict enough) with young offenders.法庭对少年犯一直采取温和态度。朗文当代〔supervision〕The facilities offer only minimal supervision for young offenders.这些设施对年轻罪犯实行最低限度的监督。牛津搭配〔tag〕The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青年罪犯。牛津高阶He said that it doesn't help young offenders for them to be stigmatized as delinquents.他说让做错事的年轻人背上罪犯污名对他们并没有帮助。剑桥国际Here at the special school we make every effort to socialize these young offenders.在特别学校中,我们努力使这些犯错误的少年适应社会生活。剑桥国际In some of these centres, army-style drills are still used on the young offenders to instil a sense of discipline.在一些这样的中心里,部队式的训练仍被用于培养年轻犯人的纪律性。剑桥国际It's an institution to which young offenders are sent instead of prison.这是这样一个公共机构,年幼的罪犯不去监狱而被送入其中。剑桥国际My grandfather is in favour of the short sharp shock treatment (=quick, effective punishment) for young offenders .我的祖父赞同对年轻罪犯采取快速有效的惩戒。剑桥国际The compassionate judge gave the young offender a light sentence. 慈悲的法官从轻判处了那个年轻罪犯。译典通The proposed changes in the way young offenders are dealt with have been opposed by the forces of reaction (= people opposed to political and social change).提议中的处理年轻罪犯方式的改变遭到了保守力量的反对。剑桥国际Time spent in prison only criminalizes young offenders (=makes it more likely that they will offend again).关监狱的时间只能使青年犯人罪犯化。剑桥国际




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