

单词 上色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amused〕Having pictures to colour will keep children amused for hours.为图画上色会让孩子们开开心心玩很长时间。外研社新世纪〔annatto〕A yellowish-red dyestuff obtained from the seed aril of this plant, used especially to dye fabric and to color food products such as margarine and cheese.胭脂树红,胭脂树橙:从胭脂树果肉中提取的橙红色染料,尤用于给纺织品染色,或给食品如人造黄油和奶酪上色美国传统〔batik〕A method of dyeing a fabric by which the parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed are covered with removable wax.蜡染印花法:一种染织物的方法,用这种方法,织物的不染色部分被可剥落的蜡所覆盖而其余部分则染上色美国传统〔colorant〕Something, especially a dye, a pigment, an ink, or a paint, that colors or modifies the hue of something else.染料:给其他东西上色或修饰色彩的东西,尤其是染料、颜料、墨水或油彩美国传统〔color〕To impart color to or change the color of.上色:给…上色或变色美国传统〔color〕To take on color.上色美国传统〔colour in〕Draw simple shapes for your child to colour in.为你的孩子画点简单图形, 让他上色。外研社新世纪〔colour in〕His little girl was busy colouring in her picture.他的小女儿正忙着给自己的画上色。外研社新世纪〔colour〕They could not afford to spoil those maps by careless colouring.若是上色的时候不小心弄坏了那些地图,他们可承担不起。柯林斯高阶〔colour〕We'd been making cakes and colouring the posters.我们一直在做蛋糕,给海报上色。柯林斯高阶〔contour〕These subtle, translucent matt shades can be contoured and layered for a really natural look.可为这些隐约、半透明的阴影勾画出轮廓并叠加上色, 从而使其看起来更自然。外研社新世纪〔crayon〕To draw, color, or decorate with a stick of colored wax, charcoal, or chalk.画画,上色,装饰:用有色的蜡笔、炭笔或粉笔画画、上色或装饰美国传统〔curry〕To prepare (tanned hides) for use, as by soaking or coloring.整理皮革:制备(鞣制皮革)以供使用,如通过浸泡或上色美国传统〔didymium〕A mixture of rare-earth elements and oxides used chiefly in manufacturing and coloring various forms of glass.稀土与氧化物混合物:稀土元素和氧化物的混合物,这要用于制造和给各种形式的玻璃上色美国传统〔dyed-in-the-wool〕Dyed before being woven into cloth.生染的:织成布匹以前染上色的美国传统〔dye〕A good dye will not fade.高质量染料上色后不会退去。英汉大词典〔floorcloth〕A piece of heavy canvas that has been primed, decorated, and varnished and is used as a floor covering.铺地板布:用来覆盖地板,经过上底漆、装点并上色的重帆布美国传统〔fuliginous〕Colored by or as if by soot.烟灰色的:用或象用烟灰上色的美国传统〔gay〕The streets were gay and full of people.大街上色彩缤纷,熙熙攘攘。剑桥高阶〔in outline〕The pictures were drawn in outline and then filled in with color.这些画是先画出轮廓再上色的。韦氏高阶〔onto〕The colours rotated round on a disc and were reflected onto the wall behind.圆盘上色彩流转,反射到后面的墙上。柯林斯高阶〔paint〕A cosmetic, such as rouge, that is used to give color to the face; makeup.化妆品:一种用来给皮肤上色的化妆品,如胭脂;化妆品美国传统〔picture〕The book has simple stories and pictures to colour / color.这本书有些小故事和可以上色的图片。牛津搭配〔pigmentation〕Coloration of tissues by pigment.上色,染色:色素对组织的着色美国传统〔pigment〕Pigments are used to give color to paint, ink, and plastic.颜料可以用来给油漆、墨水和塑料上色。韦氏高阶〔pot metal〕Glass colored by being mixed with melted stained glass in a pot.熔色玻璃:在坩锅中与熔化的彩色玻璃混熔而上色的玻璃美国传统〔process〕His dad had a job as a process artist colour-inking the printing plates.他父亲是为印版上色的照相制版师。外研社新世纪〔retouch〕To color (recent growth of hair) to match hair that was tinted, dyed, or bleached at an earlier date.补染:给(新长的头发)上色,以便与早先着色的、染过的或变浅的头发一致美国传统〔stain〕Stain the table before you varnish it.在给桌子涂清漆之前先上色。英汉大词典〔supper〕It can also be eaten as a supper dish with a salad.这个加上色拉也可作为晚餐食用。牛津搭配〔tinge〕To apply a trace of color to; tint.着色:给…着上少量的色彩;使…带上色彩美国传统Follow the colour code carefully on all electrical wiring.给所有的电线按照准则小心标上色标。牛津商务The coloring of food is against the law in some countries. 给食物加上色素在有些国家属违法行为。译典通Tinting the windows will cut down the glare/the sun's glare.给窗户上色会减少太阳光的强射。剑桥国际




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