

单词 一桩
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔NERVOUS〕a bizarre and unnerving crime 一桩奇怪而令人惶恐的罪行朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕a case of mass media manipulation 一桩操控大众传媒事件朗文写作活用〔backwash〕the enduring backwash of another family scandal. 另一桩家庭丑闻经久不息的余波柯林斯高阶〔case〕a case for the higher authorities to decide 一桩宜由上级决定的事情英汉大词典〔class action〕a class-action lawsuit 一桩集体诉讼案剑桥高阶〔close〕close a political bargain 达成一桩政治交易英汉大词典〔condemned〕a multimillion-pound trade in condemned meat一桩金额达数百万英镑的劣质肉的交易外研社新世纪〔cross-examination〕during the cross-examination of a witness in a murder case. 在盘问一桩谋杀案的证人时柯林斯高阶〔cunningly〕a crime which had been cunningly concealed一桩精心掩盖的罪行外研社新世纪〔delve in(或into)〕to delve into the background of a case详细调查一桩案件的背景21世纪英汉〔dicker〕dicker for the best political deal 为争取达成一桩最理想的政治交易而讨价还价英汉大词典〔disintegration〕the disintegration of an ordinary marriage一桩寻常婚姻的破裂外研社新世纪〔double〕an extremely nasty double murder一桩骇人听闻的双重谋杀案外研社新世纪〔earmark〕an unsolved murder that has the earmarks of a gangland execution一桩带有黑社会处决特点的未破谋杀案外研社新世纪〔finesse〕to finesse a deal 略施小计达成一桩交易牛津高阶〔ghastly〕a gruesome murder; 一桩可怕的谋杀;美国传统〔injury〕escaped from the accident without injury; a scandal that did considerable injury to the campaign. 没有受伤地从事故中逃脱;一桩使整个运动深受其害的丑闻美国传统〔light〕a political scandal that has recently come to light 近日暴露的一桩政治丑闻 英汉大词典〔louse〕loused the project; louse up a deal. 搅坏这个工程,搞坏一桩交易美国传统〔maleficence〕be guilty of more than one maleficence 犯下不止一桩罪行英汉大词典〔marriage〕a disastrous marriage一桩极为不幸的婚姻外研社新世纪〔marriage〕an arranged marriage(= one in which the parents choose a husband or wife for their child) 一桩父母安排的婚姻牛津高阶〔mishap〕suffer (meet with) a small mishap 遭受(碰到)一桩小小的不幸事故英汉大词典〔money laundering〕the largest money-laundering scandal in history. 有史以来最大的一桩洗钱丑闻柯林斯高阶〔morsel〕a morsel of scandal 一桩丑闻朗文当代〔notorious〕a notorious court case 一桩众所周知的案子英汉大词典〔notorious〕in a notorious case that made the headlines in 1991在1991年一桩被各大媒体竞相报道的臭名远扬的案件中外研社新世纪〔perfect〕the perfect crime(= one in which the criminal is never discovered) 一桩无头案牛津高阶〔piece〕a piece of luck (impudence) 一桩幸运的(厚颜无耻的)事英汉大词典〔racket〕a smuggling racket 一桩走私勾当麦克米伦高阶〔sanctify〕sanctify a marriage. 批准一桩婚姻美国传统〔scandal〕a major scandal involving the government 涉及政府的一桩重大丑闻朗文当代〔search〕search the records of a case 仔细查阅一桩案件的卷宗英汉大词典〔snag〕snagged a bargain. 突然碰到一桩好买卖美国传统〔undeclared〕a scandal involving undeclared payments to politicians 一桩涉及未申报的政治献金的丑闻朗文当代〔upsetting〕a deal that would upset the balance of power in the world's gold markets. 一桩将会打破全球黄金市场均势的交易柯林斯高阶〔upset〕a deal that would upset the balance of power in the world's gold markets一桩可能打破全球黄金市场均势的交易外研社新世纪〔vicious〕a particularly vicious and brutal crime 一桩极为残忍、野蛮的罪行牛津搭配〔vicious〕a vicious murder 一桩凶险的谋杀案朗文当代〔wizardry〕a piece of technical wizardry. 一桩技术奇迹柯林斯高阶




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