

单词 一个多世纪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔control〕His family had controlled The Times for more than a century.他的家族管理了《泰晤士报》一个多世纪。外研社新世纪〔moa〕Any of various flightless ostrichlike birds of the family Dinornithidae, native to New Zealand and extinct for over a century.恐鸟:产自新西兰,已灭绝一个多世纪的任何恐鸟科的无翅的,似鸵鸟的鸟美国传统〔part〕This is the worst summer we've had in these parts for over a century.这是一个多世纪以来我们在这些地区度过的最糟糕的夏天。麦克米伦高阶〔peace〕The countries have been at peace for more than a century.这些国家和平共处已有一个多世纪。牛津高阶〔tap〕For more than a century, Eastern cities have expanded their water supplies by tapping ever more remote sources.一个多世纪以来,东部的城市通过开发更偏远地区的水源,扩大了水的供应。剑桥高阶For more than a century, Eastern cities have expanded their water supplies by tapping ever more remote sources.一个多世纪以来,东部的城市通过开发远处水源,扩大了水的供应。剑桥国际Medical knowledge has expanded so much over the past century that it's impossible for doctors to be omniscient.医药知识在过去的一个多世纪中增加了许多,现在医生不可能无所不知。剑桥国际




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