

单词 两条
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕Fires broke out at three railway stations, halting service on two commuter lines for several hours.三个火车站发生了火灾,两条通勤线路的服务被迫中断数小时。柯林斯高阶〔DIG〕I found two dogs digging in the garden, looking for bones. 我看到两条狗在花园里翻扒着找骨头。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕Accidents are frequent where the two roads join. 两条路的交汇处经常发生交通事故。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The two pieces of rope were unequal in length. 这两条绳子长度不同。朗文写作活用〔Laocoon〕A Trojan priest of Apollo who was killed along with his two sons by two sea serpents for having warned his people of the Trojan horse.拉奥孔:特洛伊的太阳神祭师,因警告特洛伊人不要中木马计而连同其二个儿了一起被两条海蟒杀死美国传统〔OPPOSITE〕There were two paths going in opposite directions. 两条小路通往相反的方向。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕After treatment, her distorted hip had straightened, so that her legs were the same length. 经过治疗,她那变形的臀部变直了,所以两条腿也一样长了。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕Billy sat on the edge of the desk, swinging his legs. 比利坐在桌子的边上,摇晃着他的两条腿。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕Two walkways projected over the gorge on both sides of the river. 峡谷上有两条凌空的栈道,分别位于河的两边。朗文写作活用〔all〕His face was all eyebrows.他脸上只见那两条又粗又浓的眉毛。英汉大词典〔amok〕The two dogs ran amok in a school playground.那两条狗在学校操场上厮咬起来。剑桥高阶〔angle〕The lines are at sharp angles to each other.两条线相交呈一个锐角。韦氏高阶〔angle〕The rotation required to superimpose either of two such lines or planes on the other.角位:这样的两条直线或两个平面中的一个置于另一个上旋转美国传统〔apiece〕He and I had two fish apiece.他和我各有两条鱼。柯林斯高阶〔bar〕Heraldry A pair of horizontal parallel lines drawn across a shield.【纹章学】 盾形纹章上的横条纹:画在盾形纹章上的两条水平的平行线美国传统〔bend〕Nautical A knot that joins a rope to a rope or another object.【航海】 索结:连结两条绳子或一条绳与另一物体的结美国传统〔bestride〕The man's strong legs bestrode a great brute horse.那个男人两条强壮的大腿跨在一匹高大暴烈的马上。外研社新世纪〔bilge keel〕Either of two beams or fins fastened lengthwise along the outside of a ship's bilge to inhibit heavy rolling.舭龙骨,减摇龙骨:用以防止船身剧烈摇摆的沿船舭外部纵长地固定的两条横梁或鳍板的任一条美国传统〔block〕The post office is just two blocks away.过两条马路就是邮局。英汉大词典〔border〕Two rivers border the city.两条河绕城流淌。韦氏高阶〔bound〕The city is bounded by two major highways.这个城市以两条主要公路为界。韦氏高阶〔branch〕When you reach the village green, the street branches into two .到了村中心的草地,这条街就分岔成两条路。朗文当代〔c.ross〕She sat down in an armchair and crossed her legs.她在一个扶手椅上坐下来,并把两条腿交叉起来。21世纪英汉〔c.ross〕The two friends met where the two roads crossed.这两个朋友在两条公路的交叉路口相遇。21世纪英汉〔caduceus〕Greek Mythology A winged staff with two serpents twined around it, carried by Hermes.【希腊神话】 蛇杖:赫耳墨斯所持的带有两条互相缠绕的蛇的带翼权杖美国传统〔challenge〕The army faced the daunting challenge of fighting a war on two fronts.军队面临要在两条战线作战的严峻挑战。牛津搭配〔confined〕His long legs bent up in the confined space.他的两条长腿蜷在狭小的空间里。柯林斯高阶〔confluence〕A flowing together of two or more streams.汇集:两条或多条溪流的聚合在一起美国传统〔converge〕The two rivers converge into one near Pittsburgh.这两条河在匹兹堡附近汇合。朗文当代〔converge〕There was a signpost where the two paths converged.两条小路的相交处有一路标。牛津高阶〔cross〕The two streets cross in the centre of town.两条街在市中心相交。英汉大词典〔cross〕When you send a cheque by post, be careful to cross it.你邮寄支票时,务必在上面画两条平行线。英汉大词典〔crud〕I have this creeping crud all the way down both legs.我得了像有东西在我两条腿上爬行的这种怪病。英汉大词典〔cusp〕Mathematics A point at which a curve crosses itself and at which the two tangents to the curve coincide.【数学】 尖点,会切点:曲线上的一个点,曲线在该点与其本身相交,曲线的两条切线在该点重合美国传统〔degree〕The two lines meet at a 90° angle.这两条线垂直相交。麦克米伦高阶〔disfigured〕Two dogs attacked him, leaving him horribly disfigured.两条狗袭击了他,导致他面容全毁。柯林斯高阶〔divide〕The road divides in (或into) two at the other side of the town.路在市镇的另一头分岔成两条。英汉大词典〔edge〕Bring the two edges together and fasten them securely.把这两条边合在一起,然后固定牢固。麦克米伦高阶〔exterior angle〕Any of the four angles that do not include a region of the space between two lines intersected by a transversal.外角:两条平行直线与另一线相交所成的两平行线外侧的四个角中的任何一个美国传统〔fall〕Two plaits fall over her shoulders.两条辫子垂在她的肩上。英汉大词典〔firstly〕There are two very good reasons why we can't do it. Firstly, we don't have enough money, and secondly, we don't have enough time.有两条充足的理由决定我们不能做这件事。第一,资金不足;第二,时间不够。剑桥高阶〔go〕The boys went through two whole loaves of bread.这些男孩把整整两条面包吃得精光。牛津高阶〔go〕The two dogs went at each other.两条狗在撕咬着。朗文当代〔harelip〕A congenital deformity characterized by a vertical cleft or pair of clefts in the upper lip.兔唇,豁嘴:一种上唇出现竖直的裂缝或两条裂缝的先天性畸形美国传统〔hash mark〕Football A mark in either of two series placed on the field perpendicular to the yard lines and used for spotting the ball.【橄榄球】 界内虚线:用于确定球的位置的与场地界线垂直的两条线美国传统〔insides〕His legs ached continually and his insides hurt.他的两条腿一直疼, 肚子也难受。外研社新世纪〔interfluve〕The region of higher land between two rivers that are in the same drainage system.江河分水岭:位于同一水系的两条河流之间的较高的陆地区域美国传统〔interior angle〕Any of the four angles formed between two straight lines intersected by a third straight line.内角:两条直线与第三条直线相交在直线内部形成的四个夹角之一美国传统〔leg〕Mathematics Either side of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse.【数学】 直角边:直角三角形除斜边之外的两条边的任意一条美国传统〔loaf〕Two white loaves, please.请拿两条白面包。牛津高阶〔meet〕The two rivers meet there.这两条河在那里汇合。英汉大词典〔meet〕The two roads meet north of Goodman.这两条路在古德曼以北相交。21世纪英汉〔meet〕Two roads meet here.两条路在这里交会。牛津同义词〔memorial〕The memorial stands where the two roads meet.纪念碑矗立在两条路的交会处。牛津搭配〔monoclinic〕Of or relating to three unequal crystal axes, two of which intersect obliquely and are perpendicular to the third.单斜晶系的:有三条不等晶轴,其中两条倾斜相交并垂直于第三条的、或与之有关的美国传统〔one or two〕I'd like to make one or two suggestions.我想提一两条建议。剑桥高阶〔parallel〕Of, relating to, or designating two or more straight coplanar lines that do not intersect.平行线的:属于、有关或指出两条或多条不相交的共面直线的美国传统〔pedal〕His legs were aching from pedal(l)ing too fast.他的两条腿因骑自行车蹬得太快而酸痛。英汉大词典〔pepper〕He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel.他两条腿都受伤了, 人也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。外研社新世纪〔pick〕We picked up two submarines on sonar.我们用声波定位仪观察到两条潜水艇美国传统〔plane angle〕An angle formed by two straight lines in the same plane.平面角:同一平面中两条直线形成的角美国传统〔ply〕Two ferries ply between the island and mainland in the summer months.夏天两条渡船在小岛和大陆之间摆渡。韦氏高阶〔quadrant〕Draw two intersecting lines that divide the page into four quadrants.画两条相交的线,将这一页分成四等份。韦氏高阶〔road kill〕On average, two crocodiles a year end up as road kill on Florida's Highway 1.在佛罗里达1号公路上,每年平均有两条鳄鱼被车撞死。剑桥高阶〔scout〕He scouted the idea of a dog with two tails.他才不相信一条狗有两条尾巴的说法。文馨英汉〔scrap〕Two dogs had a scrap.两条狗打架了。牛津同义词〔sector〕The portion of a circle bounded by two radii and the included arc.扇形:由两条半径和其间的弧组成的圆的一部分美国传统〔show〕Two of our dogs will be showing in the national competition.我们的两条狗将参加全国比赛。韦氏高阶〔six〕You can take either road; it's six of one, half a dozen of the other.你走哪条路都行,两条路都差不多。麦克米伦高阶〔snarl〕The dogs started to snarl at each other so I had to separate them.两条狗开始互相龇牙威胁,所以我不得不把它们分开。剑桥高阶〔spice〕A scandal or two adds a little spice to office life.一两条丑闻为办公室生活平添了一点乐趣。剑桥高阶〔stadia〕A telescopic instrument having two parallel lines through which intervals on a calibrated rod are observed, used to measure distances.视距仪:一种用来测量距离的远视仪器,通过远望时从两条平行线中间观察到的刻度杆来测算距离美国传统〔sternocleidomastoid〕Either of two muscles of the neck that serve to flex and rotate the head.胸锁乳突肌:脖子上用于弯曲并转动头部两条肌肉中的一条的肌肉美国传统〔stick together〕Her thighs were sticking together under her dress.她的两条大腿在裙子下面紧紧合住。外研社新世纪〔swing〕He sat on the stool, swinging his legs.他坐在凳子上晃动着两条腿。牛津高阶〔throw in〕She threw in a suggestion or two during the meeting.会议期间,她提出了一两条建议。韦氏高阶〔tilt〕Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs.伦纳德把椅子向后倾斜, 仅以两条腿作支撑。外研社新世纪〔to〕The roads are parallel to each other.这两条道路相互平行。韦氏高阶〔trace〕One of two side straps or chains connecting a harnessed draft animal to a vehicle or whiffletree.挽绳:将套以挽具的牵引动物与一车辆或横杠连接起来的两条边带或链子中的一根美国传统〔trapezoid〕A quadrilateral having two parallel sides.梯形:一个有两条平行边的四边形美国传统〔unitable〕They united the two pipes.他们把两条管子连接在一起。21世纪英汉〔voice mail〕You have two new voice mails.你有两条新的语音留言。韦氏高阶〔which〕They could not decide which of the two roads to take.他们无法决定那两条路要走哪一条。韦氏高阶〔whistle up〕Can you whistle up another blanket or two?你能再赶做一两条毯子吗?外研社新世纪〔wide-body〕A jet aircraft having a wide fuselage with passenger seats divided by two lengthwise aisles.广体客机:机身宽大的喷射飞机,其乘客座位间有两条纵长走道隔开美国传统〔worse〕Of the two routes, the eastern one is the worse. She was accused of cheating on exams, lying, and worse.这两条路比起来,东边那条更差劲。她被指责考试作弊,更糟糕的是她还说谎美国传统Double white lines in the middle of a road mean you're not allowed to overtake.马路中间两条白线表示禁止超车。剑桥国际He keeps a foot in both camps. 他脚踏两条船。译典通He received an open citation for saving the lives of two people. 他因为救了两条生命而受到公开表扬。译典通My plans to decorate the house came unstuck when I broke both arms and a leg.在摔断了两条胳膊和一条腿之后,我装修房子的计划泡汤了。剑桥国际She usually wears her hair in a plait/in two plaits.她通常梳着一条/两条辫子。剑桥国际The aliens laughed when they discovered that earthlings have only two legs.外星人发现地球人只有两条腿时,大笑起来。剑桥国际The gas station is at the junction of two highways. 这个加油站位于两条公路的会合处。译典通The map charts the course of the river where it splits into two.地图标出了这条河流分成两条支流处的水流流向。剑桥国际The traditional shape for a kite is flat with four straight sides, the lower two sides longer than the top two sides.传统的风筝的形状是个有四条直边的平面,下面的两条边比上面的两条长。剑桥国际The two families live on adjacent streets. 这两家住在两条相邻的街上。译典通The two rivers meet near the capital. 这两条河在首都附近会合。译典通These two lines are parallel. 这两条线平行。译典通Two diagonal lines drawn from opposite corners of a square intersect at its centre .正方形的两条对角线相交于中心点。剑桥国际Two ships were mined yesterday. 昨天两条船被水雷炸毁。译典通




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