

单词 you mean
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕You mean to tell me you swallowed a story like that? 你的意思是说你居然轻易相信了那番话?朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕I'm not sure just who you mean. 我不敢肯定你到底指谁。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕What precisely do you mean by ‘relativity’? 你的“相对性”确切点儿是什么意思?朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕You're kidding. You mean it only rains once a year there? 你是在开玩笑吧。你说那里一年只下一次雨?朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕What do you mean you never see me? You're at my house all the time. 你说从未见过我,这是什么意思?你一直在我家。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕Do you mean the alarm was switched off all night? 你是说警报器整夜都关着?朗文写作活用〔TELL〕You mean she just left without letting anyone know? 你的意思是她没告诉任何人就走了?朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕I don't think your audience is going to know what you mean by this. 我觉得你这样说观众是不会明白你的意思的。朗文写作活用〔casually〕What you mean as a casual remark could be misinterpreted.你随便说的一句话,可能就被曲解了。柯林斯高阶〔define〕Define what you mean by reasonable.说说你说的reasonable是什么意思。外研社新世纪〔depend〕It all depends (on) what you mean.这要看你是什么意思。英汉大词典〔depend〕It depends what you mean by ‘hostile’.那得看你所说的 hostile 的含义。牛津高阶〔elude〕I know who you mean but her name eludes me.我知道你说的是谁,但就是想不起她的名字了。剑桥高阶〔exactly〕Do you mean we're lost?—Exactly.你的意思是我们迷路了?——正是。外研社新世纪〔example〕Give an example of what you mean.举个例子来说明你的意思。牛津同义词〔first〕I haven't the first idea of what you mean.我一点也不懂你的意思。英汉大词典〔gat;got〕I don't get what you mean.我不明白你的意思。21世纪英汉〔get〕I don't get what you mean.我不明白你的意思。韦氏高阶〔get〕I get what you mean.我懂你的意思。牛津同义词〔guy〕Do you mean the guy with the blonde hair and glasses? 你说的是那个满头金发戴眼镜的男人吗?剑桥高阶〔himself〕You mean to tell me Jack built the whole cabin himself? 你是要告诉我整个这栋小木屋是杰克独自盖起来的?麦克米伦高阶〔like〕You mean you're not going to smoke one or two, like after meals? 你是说要戒烟了,比如饭后抽一两支也免了? 英汉大词典〔manage〕I know you mean well, but I can manage by myself.我知道您是一番好意,不过我一个人能行。柯林斯高阶〔manage〕I know you mean well, but I can manage by myself.我知道你是好心, 但是我自己能应付。外研社新世纪〔meaning〕I don't quite get your meaning(= understand what you mean to say).我不太明白你要说的意思。牛津高阶〔mean〕Do you mean you've changed or Chris has changed? 你是说你变了还是克里斯变了?朗文当代〔mean〕I know what you mean.我知道你的意思。文馨英汉〔mean〕What do you mean by calling me at this time of night? 你这么晚打电话给我是什么意思?朗文当代〔mean〕What do you mean by that remark? 你那话是什么意思?剑桥高阶〔mean〕What do you mean by that? 你那样是什么意思?朗文当代〔mean〕What do you mean you can't find the keys? 找不到钥匙,你什么意思?麦克米伦高阶〔mean〕What do you mean, you thought I wouldn't mind?(= of course I mind and I am very angry) 你这是什么意思?你以为我不会在意吗?牛津高阶〔now〕Now what do you mean by it? 嗳,你这是什么意思? 英汉大词典〔performance〕What did you mean by that performance at the restaurant? 你在餐馆里做出那种样子是什么意思? 英汉大词典〔remote〕I haven't the remotest idea what you mean.我一点都不明白你是什么意思。朗文当代〔riddle〕Stop talking in riddles(= saying things that are confusing)—say what you mean.别拐弯抹角了,有话直说。牛津高阶〔say〕Say what you mean clearly and simply.请简明扼要地说明你的意思。英汉大词典〔see〕I can see what you mean.我明白你的意思。牛津同义词〔see〕I see what you mean.我明白你的意思。外研社新世纪〔should〕What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There should be twelve.你是什么意思,只有十张票?应该有十二张才对。朗文当代〔that beats everything〕You mean she just left her job without telling anyone she was going? Well, that beats everything! 你是说她刚刚离职却没有告诉任何人她要走了?嗬,这可真是怪事!剑桥高阶〔t〕I haven't any idea what you mean.我一点儿也不懂你的意思。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕A: I can't help you, I'm afraid. B: You mean you won't. A: Have it your own way.甲:恐怕我帮不了你的忙。乙:你这是不愿意帮忙。甲:你爱怎么说就怎么说吧。 英汉大词典〔whatever〕Whatever do you mean by that? 你说这话究竟是什么意思?英汉大词典〔what〕What do you mean, you want to spend Christmas alone? 你是什么意思,你想一个人过圣诞节?朗文当代〔what〕What! You mean he can't read or write? 什么!你的意思是说他既不会读书也不会写字?麦克米伦高阶〔with〕I'm not with you. Tell me what you mean.我不明白你说的话,告诉我你是什么意思。柯林斯高阶〔with〕Yes, I know who you mean. Yes, now I'm with you.是的,我知道你说的是谁。是的,我现在明白你的意思了。柯林斯高阶〔you〕What did you mean by that? 你那么说是什么意思?韦氏高阶I know precisely what you mean.我完全明白你的意思。剑桥国际




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