

单词 you can
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ASK〕to ask if you can do something 请求对方允许你做某事朗文写作活用〔BORROW〕to pay money so that you can borrow and use something 出钱租用某物朗文写作活用〔FAR〕when something you can see or hear is far away 可看到或听到的东西在远处朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕when the time in which you can use tickets etc finishes 票等的有效期已过朗文写作活用〔HEAR〕when you can hear something or someone 能听见某物或某人的声音朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕a place where you can hide 可以藏身的地点朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕to know something so well you can repeat it from memory 非常熟悉某事以至于能够背诵朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕to learn something so that you can remember it exactly 记住某事物朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕when there are limits on what you can do 所能做的事情有限度朗文写作活用〔SEE〕something you can see through 透明的东西朗文写作活用〔SIT〕a place where you can sit 一个能坐的地方朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕when you can be sure that someone will do what you want 可以相信某人会做你希望的事朗文写作活用〔TRY〕to try as hard as you can 尽力尝试朗文写作活用〔album〕an online album(= a website where you can store and view photographs) 网上相册(可贮存和观看照片的网站)牛津高阶〔album〕an online album(= an album that you can listen to on the Internet) 网上专辑牛津高阶〔beat〕a song with a beat you can dance to 可以跟着节奏跳舞的一首歌曲朗文当代〔catch〕a restaurant where you can sample the day's catch 可品尝当天捕获鲜鱼的一家餐馆牛津搭配〔colour〕a colouring book(= with pictures that you can add colour to) 涂色画册牛津高阶〔compost〕potting compost(= a mixture of soil and compost that you can buy to grow new plants in) 盆栽混合肥料牛津高阶〔cost price〕a factory shop where you can buy very fashionable shoes at cost price.以成本价出售非常时尚的鞋子的厂家直营店柯林斯高阶〔cost price〕a factory shop where you can buy very fashionable shoes at cost price顾客能以成本价买到时尚鞋子的一家厂家直销店外研社新世纪〔disturbance〕a place where you can work without disturbance 你可以不受干扰安心工作的地方牛津搭配〔duvet〕a duvet cover(= a cover that you can wash, that you put over a duvet) 羽绒被套牛津高阶〔electronic〕an electronic organizer (=a small piece of electronic equipment that you can use to record addresses, phone numbers etc) 电子记事本朗文当代〔from〕a place where you can buy anything from a handgun to a rocket launcher 从手枪到火箭发射器都能买到的一个地方朗文当代〔get〕the diet that is as near to perfect as you can get最接近完美的饮食外研社新世纪〔glam up〕a bag you can use to dress down a groovy gown or glam up jeans, T-shirt, and heels可以使时髦礼服更显随意, 或者让牛仔裤、T恤衫以及高跟鞋更加出彩的包外研社新世纪〔hack〕only if you think you can hack it除非你认为你能应付得了外研社新世纪〔hide away〕log cabins where you can hide away from the world可容你避世藏身的小木屋外研社新世纪〔identifiable〕if there is a clearly identifiable cause of stress in your life and there is nothing you can do to get rid of it.如果你生活中有清晰可辨的压力来源,而你对此却无能为力柯林斯高阶〔insult〕one of the worst insults you can throw at somebody 能够加诸他人的最恶毒的侮辱之一牛津搭配〔lean〕the leanest ground beef you can get.买得到的最瘦的碎牛肉柯林斯高阶〔listener〕a good listener(= sb who you can rely on to listen with attention or sympathy) 认真倾听的人牛津高阶〔muster up〕if you can muster up the courage to make the change如果你能鼓足勇气作出改变的话外研社新世纪〔other〕the other side/end/direction etc You can park on the other side of the street.你可以在街对面停车。朗文当代〔paddle〕a lovely little stream that you can paddle in.能够在其中戏水的美丽的小溪柯林斯高阶〔pick〕a market where you can pick up some amazing bargains 一个可以买到非常廉价的便宜货的市场麦克米伦高阶〔pinpoint〕if you can pinpoint exactly what the anger is about.如果你能确切地解释愤怒从何而来柯林斯高阶〔plate〕a restaurant where you can eat the most delicious dishes (NOT plates) you can imagine 一家可以尝到你能想到的最美味菜肴的餐馆朗文当代〔root〕root crops/vegetables(= plants whose roots you can eat, such as carrots) 根茎作物╱蔬菜牛津高阶〔schmooze〕those coffee houses where you can schmooze for hours.那些可以在里面闲聊上好几个小时的咖啡屋柯林斯高阶〔sit through〕movies so bad you can hardly bear to sit through them.糟得叫人很难耐着性子看完的影片柯林斯高阶〔southern〕a place where you can sample southern cuisine.可以品尝到南方美食的地方柯林斯高阶〔stick〕a man with more medals than you can shake a stick at拥有很多奖章的人外研社新世纪〔stocking〕trinkets you can use to fill a Christmas stocking 可以用来填充圣诞袜的小饰物牛津搭配〔tactile〕tactile maps(= that you can touch and feel) 触摸地图牛津高阶〔thing〕a thing you can touch or hold.能触摸或握住的东西。牛津同义词〔underwater〕an underwater camera (= a camera that you can use underwater) 水下摄像机剑桥高阶a password-protected website (= one you can only visit if you know the right code) 受密码保护的网站牛津商务sales of prescription drugs (= drugs you can only buy with a written order from a doctor) 处方药销售牛津商务




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