

单词 不公正的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIGHT〕Children are often powerless to fight back when they are treated unfairly. 孩子们受到不公正的待遇时,通常无力反抗。朗文写作活用〔McCarthyism〕The use of unfair investigatory or accusatory methods in order to suppress opposition.极端反共运动:为压制反对意见而采取的不公正的调查或指控手段美国传统〔PRISON〕Thousands of political prisoners remain imprisoned, frequently as a result of unfair trials. 经常由于不公正的审判,成千上万名政治犯一直被关在监狱里。朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕They didn't mind breaking the law because they believed the law was unjust. 他们无所谓违不违法,因为他们觉得法律是不公正的。朗文写作活用〔account〕They were treated badly on account of their beliefs.他们因为自己的信仰而受到了不公正的待遇。韦氏高阶〔accuse〕He was unjustly accused.他受到了不公正的指责。韦氏高阶〔arm against〕Let us arm against injustice.让我们防止不公正的行为。21世纪英汉〔badly〕I would like to know why we pensioners are being so badly treated.我想知道为什么我们这些领养老金的人受到这么不公正的对待。外研社新世纪〔balance〕The subject has received too little attention, but Prof. Brown's new book will help to redress the balance.回到平衡的局面;改变不公正的局面麦克米伦高阶〔beat up on sb〕She didn’t like being beaten up on by the press.在媒体上受到不公正的抨击,她很不高兴。剑桥高阶〔below-the-belt〕We want to see an end to this kind of below-the-belt discrimination.我们希望消除这种不公正的歧视。外研社新世纪〔belt〕That was distinctly below the belt! 那显然是不公正的!牛津高阶〔bottom〕The injustice was terrible. There seemed to be no bottom to it.不公正的情况实在骇人,而且看上去没完没了。英汉大词典〔bum rap〕She thinks motorboats get a bum rap from environmentalists.她认为摩托艇遭到了环保主义者不公正的指责。韦氏高阶〔call〕I really don't think that remark was called for! 不合适的;不公正的麦克米伦高阶〔cheap shot〕An unfair or unsporting verbal attack on a vulnerable target.暗算:对脆弱目标不公正的或不正大光明的言辞攻击美国传统〔close〕Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: 'I have closed the case. There was no foul play.'伊莎贝尔·奥利瓦法官昨晚说:“我已经结案。没有发现不公正的行为。”外研社新世纪〔connive〕She knew that if she said nothing she would be conniving in an injustice.她知道她如果什么也不说就是在纵容不公正的行为。牛津高阶〔constitute〕He is so constituted that he can accept unjust criticism without getting angry.他生来就是那种能忍受不公正的批评而不发火的人。英汉大词典〔cry out against〕We should cry out against injustice and cruelty wherever we find it.不管在哪里, 只要发现不公正的现象和暴行, 我们就应该抗议。外研社新世纪〔deal with〕He was able to deal with his captivity by maintaining a high degree of anger about the unfairness of his capture.他对自己不公正的被俘极为怨愤,正是这股怨愤使他得以熬过囚禁生涯。柯林斯高阶〔deal〕Women tend to get a raw deal from employers.女性常常受到雇主不公正的对待。朗文当代〔demote〕He is seeking redress for what he alleges was an unfair demotion.他要求纠正他所声称的不公正的降级这一错误。柯林斯高阶〔discriminate〕It is unjust to discriminate against people of other races.歧视其他种族的人是不公正的。英汉大词典〔dismiss〕The court ruled that Ms Hill had been unfairly dismissed.法庭裁定解雇希尔女士是不公正的。牛津搭配〔exaction〕Excessive or unjust demand; extortion.强索:过分的或不公正的要求;勒索美国传统〔example〕The report highlights a number of instances of injustice.这篇报道重点列举了一些不公正的实例。牛津高阶〔fair〕It is not fair to attack his personal life in this way.用这种方式攻击他的个人生活是不公正的。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕Rioting followed the unjust verdict.这个不公正的裁决引发了暴乱。韦氏高阶〔freedom〕We demand freedom from injustice/persecution (= the condition of not having to suffer these things).我们要求摆脱不公正的待遇/迫害。剑桥高阶〔gave her the shaft〕He got promoted and she got the shaft.他得到了提拔,而她却受到了不公正的待遇。韦氏高阶〔gerrymander〕To divide (a geographic area) into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in elections.不公正划分选区:在选举中为让某党派有不公正的好处而(把一个地理区域)划分成选区美国传统〔grievous〕He had been the victim of a grievous injustice.他曾遭受极不公正的待遇。牛津高阶〔hack off〕It really hacks me off to see people treated so unfairly.看见有人遭受这么不公正的待遇真让我气愤。韦氏高阶〔hell-bent〕Don had been wronged and he was hell-bent on revenge.唐受到了不公正的对待, 决心要报复。外研社新世纪〔hero〕He had dared to speak out against injustice, and overnight he became a national hero .他敢于站出来抨击不公正的现象,一夜之间就成了民族英雄。朗文当代〔hysteria〕Wartime hysteria led to many unfair accusations of treachery.战时的失控情绪导致了许多不公正的叛变指控。韦氏高阶〔inequitable〕Not equitable; unfair.不公平的;不公正的美国传统〔iniquitous〕Characterized by iniquity; wicked.不公正的;邪恶的美国传统〔iniquity〕They fought long and hard against the iniquities of apartheid.他们为反抗不公正的种族隔离进行了长期艰苦的斗争。剑桥高阶〔injustice〕A specific unjust act; a wrong.不公正的行为:一项不公正的行动;一个错误美国传统〔injustice〕The monstrous injustice of his words took her breath away.他那荒谬且不公正的言辞使她目瞪口呆。麦克米伦高阶〔injustice〕The trial was regarded as the greatest injustice of the post-war criminal justice system.那次审判被认为是战后刑事司法体系中最不公正的一次。牛津搭配〔instance〕The report highlights a number of instances of injustice.这篇报道重点列举了一些不公正的实例。牛津高阶〔invidious〕Police officers fear invidious comparisons.警官担心会进行不公正的比较。柯林斯高阶〔invidious〕Police officers fear invidious comparisons.警察们害怕的是不公正的比较。外研社新世纪〔justice〕His attitude does not do justice to the debate.他对这场辩论的态度是不公正的。麦克米伦高阶〔kangaroo court〕A court characterized by dishonesty or incompetence.不公正的法庭;法律上无资格的法庭美国传统〔liberty〕Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.自由:从不公正的或非法的政府控制下解放出来美国传统〔on〕The attacks on Walters in the newspaper have been entirely unfair.报纸上对沃尔特斯的攻击完全是不公正的。麦克米伦高阶〔penalize〕He claims that he was unfairly penalized.他声称受到了不公正的处罚。牛津搭配〔pursue〕I feel I have been treated wrongly and I intend to pursue the matter.我觉得我受到了不公正的对待并打算对此追究到底。麦克米伦高阶〔qualification〕The qualification of his policy as opportunist is unfair.把他的政策称为机会主义是不公正的。英汉大词典〔rap〕Cleveland always gets a bum rap in the press.克利夫兰总是受到新闻界不公正的对待。朗文当代〔rap〕Wolves get a bad rap, says a woman who owns three.“狼的名声不好,这是不公正的。”一名养着三只狼的女人说。牛津高阶〔raw〕I think women have a raw deal.我认为妇女受到了不公正的待遇。柯林斯高阶〔raw〕Older workers often get a raw deal.年纪大的工人经常受到不公正的对待。牛津高阶〔raw〕Some children are getting a raw deal from these schools.这些学校的一些孩子正在受到不公正的对待。麦克米伦高阶〔reform〕Who will reform our unfair electoral system? 谁将改革我们不公正的选举制度呢?剑桥高阶〔remedy〕We have exhausted all possible legal remedies for this injustice.为了纠正这一不公正的行为,我们已经采取了一切法律手段。剑桥高阶〔rightly〕They have been treated badly, and they are rightly upset.他们受到了不公正的对待,生气是有道理的。朗文当代〔right〕I don't believe they should have put him in prison. It isn't right.我觉得他们不应该把他关进监狱,这是不公正的。剑桥高阶〔rise against〕Finally they rose against the unjust treatment.他们终于起来反对这种不公正的待遇。21世纪英汉〔rough〕England have had a rough deal from referees in this tournament.英格兰队在本届大赛中受到了裁判不公正的判罚。外研社新世纪〔rudely〕Unfair bosses and rude customers make us unhappy on the job.不公正的老板和粗鲁的顾客让我们工作起来很不愉快。柯林斯高阶〔scene〕The unjust peace agreement set the scene for another war.这项不公正的和平协议导致了另一场战争。英汉大词典〔shabby〕It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment.真搞不懂为什么这个人就该受到如此不公正的待遇。柯林斯高阶〔slam〕The council was slammed for its unfair selection procedure.委员会因其不公正的选拔程序而受到猛烈抨击。朗文当代〔spurious〕Quite a lot of allegations of misjustice are spurious.有关不公正的指控有不少是毫无根据的。外研社新世纪〔spurious〕Quite a lot of allegations of misjustice are spurious.有关不公正的指控有不少是虚假的。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕The sailors struck sails in protest of grievances.水手们降下篷帆以抗议不公正的待遇。英汉大词典〔strongly〕It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain's iniquitous campaign.它言辞激烈地谴责了这场它所谓的英国极不公正的竞选活动。柯林斯高阶〔treatment〕You shouldn't put up with such shabby treatment.你不应该忍受如此不公正的对待。牛津搭配〔unequally〕The victims were treated unequally.受害者受到了不公正的对待。外研社新世纪〔unfair〕They had been given an unfair advantage.他们得到了不公正的好处。牛津高阶〔unjustly〕She was unjustly accused of stealing money and then given the sack.她受到不公正的指控,说她窃取钱财,随后即遭解雇。柯林斯高阶〔unjust〕The convict received an unjust sentence.这名罪犯受到了不公正的判决。韦氏高阶〔unjust〕The government ought not to enforce unjust laws.政府不应该让不公正的法律付诸实施。外研社新世纪〔unjust〕They should repeal this unjust law.他们应该废除这条不公正的法律。剑桥高阶〔unrighteous〕Not right or fair; unjust.不正确的或不公平的;不公正的美国传统〔wrong〕An unjust or injurious act.不公平或不公正的行为美国传统〔wrong〕Unfair; unjust.不公平的;不公正的美国传统Channel 4 is running a series on the unfairness of the legal system.第4频道正播出关于法律制度不公正的系列片。剑桥国际He believes that the West has created unfair myths of the Orient.他认为西方人编造了不公正的东方神话。剑桥国际He had gained himself a reputation for unfairness. 他使自己得到了一个不公正的名声。译典通He said that many children in the city's schools were getting/being given a raw deal by being taught in classes that were too large.他说城内学校的许多孩子因为在过大的班里受教育而正受到不公正的对待。剑桥国际Her complaint was unjustly dealt with.她的抱怨受到了不公正的对待。剑桥国际I knew I had wronged her by saying she was unfit for the job.我知道我说她不适合这一工作是不公正的。剑桥国际It is an iniquitous system that allows a person to die because they have no money to pay for medicine.因付不起医药费就让一个人去死,是极不公正的制度。剑桥国际It was an injustice she felt keenly ( = very strongly).她强烈地感觉到这是件不公正的事情。剑桥国际Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。译典通Richardson, the company director, claimed the criticism was unwarranted and unjust.公司经理理查森声称批评是无根据的、不公正的。剑桥国际She has been the victim of a series of completely unjustified calumnies.她成了一连串极不公正的诽谤的牺牲品。剑桥国际She spoke out about the shabby way the case had been handled.她揭露了对这件案子不公正的处理方式。剑桥国际The accusation of elitism seems unfair as the festival presents a wide range of music, with something to please everyone.指责音乐节只服务于少数精英是不公正的,因为演奏的音乐种类很多,对每个人的口味都有所照顾。剑桥国际The sight of people suffering arouses a deep sense of injustice in her.看到人们在受苦激起了她对不公正的强烈反感。剑桥国际They behaved pusillanimously in allowing such injustice to go unchallenged.他们优柔寡断,不敢阻止如此不公正的行为。剑桥国际They refused to submit to the unjust decision. 他们拒绝服从这个不公正的决定。译典通They regained their freedom after ten years of unjust imprisonment.在十年不公正的囚禁生活之后,他们重获自由。剑桥国际They thought it was unfair that some people who served on juries were penalized (= put in a disadvantageous situtation) by not being paid by their employer.他们认为,一些人作了陪审团成员,雇主就不支付他们报酬,这种待遇是不公正的。剑桥国际




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