

单词 不入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALONE〕In high school she felt somehow different and alienated from other students. 中学的时候,她总觉得自己与别人不同,和别的同学格格不入。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕To many young people, the church seems outdated and irrelevant to modern times. 在许多年轻人看来,教会已过时了,与现代社会格格不入。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕From the moment she first joined the company, Sally just didn't belong. 萨莉从第一天到公司来上班的时候起就与别人格格不入。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Ben was the only bachelor among all the married couples and felt quite out of place. 在那么多的已婚夫妇中,本是唯一的单身汉,所以觉得很格格不入。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕After we got married, we realized we were completely incompatible. 我们婚后发现我俩完全格格不入。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕I felt slightly out of place, and was conscious that my jacket and trousers didn't quite match. 我觉得有点格格不入,意识到我的外套和裤子不是很配。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕The town is surrounded by large, unattractive housing estates that nobody wants to live in. 这个小镇四周都是不入眼的大型住宅区,没有人想住在里面。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕He's always blamed his parents for turning him into a social misfit. 他总是责怪父母把他变成一个与社会格格不入的人。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕In her old jeans and college sweater, Sarah looked a little out of place in the foyer of the Grand Hotel. 萨拉穿着旧牛仔裤和印着校名的套头毛衣,在格兰德酒店的门厅里看上去有点格格不入。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕Leary later went to Beverly Hills High School, but he felt out of place among the rich kids. 利里后来进了贝弗利山高中,但是他觉得自己在那些富家子弟中显得格格不入。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕The Christmas decorations looked somehow out of place in Waikiki. 不知为什么圣诞装饰看上去与怀基基海滩格格不入。朗文写作活用〔alienated〕Parents sometimes feel alienated from their children's lifestyles.父母有时觉得和子女的生活方式格格不入。外研社新世纪〔alienate〕He felt that his experiences had alienated him from society.他感到自己的经历令他与社会格格不入。朗文当代〔alienate〕Her position on this issue has alienated her from many voters.她在此问题上的立场使她与许多选民格格不入。韦氏高阶〔alienate〕The company fears noisy brightly-lit shops are alienating older customers.公司担心喧闹而灯火通明的商店会让老顾客感觉格格不入。麦克米伦高阶〔alienate〕Very talented children may feel alienated from the others in t heir class.天才出众的孩子可能觉得与班上的同学格格不入。牛津高阶〔alienation〕Depressed people frequently feel a sense of alienation from those around them.情绪抑郁的人经常有与周围人格格不入的感觉。剑桥高阶〔anachronism〕He's an old-fashioned politician who is seen by many of his colleagues as an anachronism.他是个老派的政治家,许多同事觉得他和时代格格不入。韦氏高阶〔answer〕They will never invade any country except in answer to the aggressor.除非为了反击侵略者,他们将永远不入侵任何国家。英汉大词典〔belong〕I don't feel as if I belong here.我在这里感觉格格不入。牛津高阶〔belong〕I felt I did not belong among these people.我感到同这些人格格不入。英汉大词典〔belong〕The student felt he did not belong among the workers.这名学生觉得他与工人们格格不入。21世纪英汉〔compatible〕Marriage and the life I live just don't seem compatible.婚姻同我现在的生活似乎格格不入。外研社新世纪〔compatible〕Such policies are not compatible with democratic government.此类政策与民主政体格格不入。剑桥高阶〔disconnected〕Americans often seem disconnected from their government.美国人常常显得与政府格格不入。外研社新世纪〔element〕She was out of her element on the farm.她在农场感到格格不入。英汉大词典〔fish〕With these people he'd feel like a fish out of water.与这些人在一起,他会感到格格不入。英汉大词典〔foreign〕Jealousy is foreign to her nature.妒忌与她的天性格格不入美国传统〔forlorn〕She didn't belong, and felt utterly forlorn.她与周围的人格格不入,感到完全孤立无助。牛津搭配〔grain〕Their policy goes against the grain of public opinion.他们的政策与民意格格不入。外研社新世纪〔hacker〕My friends and I have been playing golf for years, but we're still just a bunch of hackers.我和几个朋友打高尔夫很多年了,可我们都还是些不入流的球手。韦氏高阶〔ideologically〕Ideologically, there was nothing in common between them.他们在思想观念上格格不入。柯林斯高阶〔ill〕This policy sat ill with her commitment to revolutionary radicalism.这项政策与她对革命激进主义的承诺格格不入。外研社新世纪〔incongruent〕Violence is incongruent with our values and legal system.暴力与我们的价值和司法体系格格不入。剑桥高阶〔incongruity〕The incongruity of her situation struck Gina with unpleasant force.吉娜猛然意识到自己与环境格格不入,心里很不舒服。朗文当代〔incongruous〕His gestures seemed incongruous to what he was.他的举手投足似乎跟他的职业身份格格不入。英汉大词典〔incongruous〕Such traditional methods seem incongruous in our technical age.此类传统方法似乎同我们今天的科技时代格格不入。牛津高阶〔incongruous〕The new theatre looks utterly incongruous in its setting.这座新剧院和周围的环境完全格格不入。朗文当代〔inhospitable〕A world which others can dominate with impunity would be inhospitable to decency.一个听任他人恣意称霸逞强的世界是同礼尚准则格格不入的。英汉大词典〔intrusive〕Intrusive reporters disturbed their privacy.无孔不入的记者侵扰了他们的隐私。韦氏高阶〔invulnerable〕Achilles was invulnerable except for his heel.除脚踵外,阿喀琉斯刀枪不入。英汉大词典〔irreconcilable〕These old concepts are irreconcilable with modern life.这些老观念和现代生活格格不入。外研社新世纪〔irreconcilable〕These old concepts are irreconcilable with modern life.这些陈旧的观念与现代生活格格不入。柯林斯高阶〔kilter〕He was out of kilter with his generation.他跟自己的同时代人格格不入。英汉大词典〔kilter〕Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.她的生活方式与她的政治活动格格不入。柯林斯高阶〔kilter〕Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.她的生活方式和政治主张格格不入。外研社新世纪〔kilter〕This government is totally out of kilter with the rest of the country.这个政府与其国民完全格格不入。麦克米伦高阶〔mark off〕The traditionalist influences within the navy marked it off as a rather old-fashioned institution.传统势力在海军内部的影响使其极其守旧, 显得格格不入外研社新世纪〔mesh〕His own ideas did not mesh with the views of the party.他自己的主张和该政党的观点格格不入。朗文当代〔misfit〕I have been made to feel a misfit for not wanting children.因为不想要孩子, 我觉得自己与周围的人格格不入。外研社新世纪〔misfit〕I have been made to feel a social and psychological misfit for not wanting children.因为不想要孩子,让我感到自己在社会和心理上与别人格格不入。柯林斯高阶〔misfit〕Oswald was a loner and a social misfit.奥斯瓦德独来独往, 与社会格格不入。外研社新世纪〔odd〕At school he was always the odd man out.在学校里他总是与别人格格不入。牛津高阶〔odd〕I was always the odd one out at school.在学校里我总是跟同学格格不入。朗文当代〔opposing〕Throughout the negotiations Hurst and Jevons took opposing views.整个会谈过程中,赫斯特和杰文斯的观点一直格格不入。朗文当代〔ostracize〕The other girls ostracized her because of the way she dressed.因为她的衣着与别人格格不入,其他女孩子都疏远她。韦氏高阶〔otherness〕In the film, he is able to depict the sense of otherness and alienation that many teenagers feel.在这部电影中,他能表现出许多青少年所感受到的另类和格格不入的感觉。剑桥高阶〔out of place〕She wouldn't look out of place on the cover of a fashion magazine.她的形象在时装杂志的封面上不会看起来格格不入。韦氏高阶〔out of place〕Their modern style home seems oddly out of place among the town's old farmhouses.他们的现代风格的家似乎和镇上古老的农舍格格不入。韦氏高阶〔out of step〕She's out of step with current fashion.她和当前的时尚格格不入。韦氏高阶〔oversell〕Hotels routinely oversell their rooms, expecting a small percentage of no-shows.预计有少部分预订但不入住的情况,宾馆一般都会超售客房。韦氏高阶〔personality clash〕There's a real personality clash between two of the directors.其中两位董事个性格格不入。剑桥高阶〔place〕He never seemed to feel out of place at social functions.社交聚会时他似乎从不觉得自己格格不入。朗文当代〔place〕I felt completely out of place among all these successful people.夹在这些事业有成的人中间我觉得自己格格不入。牛津高阶〔plebeian〕He spent all day playing rackets on the beach, a plebeian sport if there ever was one.他一整天都在海滩玩壁球, 再没有比这更不入流的运动了。外研社新世纪〔plebeian〕He spent all day playing rackets on the beach, a plebeian sport if there ever was one.他一整天都在海滩玩壁球,再没有比这更不入流的运动了。柯林斯高阶〔rag〕There was a report in the local rag about it.当地不入流的小报报道了此事。麦克米伦高阶〔sense〕We felt a profound sense of alienation from Western culture.我们深深感到与西方文化格格不入。牛津搭配〔square peg (in a round hole)〕He never quite fitted in when he was working here - he was always a bit of a square peg.他在这儿工作时一直都没完全适应——总有点儿格格不入的。剑桥高阶〔step〕He is out of step with modern life.他与现代生活格格不入。英汉大词典〔step〕The Republicans are out of step with the country, Williams said.威廉姆斯说,共和党人和国民的立场格格不入。剑桥高阶〔step〕The result has left America out of step with the rest of the world.结果使得美国与世界其他地区格格不入。外研社新世纪〔strange〕Many consider Berlioz's compositions to be innovative but eccentric.许多人认为柏辽兹的作品富有创新力,但与习俗格格不入。美国传统〔such〕I always feel so out of place, what with all this talk about computers and such.所有关于电脑以及诸如此类东西的谈论总让我觉得格格不入。麦克米伦高阶〔temperament〕His silent temperament has kept him apart from his colleagues.他那沉默寡言的性格使自己与同事们格格不入。英汉大词典〔third-rate〕I don't want to work for some third-rate company.我不想为不入流的公司工作。剑桥高阶〔thought〕Such doctrine may seem foreign to our thought.这种学说可能显得和我们的思想格格不入。英汉大词典〔trifle〕His uniform made him look a trifle out of place.他的制服让他看起来有些格格不入。柯林斯高阶〔tuneless〕He did a little dance and sang a tuneless, improvised song.他蹦跶几下跳了一个舞,又即兴唱了一支不入调的歌。英汉大词典〔tune〕He doesn't sing in tune.他唱歌不入调。英汉大词典〔tune〕He's not very well tuned in to his surroundings.他和周围的环境有些格格不入。英汉大词典〔uneasily〕Democracy often sits uneasily with entrepreneurial flair.民主与创业天赋往往格格不入。外研社新世纪〔uneasy〕Charles'concern for the environment sits uneasily with (=does not fit well with) his collection of powerful cars.查尔斯拥有很多大功率汽车,这与他对环境的担忧格格不入。朗文当代〔uneasy〕His socialist views sit uneasily with his huge fortune.他拥有大量财富,这与他的社会主义观点格格不入。牛津高阶〔unfashionable〕He wears his blonde hair unfashionably long.他留着金色的长发,很不入时。柯林斯高阶〔unfashionably〕He wears his blonde hair unfashionably long.他很不入时地把金发留得很长。外研社新世纪〔work in〕This doesn't work in with our plans to reorganize the department.这与我们重组部门的计划格格不入。外研社新世纪〔work〕The dust has worked in everywhere.灰尘无孔不入到处都是。英汉大词典A couple of townies walked into the village pub, looking very out of place in their smart suits.几个城里人走进乡村酒馆,因为西装革履看上去格格不入。剑桥国际A person out of tune with his surroundings is unhappy. 一个与环境格格不入的人是不会快乐的。译典通At college I became a social misfit because I didn't like going out in the evenings.在学院的时候我成了一个与周围环境格格不入的人,因为我不喜欢在晚上外出。剑桥国际He felt he did not belong among those people. 他感到他和那些人格格不入。译典通He is just a two-bit gangster. 他只是一个不入流的流氓。译典通He was out of his element at the ball. 他在舞会上感到格格不入。译典通Her behavior is alien to our ethical values. 她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。译典通His brother is a politician of the worst stripe. 他的兄弟属于最不入流的政客。译典通She is just a two-bit whore. 她只是一个不入流的娼妓。译典通She is out of step with modern life. 她与现代生活格格不入。译典通The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English.瑞典人不是惟一发现自己语言受到无孔不入的英语的压力的。剑桥国际The boy looked uncomfortable and out of place among the adults.在大人中间那个男孩显得既不舒服又格格不入。剑桥国际




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