

单词 不偏
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔balanced〕a balanced argument.不偏不倚的论点。牛津同义词〔balance〕a balanced point of view 不偏不倚的观点英汉大词典〔candid〕a candid observer 不偏不倚的观察家英汉大词典〔detached〕a detached point of view.不偏不倚的观点。牛津同义词〔detached〕a detached view 不偏不倚的观点英汉大词典〔disinterested〕a disinterested onlooker/spectator 不偏不倚的旁观者╱观众牛津高阶〔even-handed〕in an effort to appear even-handed努力想表现得不偏不倚外研社新世纪〔even-handed〕the carefully modulated even-handedness which is the hallmark of the Queen's public utterances. 女王公众发言中标志性的措辞严谨、不偏不倚柯林斯高阶〔evenhanded〕an evenhanded policy 不偏不倚的政策英汉大词典〔favoritism〕without favoritism for any one 不偏袒任何人文馨英汉〔favoritism〕without favoritism toward those who have money 不偏袒有钱人文馨英汉〔flush〕hit sb. flush on the chin 不偏不倚打中某人的下巴英汉大词典〔impartiality〕with impartiality 不偏不倚地文馨英汉〔impartial〕to give impartial advice 提出不偏不倚的建议牛津高阶〔neutrality〕speak with neutrality 不偏不倚地说英汉大词典〔nonpartisan〕a nonpartisan soccer audience 不偏不倚的足球观众英汉大词典〔perceptive〕a balanced and perceptive report 不偏不倚且富有洞察力的报告麦克米伦高阶〔plumb〕point plumb in the opposite direction 不偏不倚地指向相反方向英汉大词典〔side〕not to take sides in the dispute 在争论中不偏袒任何一方 英汉大词典〔spang〕fell spang into the middle of the puddle. 不偏不倚正落到水坑里美国传统〔straight〕a straight punch to the face 不偏不倚打在脸上的一拳牛津高阶〔true〕spoke of probity in the truest sense of the word. 毫不偏颇的说出正直的含义美国传统〔unbiased〕an unbiased opinion 不偏不倚的观点剑桥高阶〔unbiased〕an unbiased opinion.不偏不倚的见解。牛津同义词〔unprejudiced〕the unprejudiced view of the judge 法官不偏不倚的观点英汉大词典




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