

单词 万分
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔acute〕acute embarrassment 万分的尴尬朗文当代〔amazement〕be filled with amazement 感到万分惊奇英汉大词典〔a〕a millionth 百万分之一文馨英汉〔a〕a millionth 百万分之一英汉大词典〔concentration〕a concentration of one part per million 百万分之一的浓度剑桥高阶〔desolation〕a feeling of utter desolation 万分凄凉之感剑桥高阶〔electrify〕a powerful performance that electrified the audience. 强有力的表演使观众万分兴奋美国传统〔fear〕be overcome with (或by) fear 恐惧万分英汉大词典〔frantic〕made a frantic last-minute search for the lost key. 对丢失的钥匙做最后的紧张万分的寻找美国传统〔glorious〕a truly glorious future 万分美好的将来朗文当代〔grief-stricken〕the grief-stricken family. 悲痛万分的家庭柯林斯高阶〔grief-stricken〕the grief-stricken family万分悲痛的家人外研社新世纪〔grief〕a huge outpouring of national grief for the victims of the shootings. 举国上下对枪击事件中的遇害者所表现出的万分悲痛之情柯林斯高阶〔grief〕a huge outpouring of national grief for the victims of the shootings举国上下对枪击受害者所表现的万分悲痛之情外研社新世纪〔inconsolable〕was inconsolable after his pet died. 宠物死了之后,他万分沮丧美国传统〔inflammation〕a state of extreme inflammation 激动万分的状态英汉大词典〔marrow〕frozen/chilled/scared to the marrow 寒冷彻骨的/惊恐万分的麦克米伦高阶〔millionth〕a millionth of a second 1秒钟的百万分之一英汉大词典〔millionth〕a millionth part 百万分之一英汉大词典〔millionth〕a millionth part百万分之一份外研社新世纪〔millionth〕a/one millionth of a second 百万分之一秒剑桥高阶〔millionth〕a/one millionth of a second 百万分之一秒牛津高阶〔millionth〕one ten millionth of an inch 1英寸的千万分之一英汉大词典〔ovation〕to give sb a huge/rapturous/rousing ovation 对某人万分的╱狂热的╱热烈的欢迎牛津高阶〔overtake〕be overtaken with surprise 惊奇万分英汉大词典〔panic〕a feeling of sheer panic (=complete panic) 惊恐万分的感觉朗文当代〔piercing〕a piercing moment of regret 感到后悔万分的时刻朗文当代〔scale〕a map on the scale of one-millionth 百万分之一比例的地图英汉大词典〔shame〕boil with shame at having failed in the examination 因考试不及格而万分羞愧英汉大词典〔witless〕drive sb. witless with anxiety 逼得某人焦虑万分而神经错乱英汉大词典




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