

单词 今天
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔afternoon〕this (tomorrow, yesterday) afternoon 今天(明天,昨天)下午英汉大词典〔afternoon〕this/yesterday/tomorrow afternoon 今天╱昨天╱明天下午牛津高阶〔after〕this after 今天下午英汉大词典〔come〕came across my old college roommate in town today. 今天在镇上遇到我大学的老同学美国传统〔day〕this day week 【英】下星期的今天;上星期的今天文馨英汉〔evening〕this (yesterday, tomorrow) evening 今天(昨天,明天)晚上英汉大词典〔exclusive of〕for five days exclusive of today 不包括今天还有五天韦氏高阶〔extrapolate〕to extrapolate from today's information从今天的信息对未来进行推断21世纪英汉〔forth〕from this [that] day forth 从今天[那天]以后文馨英汉〔fortnight〕a fortnight (from) today 从今天算起的两星期前(或后) 英汉大词典〔fortnight〕today (或this day) fortnight 两星期前(或后)的今天英汉大词典〔forward〕from this day forward 从今天起牛津高阶〔from〕thirty years from now (today) 从现在(今天)起30年英汉大词典〔front-page〕to frontpage the story today今天在头版刊登这个报道[亦作forntpage ]21世纪英汉〔high〕today's new highs and lows on the stock market 今天股市上新的最高和最低行情英汉大词典〔instant〕in this instant world of today 在今天这个瞬息万变的世界上英汉大词典〔judgment〕the judgment handed down today by the Supreme Court 最高法院今天宣布的判决麦克米伦高阶〔lead〕the lead on all today's front pages 今天所有报纸的头版新闻报道麦克米伦高阶〔memory〕the fresh memory of my momentous news this morning 对于今天上午和我有关的重大消息的清晰记忆牛津搭配〔openness〕an emergency session of the Russian Parliament due to open later this morning. 将于今天上午晚些时候召开的俄罗斯议会紧急会议柯林斯高阶〔paper〕today's edition of the paper 今天的报纸牛津搭配〔presage〕the dawn's loud chorus that seemed to presage a bright hot summer's day. 似乎预示着今天会是一个阳光灿烂的炎炎夏日的清晨嘹亮的鸟叫声柯林斯高阶〔profundity〕exchange such profundities as “Looks like rain today” 互道诸如“今天看来要下雨”之类的无聊话英汉大词典〔pronounce〕pronouncing on the issues of the day. 对今天的问题发表意见美国传统〔racing〕today's racing results 今天的赛马结果朗文当代〔round〕might go round to Nigel's this evening. 我今天晚上可能去奈杰尔家。朗文当代〔runner〕one of the fancied runners in today's race 今天赛跑中被认为会赢的运动员之一牛津搭配〔scan〕scan the headlines of today's newspaper 浏览今天报纸的大标题英汉大词典〔s〕today's paper 今天的报纸剑桥高阶〔the〕the Beijing of today今天的北京21世纪英汉〔this〕this day week 下[上]星期的今天文馨英汉〔this〕this morning (evening) 今天早上(晚上) 英汉大词典〔today〕in today's newspaper 在今天的报纸上文馨英汉〔today〕today's newspaper 今天的报纸英汉大词典〔twelvemonth〕this day twelvemonth 去年 (或明年) 的今天英汉大词典〔voyager〕fifteenth-century voyagers to the lands now called America and the Caribbean. 在15世纪到达今天被称为美洲和加勒比地区的航海家们柯林斯高阶〔week〕a week (from) today 下(或上)星期的今天英汉大词典〔week〕today (或this day) week 下(或上)星期的今天英汉大词典〔worth〕woe worth the day今天真倒霉21世纪英汉today's date 今天的日期牛津商务




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