

单词 上相
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-unfriendly〕Polly's patent camera-unfriendly glum expression.波莉特有的不上相的阴郁表情柯林斯高阶〔Bantu〕A member of any of a large number of linguistically related peoples of central and southern Africa.班图人:语言上相关联的中部和南部非洲的大量群族中的任何一员美国传统〔CHANCE〕It was pure chance that we ran into each other on the street. 我们在街上相遇纯属巧合。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕Voters traditionally believe that women are not as tough as men on crime and defense issues. 选民传统上相信女性在犯罪与防御问题上不如男性坚强。朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕The two met at a drunken party in college. 他俩是在大学里的一次狂饮聚会上相识的。朗文写作活用〔Hindi-Urdu〕Hindi and Urdu, viewed as essentially the same language with respect to their grammar and core vocabulary, though widely divergent in their literary forms.北印度语乌都语:北印度语及乌都语,由于其语法及主要词汇被视为实质上相同的语言,虽然两者文学形式上有着许多分歧美国传统〔INDEPENDENT〕My mom was in fact quite independent. She had always had a job and her own bank account. 我妈妈实际上相当独立。她一直有工作,一直有自己的银行账户。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕Although the fish have little external resemblance to each other, skeletally they are quite similar. 虽然这种鱼在外形上相互之间几乎没有相同的地方,但它们的骨骼很相似。朗文写作活用〔PAINT〕The walls were painted tomato red, with matching red drapes. 墙壁被粉刷成了番茄红,配上相配的红窗帘。朗文写作活用〔PART〕One of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they are often genetically similar. 自身免疫疾病的一个特点是遗传学上相似。朗文写作活用〔acquaintance〕They developed an acquaintance over the Internet.他们在因特网上相识。朗文当代〔acquainted〕We got acquainted at the conference(= met and started to get to know each other).我们在那次会议上相识了。牛津高阶〔adverse〕Archaic Placed opposite.【古语】 相反的:在位置上相反的美国传统〔anywhere〕He never travels anywhere without his camera.他去哪儿玩都要带上相机。麦克米伦高阶〔appropriately〕She met her husband, appropriately enough, at a wedding.机缘巧合,她与丈夫是在一次婚礼上相识的。韦氏高阶〔at〕We met at a party.我们在一次聚会上相遇。韦氏高阶〔awake〕To keep themselves awake (=stop themselves from going to sleep) they sat on the floor and told each other stories.为了不让自己睡着,他们坐在地板上相互讲故事。朗文当代〔blind〕Blind and sighted children should attend the same school.失明的孩子和视力正常的孩子应该上相同的学校。麦克米伦高阶〔cahoots〕A banker and a government minister were in cahoots over a property deal.一名银行家和一名政府部长在一桩房产交易上相互勾结。剑桥高阶〔click〕We met at a party and clicked immediately.我们在聚会上相识,一见如故。牛津高阶〔coincident〕The culture areas would be essentially coincident with language areas.文化区与语言区往往大体上相重合。英汉大词典〔collateral〕Coinciding in tendency or effect; concomitant or accompanying.附属的:在倾向或效果上相协调一致的;附属的或随从的美国传统〔collide〕A car and a van collided on the motorway.一辆汽车和一辆小型货车在高速公路上相撞了。朗文当代〔collide〕Two football players collided on the field.两名橄榄球运动员在球场上相撞。韦氏高阶〔collide〕Two football players collided with each other on the field.两名橄榄球运动员在球场上相撞。韦氏高阶〔compose〕Anthony walked away with his camera to compose a shot.安东尼带上相机出去进行摄影创作了。外研社新世纪〔compromise〕Unions and management seem ready to compromise on the level of the increase.工会和资方看来准备在工资提高的幅度上相互让步。牛津搭配〔conference〕We met at an international conference.我们在一次国际会议上相遇。牛津搭配〔conform〕To correspond in form or character; be similar.一致:在形式或特征上相符;相似美国传统〔consonant〕Corresponding or alike in sound, as words or syllables.谐音的:声音上相同或相似的,如词或音节美国传统〔coordinate〕One that is equal in importance, rank, or degree.同等的人或物:在重要性、等级或程度上相同的人或物美国传统〔corresponding〕Give each picture a number corresponding to its position on the page.按所在页面位置给每一幅画编上相对应的号码。牛津高阶〔cross〕John and I crossed in the street yesterday.昨天约翰与我在街上相遇。英汉大词典〔crown jewel〕Something felt to resemble the ceremonial jewels of a sovereign, as in brilliance.似御宝物品:感觉与国王的典礼用珠宝相似的物品,如在色泽上相似美国传统〔dance〕Your father and I met at a dance.你父亲和我是在一次舞会上相遇的。韦氏高阶〔document〕The relevant documents are enclosed for your information.附上相关文件以供参考。牛津搭配〔equal sign〕The symbol (=) used to indicate logical or mathematical equality.等号:用来指示逻辑或数学上相等的符号(=)美国传统〔equivalent〕Equal, as in value, force, or meaning.相等:在价值上、效果上、意义上相当、对等美国传统〔equivalent〕The German ‘Gymnasium’ is the closest equivalent to the grammar school in England.德语 Gymnasium 基本上相当于英格兰的文法学校。牛津高阶〔fall〕A sudden drop from a relatively erect to a less erect position.突然俯身低下:从垂直方向上相对高的位置降到低的位置美国传统〔get ... on〕They get on well at work but not privately.他们工作上相处融洽,但私交不怎么样。21世纪英汉〔grade〕The junction road crosses the streets at grade.这条公路与各条街道在同一水平面上相交。英汉大词典〔hologamous〕Of or relating to an organism whose germ cells morphologically resemble its somatic cells.全配子的:属于或有关体细胞和胚细胞结构上相似的有机体的美国传统〔homozygosis〕The union of genetically identical gametes, resulting in the formation of a homozygote.同性接合性:遗传上相同配子的结合导致纯合子的形成美国传统〔hour〕The project required long/endless hours of work.这个项目要花上相当长/没完没了的时间。韦氏高阶〔identical〕Having such a close similarity or resemblance as to be essentially equal or interchangeable.可互换的:十分类似或相象以至于本质上相等的或能互换的美国传统〔informality〕Eleanor enjoyed the relative informality of island life.埃莉诺喜欢岛上相对轻松随意的生活。柯林斯高阶〔informality〕Eleanor enjoyed the relative informality of island life.埃莉诺喜欢岛上相对闲适的生活。外研社新世纪〔intercommunion〕The practice by which members of different Christian denominations can receive Communion at one another's Eucharistic services or at a common service.不同教会间的相互交往:不同的基督教成员间在相互的圣餐仪式或普通仪式上相互交流的实践美国传统〔isometric〕Of or exhibiting equality in dimensions or measurements.等量的:体积或尺寸上相等的或显示相等的美国传统〔join〕Opposing armies joined battle on the plain.两军在平原上相遇作战美国传统〔keen on〕He's been very keen on her since they met at my party.自从他们在我的聚会上相识后,他就对她着了迷。韦氏高阶〔luncheon〕They met at a literary luncheon.他们在一次文学交流午宴上相识。牛津搭配〔meet〕They met at the party.他们在聚会上相遇。21世纪英汉〔mountain range〕A series of mountain ridges alike in form, direction, and origin.山脉:一系列在形状、方向和起源上相似的山脊美国传统〔once〕The women met at a party and became good friends at once.这两个女人在一次聚会上相识并很快成了好朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔overall〕My results were quite good overall.我的成绩总体上相当不错。外研社新世纪〔painlessly〕House-hunting is in fact relatively painless in this region.在这个地区找房子事实上相对比较容易。柯林斯高阶〔parity〕Equality, as in amount, status, or value.相等,等值:如在数量、地位或价值上相等美国传统〔photogenic〕I'm not very photogenic.我不大上相。牛津高阶〔photogenic〕I've got a million photos of my boy. He's very photogenic.我给儿子拍了无数张照片, 他非常上相。外研社新世纪〔photograph〕Cilla does not photograph well.席拉不上相。朗文当代〔photograph〕He photographs well while partially submerged in water.他半浸在水里的样子很上相。外研社新世纪〔photograph〕I always photograph badly.我照相老是照不好(指不上相)。21世纪英汉〔photograph〕She photographs well.她很上相美国传统〔photograph〕Some people just don't photograph well.有些人就是不上相。牛津高阶〔pod〕Something resembling a pod, as in compactness.荚状物:类似豆荚的物体,如在紧密程度上相似美国传统〔point〕Two lines cross at a point.两线在一点上相交。英汉大词典〔reception〕We met at a reception.我们在宴会上相遇。牛津搭配〔retarded〕Relatively slow in mental, emotional, or physical development.智力迟钝的,精神发育迟缓的:在精神、感情或体能发展上相对缓慢的美国传统〔same〕Similar in kind, quality, quantity, or degree.同种的:在种类、质量、数量或等级上相似的美国传统〔semantically〕The words are semantically related.这些词汇在语义上相互关联。韦氏高阶〔sequent〕Following in order or time; subsequent.相随的:顺序或时间上相接的;随后的美国传统〔shekel〕A gold or silver coin equal in weight to one of these units, especially the chief silver coin of the ancient Hebrews.谢克尔金银币:重量上相当于这些单位的一单位的金或银币,尤指古希伯来的主要银币美国传统〔shipboard〕They met on shipboard.他们在船上相遇。英汉大词典〔similar〕Although similar in appearance, the two breeds have some basic differences.尽管外形上相似,但这两个品种有着一些根本性的差异。麦克米伦高阶〔snuggle〕We snuggled up together on the couch.我们在沙发上相互依偎着。牛津搭配〔some〕It'll be some time before we meet again.我们要等上相当长的时间才能再见面。剑桥高阶〔space bar〕Computer Science A bar with a similar position on the keyboard of a terminal, used to move the cursor or execute a function in a program.【计算机科学】 空格键:计算机终端机键盘上相应位置的键,用于移动光标和执行程序功能美国传统〔system〕It would be no exaggeration to say that there has been a total lack of system, since the reformers have sought to reconcile basically conflicting ideals.说这是一种完全无秩序的状态根本不是在夸大其词, 因为改革者们在寻求调和本质上相矛盾的理想。外研社新世纪〔tael〕A monetary unit formerly used in China, equivalent in value to this weight of standard silver.银两:过去在中国使用的一种货币单位,价值上相当于这一重量的标准银块美国传统〔take〕To resemble in appearance, temperament, or character.相象:在相貌、脾气或性格上相似美国传统〔take〕Your boy friend does not take well.你的男朋友不上相。21世纪英汉〔tenace〕A combination of two high cards of the same suit separated by two degrees, such as the king and jack of hearts, especially in a bridge or whist hand.间张:同一花色中的两张在级别上相差两级的牌的组合,如红桃K和T,尤指在桥牌或惠斯特纸牌中美国传统〔throw〕They stood in the street throwing insults at each other.他们站在街上相互辱骂。麦克米伦高阶〔tongue and groove〕A joint made by fitting a tongue on the edge of a board into a matching groove on another board.舌榫,榫槽接合:将一块状物边缘上的舌片嵌入另一块状物上相对应的槽或沟美国传统〔trilogy〕A group of three dramatic or literary works related in subject or theme.三部曲:三部戏或三个文学作品组成的一组,在主题上相互联系美国传统〔vessel〕A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas.一艘摩洛哥渔船与一艘韩国货船在波涛汹涌的大海上相撞了。柯林斯高阶〔watchband〕A band of leather, cloth, metal, or plastic with an adjustable clasp that holds a wristwatch in place.表带:有可调扣的皮、布、金属或塑料带将手表固在腕上相应位置美国传统〔water park〕An amusement park whose attractions include slides, fountains, and other recreational settings involving water.水上乐园:以滑水道、喷水池及其它水上相关休闲设施为吸引人主题的方式游乐园美国传统〔zone〕A similar division on any other planet.地带:在其它行星上相似的划分美国传统Both versions of the software are visually and functionally similar.两个版本的软件在视觉上和功能上相似。牛津商务Edith may seem like a dingbat, but she's quite clever really.伊迪丝看上去可能像个糊涂的人,可实际上相当聪明。剑桥国际He met her on the tennis court. 他与她在网球场上相遇。译典通I've never understood how a couple can get on when their opinions on everything are absolutely antithetical (to each other).我始终搞不明白,在对一切事情的观点上相互完全唱反调的一对夫妇,怎么能凑合在一起。剑桥国际It's not very good wine--rather cheap and nasty in fact.它不是很好的酒,实际上相当便宜、低劣。剑桥国际She has a tough exterior/She is tough on the exterior (= She appears to be strong), but is really quite gentle.她外表粗壮,但实际上相当温柔。剑桥国际She takes well. 她很上相。译典通The idea of the book is to present words that are semantically related together in the same place.本书旨在展示在同一场合中语义上相关联的单词。剑桥国际We fell in love immediately and it seemed fated that we would get married.我们马上相爱了,似乎冥冥中注定了我们要结婚。剑桥国际




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