

单词 yoke
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cangue〕A heavy wooden yoke borne on the shoulders and enclosing the neck and arms, formerly used in China for punishing petty criminals.木枷:一个沉重的木制枷套,戴在双肩上,将颈部和手臂圈围起来,旧时用于中国以惩罚轻罪犯人美国传统〔guimpe〕A yoke insert for a low-necked dress.抵肩:衬在低领衣服里的抵肩美国传统〔harness〕The gear or tackle, other than a yoke, with which a draft animal pulls a vehicle or an implement.挽具:一种与轭不同的用于将驮重动物系在车辆或工具上的马具美国传统〔oxbow〕A U-shaped piece of wood that fits under and around the neck of an ox, with its upper ends attached to the bar of the yoke.牛脖套弓:安在牛脖子下面或周围的一块U形的木头,其上部末端与牛轭的两臂相连美国传统〔throw〕In 1845, they finally threw off the yoke of foreign rule.1845 年,他们终于摆脱了外国统治的枷锁。朗文当代〔throw〕They have thrown off the yoke of colonial rule.他们已经挣脱了殖民统治的枷锁。麦克米伦高阶〔unyoke〕To release from or as if from a yoke.卸下:把…从轭上或仿佛从轭上卸下美国传统〔unyoke〕To remove a yoke.卸去轭美国传统〔yoke〕A pair of oxen, yoked together, was used.把两头牛用轭套在一起使唤。牛津高阶〔yoke〕All these different political elements have somehow been yoked together to form a new alliance.所有这些不同的政治力量不知怎地结成了一个新的联盟。剑桥高阶〔yoke〕As a farmer, you should learn how to yoke the oxen together.作为农民,你应该学会怎样把一对牛用轭连起来。21世纪英汉〔yoke〕Beauty is forever yoked to youth in our culture.在我们的文化中,美总是和青春相连。朗文当代〔yoke〕Both countries had thrown off the communist yoke.两国都已经摆脱了共产主义的枷锁。剑桥高阶〔yoke〕Farmers and politicians are yoked by money and votes.农场主和政客被金钱和选票绑在了一起。外研社新世纪〔yoke〕Farmers and politicians are yoked by money and votes.农场主和政客被金钱和选票绑在了一起。柯林斯高阶〔yoke〕He carried two buckets on a yoke, one at each end.他用扁担挑着两只桶,一头一个。英汉大词典〔yoke〕He was yoked to his job.他工作缠身。韦氏高阶〔yoke〕People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery.人们仍然生活在奴隶制度的枷锁之下。外研社新世纪〔yoke〕People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery.人们仍然生活在奴隶制的枷锁之下。柯林斯高阶〔yoke〕The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy.《汽车协定》强行将加拿大安大略省纳入了美国的经济体系中。外研社新世纪〔yoke〕The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy.《汽车协定》强行将安大略纳入了美国的经济体系中。柯林斯高阶〔yoke〕The Hong Kong dollar was yoked to the American dollar for many years.港元多年来与美元挂钩。牛津高阶〔yoke〕The country has struggled to free itself from the yoke of foreign rule.这个国家通过斗争摆脱了外国统治的枷锁。韦氏高阶〔yoke〕The country's new yoke is high external debt.那个国家的新的桎梏是巨额外债。英汉大词典〔yoke〕The defeated army passed under the yoke.败军在轭门下通过。英汉大词典〔yoke〕The famer yoked the oxen to the plow.那个农民把一对牛套在犁上。21世纪英汉〔yoke〕The farmer yoked his plough.农民给犁套上了牲口。英汉大词典〔yoke〕The introduction attempts to yoke the pieces together.导言部分试图将各部分硬拼凑在一起。外研社新世纪〔yoke〕The introduction attempts to yoke the pieces together.导言部分试图将各部分硬拼凑在一起。柯林斯高阶〔yoke〕The two oxen were yoked together.两头牛被套上了牛轭。韦氏高阶〔yoke〕To fit or join with a yoke.给…套上轭;用轭连结起来美国传统〔yoke〕Two oxen yoked to a plough walked wearily up and down the field.两头用轭套在犁上的公牛在吃力地来回耕地。剑桥高阶He carried two buckets on a yoke, one at each end. 他用扁担挑著两只桶,一头一个。译典通In 1783 the American Colonies threw off the yoke of England. 北美(十三个)殖民地于一七八三年摆脱了英国的统治。译典通It was during those years that the British colonial yoke was lifted.正是在那些年里英国殖民统治被推翻了。剑桥国际She did not want the yoke of marriage.她不想受婚姻的束缚。剑桥国际The defeated army passed under the yoke. 败军在轭门下通过。译典通The farmer yoked his plow. 农夫给犁套上了牲口。译典通The farmer yoked the oxen before hitching them to the wagon. 农夫在将牛套上大车之前先给它们套上轭。译典通The oxen are led up to the sledges, and tricked into the yoke.公牛们被领到运输雪橇前,并被哄骗着套上了轭。剑桥国际The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen. 一对公牛同轭拉著一头犁。译典通They are yoked in marriage. 他们联姻。译典通Two oxen yoked to a plough walked wearily up and down the field.两头被套上犁的公牛在地里费力地走来走去。剑桥国际




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