

单词 与国
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aerospace〕jobs in aerospace and defence 航天与国防工作牛津高阶〔affair〕confidential Bank of England documents relating to the BCCI affair. 与国际信贷商业银行事务相关的英格兰银行的机密文件柯林斯高阶〔alleged〕their alleged involvement in international terrorism 他们涉嫌参与国际恐怖主义活动朗文当代〔arbitrate〕arbitrate boundaries between the countries 裁决国与国之间的边界英汉大词典〔between〕war between nations国与国之间的战争21世纪英汉〔conformity〕to bring national laws into conformity with international conventions 使国家法律与国际惯例一致牛津搭配〔disengagement〕the disengagement of the Church from national politics 教会与国家政治的分离英汉大词典〔fraternity〕fraternity between nations 国与国之间的情谊朗文当代〔incongruity〕the incongruity between de Gaulle's ambitions and the needs of the nation 戴高乐的雄心与国家需要之间的不一致麦克米伦高阶〔land〕war between lands 国与国之间的战争文馨英汉〔lessen〕try to lessen tensions between nations 试图缓和国与国之间的紧张局势英汉大词典〔municipal〕municipal law 国内法(与国际法相对)英汉大词典〔national〕major national and international issues国内与国际的重大问题外研社新世纪〔participation〕direct participation in the running of the country 直接参与国家管理牛津搭配〔rate〕rates and taxes 地方税与国税文馨英汉〔recommendation〕to develop a plan in line with the recommendations of national policy 制订与国家政策事项相符的计划牛津搭配〔relationship〕an analysis of market mechanisms and their relationship to state capitalism and political freedom. 对于市场机制及其与国家资本主义和政治自由之间关系的分析柯林斯高阶〔relation〕distinguish between state-to-state and party-to-party relations 把国与国之间的关系和党与党之间的关系区别开来英汉大词典〔relevant〕make one's life relevant to the needs of the country 使个人的生活与国家的需要挂起钩来英汉大词典〔rub〕diplomats rubbing elbows with heads of state. 与国家元首交往密切的外交家美国传统〔rupture〕a major rupture between countries国与国之间的深重隔阂外研社新世纪〔state〕the freedom of the individual and the security of the state 个人自由与国家安全英汉大词典〔war〕wars between nations.国与国之间的战争。牛津同义词a $16 billion standby agreement with the IMF 与国际货币基金组织签订的 160 亿元的备用信贷协定牛津商务jobs in aerospace and defence 航天与国防工作牛津商务the traffic of goods between one country and another 国与国之间的货物运输牛津商务the unemployment-income curve (= showing the relationship between the number of unemployed people and national income) 失业与国民收入曲线牛津商务




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