

单词 不要管
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CALM〕Leave her alone until she cools down a bit. 不要管她,让她冷静下来。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕The woman coldly told us to mind our own business. 那女人冷冷地告诉我们不要管闲事。朗文写作活用〔NO MATTER WHAT/HOW MUCH ETC〕I want this wedding to be perfect, never mind the cost. 我要这场婚礼办得很完美,不要管费用。朗文写作活用〔NO MATTER WHAT/HOW MUCH ETC〕Never mind what Jalal says, Peter is a trusted member of our community. 不要管嘉莱尔说什么,彼得是我们社区的忠实成员。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕If you let up on him he'll have a chance to show that he can behave himself. 如果你对他放松一些,不要管得太严,他就会有机会证明他是可以规矩一点的。朗文写作活用〔concern〕Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you.不要管与自己无关的事。牛津高阶〔hater〕Forget the haters - they're just jealous.不要管那些只会骂人的人,他们不过是嫉妒而已。剑桥高阶〔mind〕Just get on with your work; don't mind me.继续干你的工作,不要管我。英汉大词典〔play-acting〕Don't take any notice of him - it's just play-acting.不要管他——他是在装腔作势。剑桥高阶〔pray〕Pray,leave us alone.求求你,不要管我们。英汉大词典Don't mind me--I'm just sorting out some files here.不要管我,当我不在跟前好了,我只是在这儿整理一些文件。剑桥国际Don't take any notice of him -- he's just playacting.不要管他----他是在装腔作势。剑桥国际Leave me alone -- take your hand off my arm.不要管我----不要用手碰我的胳膊。剑桥国际When she complained to her neighbour about the noise, she received a stream of abuse and was told to mind her own business.当她向邻居抱怨这吵闹声时,她得到了一连串的辱骂并被告知不要管闲事。剑桥国际




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