

单词 亲戚关系
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕We're not related -- we just happen to have the same name. 我们之间没有亲戚关系—我们只是碰巧同姓。朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕People ask me if I'm related to him, and my answer is usually a flippant ‘No, but I wish I were.’ 人们问我是不是与他有亲戚关系,我的回答通常都是半真半假的“没有,可我倒是希望有啊”。朗文写作活用〔connection〕Family connections can make getting a job much easier.有亲戚关系找工作会容易得多。韦氏高阶〔kindred〕A group of related persons, as a clan or tribe.种族:有亲戚关系的一群人,如氏族或部落美国传统〔kinship〕Connection by blood, marriage, or adoption; family relationship.亲属关系:由血缘,婚姻,或收养形成的亲戚关系;家庭的亲属关系美国传统〔kin〕He is kin to me.他跟我有亲戚关系。英汉大词典〔kin〕Related; akin.亲属的:有亲戚关系的,同族的美国传统〔one way or another〕Everyone at the party was related (in) one way or another.聚会上的人彼此都有这样或那样的亲戚关系。剑桥高阶〔outline〕She outlined to Mona the details of her mother's relationship.她向莫娜扼要地讲明了她母亲亲戚关系的具体情况。牛津搭配〔phyle〕A large citizens' organization based on kinship, constituting the largest political subdivision of an ancient Greek city-state.宗族:一种基于亲戚关系的巨大的市民组织,它组成了古希腊城邦的最大的政治分支美国传统〔related〕Annie's related to the director.安妮与经理有亲戚关系。麦克米伦高阶〔related〕I might be related to him.我和他可能有亲戚关系。朗文当代〔relationship〕Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.亲属关系:因血缘或婚姻产生的联系;亲戚关系美国传统〔relationship〕The judge asked the witness what the relationship was between her and the victim.法官问证人她跟受害者有什么亲戚关系。剑桥高阶〔relation〕A: Is he any relation to you?B: No, he is no relation to me.甲:他是你的亲戚吗?乙:不,他跟我毫无亲戚关系。英汉大词典〔relation〕Richard Bush, who is no relation to President Bush, said the countries have been talking in an effort to resolve the nuclear crisis.与布什总统并无亲戚关系的理查德•布什说, 各国一直在为化解核危机而会谈。外研社新世纪〔relation〕The connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship.嫡亲关系:由于血缘或婚姻产生的人与人之间的关系;亲戚关系美国传统〔relation〕What relation are you to Jessica? 你和杰茜卡是什么亲戚关系?朗文当代〔relative〕One related by kinship, common origin, or marriage.亲属:因亲戚关系共同的起源或婚姻相关联的人美国传统〔to〕Are you, by any chance, related to William Morton? 你也许和威廉·莫顿有亲戚关系吧?麦克米伦高阶Everyone at the party was related in one way or another (= in some way that is not stated).参加聚会的人和人之间都有这样或那样的亲戚关系。剑桥国际If you're related to anyone in the company it automatically disqualifies you from entering the competition.若您和公司里任何人有亲戚关系,则自动被取消竞争资格。剑桥国际




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