

单词 不方便
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONVENIENT〕I can call you back later if it's not convenient for you to talk now. 如果你现在不方便说话,我过一会再打电话来。朗文写作活用〔CONVENIENT〕If you find it inconvenient to come to the office, we can email the files to you. 如果你觉得来办公室不方便,我们可以把文件用电子邮件发给你。朗文写作活用〔CONVENIENT〕They discussed moving the office to a new building downtown but it wasn't convenient for most of the staff. 他们讨论将办事处搬到市中心的一幢新大楼去,但那样对大多数员工都不方便。朗文写作活用〔CONVENIENT〕Things are a bit difficult at the moment. Can I call you back this afternoon? 现在有点不方便。今天下午我给你回电话好吗?朗文写作活用〔CONVENIENT〕Would it be bad for you if we met at my house instead of yours? 我们在我家而不是你家见面,对你来说不方便吗?朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕Changes in the bus service will make it harder for people to get to the hospital and other medical facilities. 公共汽车服务的改革将使人们去医院和其他医疗机构更不方便。朗文写作活用〔DISADVANTAGE〕Not being able to drive is a real handicap if you live in the country. 如果你住在郊外,不会开车就十分不方便。朗文写作活用〔availability〕Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment.利奇先生休假了,不方便作出评论。柯林斯高阶〔available〕Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment.利奇先生休假了, 不方便作出评论。外研社新世纪〔awkward〕It's a bit awkward for me to come and see you.我有点不方便过来看你。外研社新世纪〔bad〕I can come back later if this is a bad time for you.如果现在你不方便,我可以以后再来。麦克米伦高阶〔bad〕Is this a bad moment/time to have a word with you? 现在和你讲话是不是不方便?韦氏高阶〔bad〕This is a bad (= not convenient or suitable) time for me to talk. Can I call you back later? 我现在不方便跟你通话。我过会儿给你回电话好吗?剑桥高阶〔because〕He walked slowly because of his bad leg.他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。牛津高阶〔blow in〕You won't see Garry for months, then one day he'll blow in, some time when it's not convenient.你几个月都会见不到加里, 然后某一天, 他会突然冒出来, 有时是在你并不方便的时候。外研社新世纪〔brusque〕He was brusque, said this was not a convenient time to talk.他很不客气, 说现在不方便谈话。外研社新世纪〔catch〕I'm sorry but I can't talk now. You've caught me at a bad time.抱歉我现在不方便说话。你电话打得不是时候。外研社新世纪〔convenient〕It's not a convenient time for me.这个时候我不方便。外研社新世纪〔creek〕I was really up the creek without my car.我没了我的车真是不方便。牛津高阶〔drag〕She had no driver's license. This was a real drag during her last years of high school.她没有驾驶执照,这使她中学的最后几年很不方便。英汉大词典〔errand〕She was forever running errands for her housebound grandmother.她总是在为她不方便外出的祖母跑前跑后。柯林斯高阶〔good〕Can we change our meeting? Monday isn't good(= convenient)for me.我们把见面时间改改吧,星期一我不方便。牛津高阶〔handicap〕Being a foreigner was not a handicap.作为外国人没有什么不方便的。外研社新世纪〔handicap〕I found that not having a car was quite a handicap while on holiday.我发现度假的时候没有汽车非常不方便。剑桥高阶〔housebound〕If you are housebound, you can arrange for a home visit from a specialist adviser.如果你不方便出门, 可以安排一次专家顾问来上门看诊。外研社新世纪〔housebound〕If you are housebound, you can arrange for a home visit from a specialist adviser.如果您不方便出门,可以安排专业顾问登门拜访。柯林斯高阶〔incommodious〕Inconvenient or uncomfortable, as by not affording sufficient space.不舒适的:不方便或不舒服的,尤指因没有足够的空间所引起的美国传统〔inconvenience〕The state or quality of being inconvenient.不方便:不方便的状态或性质美国传统〔inconvenience〕We had the inconvenience of being unable to use the kitchen for several weeks.我们有几个星期不能使用厨房,很不方便。剑桥高阶〔inconvenience〕You could have picked me up at the airport and saved me the inconvenience of having to take the bus! 你本来可以去机场接我,省得我坐公共汽车这么不方便!牛津搭配〔inconveniently〕The Oriental is a comfortable hotel, but rather inconveniently situated.东方大酒店是个舒适的宾馆,但地理位置却非常不方便。柯林斯高阶〔inconvenient〕I can call back if this is an inconvenient time to talk. = I can call back if it's inconvenient for you to talk now.如果现在说话不方便,我可以再回电话给你。韦氏高阶〔inconvenient〕I can call back later if this is an inconvenient time.如果现在不方便的话我过会儿再打来。外研社新世纪〔inconvenient〕It will be very inconvenient for me to have no car.没有车对我来说会很不方便。剑桥高阶〔inconvenient〕It's very inconvenient to have to wait so long.等这么长时间确实非常不方便。外研社新世纪〔inconvenient〕Many of those who didn't cast ballots said it was inconvenient to vote.许多没投票的人说投票不方便。麦克米伦高阶〔inconvenient〕Please come, if it is not inconvenient to you.如果你不觉得不方便,就请来一次。英汉大词典〔inconvenient〕She called at a most inconvenient time.她在一个很不方便的时间打来电话。牛津搭配〔inconvenient〕Shelves that are too high to reach easily are inconvenient.书架太高,伸手不容易够着,用起来很不方便。英汉大词典〔inconvenient〕That time is very inconvenient for me.那个时间对我来说非常不方便。外研社新世纪〔inconvenient〕The restaurant is in an inconvenient location.那家餐馆的地理位置不方便。韦氏高阶〔inconvenient〕This is a time of the evening that is inconvenient to many viewers.晚上这个时段对很多观众来说都不方便。牛津搭配〔inconvenient〕Working parents are not allowed to refuse inconvenient shifts.上班的父母即使碰上时间不方便的轮班也不能拒绝。外研社新世纪〔inconvenient〕Would this afternoon be inconvenient for you? 今天下午您是不是不方便?牛津搭配〔knit〕Pattern charts with small print are often difficult for older knitters to use.上了年纪的针织工使用小的图样时通常很不方便。柯林斯高阶〔left-hander〕Left-handers have trouble using can-openers, scissors, and potato peelers.左撇子用起开罐器、剪刀和土豆削皮器来不方便。外研社新世纪〔middle〕I can't talk. I'm in the middle of a meeting.我不方便说话, 我正在开会。外研社新世纪〔navigate〕She has trouble navigating the stairs with her crutches.她架着双拐,上下楼不方便。韦氏高阶〔nuisance〕It's a nuisance that you live so far away.你住得这么远, 太不方便了。外研社新世纪〔put ... out〕I hope we're not putting you out by coming here today.我希望我们今天到这儿来,不会使你不方便。21世纪英汉〔thing〕She was unable to sell it, because for one thing its size was awkward.她卖不掉它,一来是由于尺寸用起来不方便。柯林斯高阶〔uninviting〕Airport hotels used to be drab, uninviting and inconvenient places.机场旅馆过去一直都是单调乏味、毫无吸引力又很不方便的地方。外研社新世纪〔unwieldy〕The armour worn by knights seems unwieldy to us today.用我们今人的眼光看,骑士披挂盔甲使人活动不方便。英汉大词典〔wheel〕I couldn't get around easily without my wheels.没有汽车我出行不方便。韦氏高阶Coal is abundant, but its solidity makes it inconvenient to use--gas is less trouble.煤的数量很多,但它的固态使用起来很不方便----煤气的麻烦就少多了。剑桥国际Her parents felt put out when she brought some classmates to stay over. 她带一些同学回家过夜,她父母觉得不方便。译典通It's a very inconvenient place to hold the meeting.这地方开会很不方便。剑桥国际It's hard to shop with two children tagging along.让两个孩子跟着,买东西很不方便。剑桥国际Lots of older people find the new post office opening times inconvenient.许多较老的人发觉新邮局的工作时间对他们来说很不方便。剑桥国际Not having a computer is an inconvenience. 没有电脑是很不方便的事。译典通The car was parked awkwardly across the pavement.车停在人行道上很不方便。剑桥国际The cinema is inconveniently situated on the outskirts of town.电影院坐落在城市的郊区,很不方便。剑桥国际The dilemma facing ambulance and emergency personnel is poor communication.救护车和急救人员面对的困境是通讯不方便。剑桥国际Travelling by public transport is a real drag! 用公共交通工具旅行真不方便!剑桥国际With an hour's walk to the nearest telephone, communication is not so easy.通讯联络是极不方便的,因为走到最近的电话亭就要一个小时。剑桥国际




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