

单词 个半死
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIT〕Osborne wanted to beat the living daylights out of Flanagan. 奥斯本想把弗拉纳根打个半死。朗文写作活用〔ass〕He damn well better not try it now or he will damn well get his ass kicked.他最好不要现在就试,否则铁定会被气个半死。柯林斯高阶〔beat/kick/knock the stuffing out of sb〕The muggers really kicked the stuffing out of him.劫匪把他打了个半死。剑桥高阶〔block〕I told him I'd knock his block off if he ever showed his face round here again.我告诉他, 要是他再在这里露面, 我就把他打个半死。外研社新世纪〔freeze〕A British tourist is much more likely to head for the Mediterranean where the water will not freeze you in 40 seconds flat.英国游客或许更愿意去地中海, 那里的海水不会40秒内就把人冻个半死。外研社新世纪〔fright〕I nearly died of fright when I heard his voice behind me.听到他在我身后的说话声,我吓了个半死。麦克米伦高阶〔knock〕If you say that again, I'll knock your head off! 如果你再说那样的话,我就打你个半死!朗文当代




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