

单词 个例
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔artificiality〕another example of the capriciousness and artificiality of our adversarial system of justice关于对抗制审判方式的多变性和虚假性的又一个例子外研社新世纪〔artificially〕another example of the capriciousness and artificiality of our adversarial system of justice. 关于对抗制审判方式的多变性和虚假性的又一个例子柯林斯高阶〔cite〕cite an instance 举一个例子英汉大词典〔cunningly〕one more example of the cunning of today's art thieves. 当今艺术品盗贼手段狡猾的另一个例子柯林斯高阶〔deathless〕an example of her deathless prose 她的不朽散文的一个例子麦克米伦高阶〔example〕a telling example of how difficult it can be to succeed in business 能说明生意场上成功之难的一个例子牛津搭配〔further〕a further example; a further delay. 另一个例子;另外的推迟美国传统〔glaring〕a glaring example of political corruption 政治腐败最惹眼的一个例子朗文当代〔instance〕cite (或give) an instance 举个例子英汉大词典




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