

单词 不保
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PUNISH〕Officers are expected to discipline soldiers who do not keep their uniforms in good condition. 军官们应该处罚那些不保持制服整洁的士兵。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕The city got caught with its financial pants down, and the scandal has led to 12 high-level officials losing their jobs. 该市的经济猝不及防陷入窘境,而这个丑闻导致12名高层官员官职不保。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕They said they'd kill her if she didn't keep quiet about what she'd seen. 他们说,如果她对看到的事不保持沉默就杀了她。朗文写作活用〔absent〕Warmth is scarce, and food is absent.温暖不保, 食物缺乏。外研社新世纪〔balance〕With his job in the balance, he went to ask his boss for a raise.尽管有可能导致饭碗不保,他还是去找了老板要求加薪韦氏高阶〔biodiversity〕If we don't protect biodiversity, we threaten the survival of the planet.如果我们不保护生物多样性, 就会对地球的生存造成威胁。外研社新世纪〔bite your tongue〕I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought of him, but I had to bite my tongue.我本想明确告诉他我对他的看法,可是不得不保持沉默。剑桥高阶〔brain〕I'll brain you if you don't keep quiet.如果你不保持安静我就打你的头。剑桥高阶〔brain〕I'll brain you if you don't keep quiet.如果你不保持安静的话,我就敲你的脑袋。21世纪英汉〔cease〕The secrecy about the President's condition had ceased to matter.总统的健康状况保不保密已经不再重要了。外研社新世纪〔conservative〕Her style of dress was never conservative.她的服装式样一点儿也不保守。牛津高阶〔conservative〕Her views are by no means ideologically conservative.她的观点在意识形态上毫不保守。牛津搭配〔death〕He almost bled to death after the bullet severed an artery.子弹穿过动脉,他失血过多几乎性命不保。柯林斯高阶〔deteriorate〕Car deteriorates rapidly if it is not taken care of.汽车不保养就磨损很快。21世纪英汉〔essence〕What she is saying, in essence, is that the law does not protect against this type of abuse.她其实是在说,法律不保护你免遭这样的辱骂。麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕They eke out a precarious existence foraging in the forest.他们靠在森林中搜寻食物维持着朝不保夕的生活。牛津搭配〔existence〕They eke out a precarious existence(= they have hardly enough money to live on).他们勉强维持着朝不保夕的生活。牛津高阶〔extent〕Their commitment was only to maintain the extent of forests, not their biodiversity.他们仅承诺维持现有森林面积,并不保证林区生物的多样性。柯林斯高阶〔factory floor〕Jobs are at risk, not just on the factory floor(= among the workers, rather than the managers)but throughout the business.职位不保,不仅对车间工人如此,而且危及整个行业。牛津高阶〔fearful〕I felt fearful for my life.我担心性命不保。牛津搭配〔gram-negative〕Of, relating to, or being a bacterium that does not retain the violet stain used in Gram's method.革兰氏阴性的:属于,有关或作为用革兰氏法染色不保留紫色色素的细菌的美国传统〔guarantee〕I'm not guaranteeing that this will work.我不保证这一定行得通。英汉大词典〔guarantee〕The students are not guaranteed jobs when they graduate.不保证学生毕业时能够获得工作。英汉大词典〔hated〕I'd hate to think my job would not be secure if I left it temporarily.希望我的工作不会因为我暂时休假而不保。柯林斯高阶〔hysterically〕Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him.当情绪几近失控的人群拼命想接近他时,警察和保镖不得不保护他。柯林斯高阶〔inform against/on sb〕The terrorists said that anyone caught informing on them would be killed.恐怖分子说,举报他们的人一经发现将性命不保。剑桥高阶〔knock〕Our credibility will take a severe knock if we don't keep the momentum up.如果不保持这个势头, 我们的信誉会遭受重创。外研社新世纪〔livelihood〕He earns a precarious living as a window washer.他靠做擦窗工维持着朝不保夕的生活。美国传统〔lose〕The company stands to lose if this deal falls through.如果这笔交易落空,公司一定会不保。牛津搭配〔middle-of-the-road〕Pursuing a course of action midway between extremes, especially following a course in politics that is neither liberal nor conservative.中间道路的;温和路线的;中间立场的:在两个极端之间采取中间路线的,特别是在政治上既不主张自由,又不保守的美国传统〔precarious〕For the refugees life was always precarious.对于难民们来说,生活总是朝不保夕。麦克米伦高阶〔precarious〕He earned a precarious livelihood/living by gambling.他靠赌博谋生,过着朝不保夕的生活。韦氏高阶〔precarious〕He earned a precarious living as an artist.作为一个艺术家,他过的是朝不保夕的生活。牛津高阶〔precarious〕Life for most people was precarious in those years.那年月大多数人的日子过得朝不保夕。英汉大词典〔protect〕Many policies do not protect you against personal injury.许多保单都列明不保障人身伤害。牛津高阶〔reserve〕We publish this report with all proper reserves.我们发表这篇报道,但完全不保证其真实性。英汉大词典〔tongue〕I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue.我想辩驳,但又不得不保持缄默。朗文当代〔wear〕The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.保险单不保正常使用所造成的坏损。牛津高阶〔worst〕At best Nella would be an invalid; at worst she would die.内拉往好里说会落下残疾,往坏处说可能会生命不保。柯林斯高阶〔worst〕At best Nellie would be an invalid; at worst she would die.内莉往轻了说会落下残疾, 往重了说可能会性命不保。外研社新世纪Failure to keep the chemical (= Not keeping it) at the right temperature could lead to an explosion.化学品不保持在恰当的温度下会引起爆炸。剑桥国际Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old. 一般而言,年轻人比老年人较不保守。译典通Political promises are often pie in the sky. 政治诺言常常是不保证能够实现的。译典通She told me all about it without reserve. 她毫不保留地告诉我有关这件事的一切。译典通




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