

单词 不依
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕My girlfriend has a rather unforgiving nature so I don't think that I'll tell her. 我的女朋友本性不依不饶,因此我想我不会告诉她的。朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕Take me for example. I've never relied on other people for help. 就拿我来说,我从不依靠别人的帮助。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕My parents raised me to be self-reliant, and not to depend on anyone. 我父母把我培养成为一个自立的、不依赖别人的人。朗文写作活用〔assert〕She wished to assert her independence from her parents.她希望能够坚持不依赖父母。牛津搭配〔atemporal〕Independent of time; timeless.不受时间影响的:不依赖时间的;无时间限制的美国传统〔autarky〕A policy of national self-sufficiency and nonreliance on imports or economic aid.自给自足:一种国家不依赖进口或经济援助的自给自足的政策美国传统〔bird of passage〕At present the organization has to rely on young, inexperienced graduates who are usually birds of passage.目前该机构不得不依赖没有经验的年轻毕业生,可这些人通常会跳槽。剑桥高阶〔compass〕We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here.我们不得不依靠指南针和不错的运气找到这儿来。柯林斯高阶〔determinism〕The philosophical doctrine that every event, act, and decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedents that are independent of the human will.宿命说,决定论:一种哲学观点,它认为每个事件、行为和决定都是一个不依赖于人的意志的前提的不可避免的结果美国传统〔feel the pinch〕When my father lost his job and we had to live on my mother's earnings, we really started to feel the pinch.当父亲下岗,我们的生活不得不依靠母亲的工资时,我们开始真正感受到了手头拮据。剑桥高阶〔foot〕My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.只要我能够自食其力,不依附于自己的丈夫,嫁给谁我父亲倒是并不介意。柯林斯高阶〔gazebo〕A freestanding, roofed, usually open-sided structure providing a shady resting place.凉亭,阳台:一种不依靠支撑物的、有屋顶的、通常有一边敞开的构造,可提供一有阴凉的休息地美国传统〔goodwill〕The school has to rely on the goodwill of the parents to help it raise money.这所学校不得不依赖学生家长们的友善帮助来筹款。剑桥高阶〔independent〕He is independent of his parents.他不依赖父母而自立。英汉大词典〔independent〕His wages enabled him to become economically independent of his family.他的薪水使他能在经济上不依靠家里。麦克米伦高阶〔independent〕It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents.在经济上不依赖父母,这对我很重要。牛津高阶〔independent〕Not relying on others for support, care, or funds; self-supporting.自给自足的:不依靠别人的帮助、关心或资助的;自力更生的美国传统〔independent〕The women enjoyed rights independent of their husbands.妇女享有不依附于她们的丈夫的权利。韦氏高阶〔interfere〕The baby will claw you if you interfere with what he wants.你要是不依这婴儿,他就用小手抓你。英汉大词典〔mood〕Lily was in one of her aggressive moods.莉莉当时不依不饶。外研社新世纪〔mood〕Lily was in one of her aggressive moods.莉莉当时不依不饶。柯林斯高阶〔natural theology〕A theology holding that knowledge of God may be acquired by human reason alone without the aid of revealed knowledge.自然神学:不依赖知识的帮助而通过人类自己的准则获得对上帝的知识的神学美国传统〔nonnuclear〕Not causing, involving, or operated by nuclear energy.非核的:不是由原子能引起、涉及或不依靠原子能运转的美国传统〔poultry〕Most poultry farmers have to rely on commercially manufactured feeds.多数饲养家禽的农场主不得不依赖商业化生产的饲料。柯林斯高阶〔punishing〕He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug.他声称繁重的工作安排使他不得不依靠服药来维持精力。柯林斯高阶〔recourse〕He handled his own difficulties without recourse to outside help.他不依靠外援而独立对付自己的困难。英汉大词典〔recourse〕We hope a settlement can be reached without recourse to legal action.我们希望不依靠法律手段就能达成协议。麦克米伦高阶〔subsist〕Old people often have to subsist on very low incomes.老人往往不得不依靠很低的收入来维持生计。朗文当代〔take〕She took to nagging to get her own way.要是不依她,她就唠叨个没完。英汉大词典〔toponymy〕Anatomy Nomenclature with respect to a region of the body rather than to organs or structures.【解剖学】 部位命名法:不依照器官或结构而依据身体部位进行的命名美国传统〔unconditioned〕Psychology Not dependent on or resulting from conditioning; unlearned or natural.【心理学】 无条件的:不依靠或源于条件作用的;不熟练的,自然的美国传统〔whim〕He was forced to pander to her every whim.她每次心血来潮他都不得不依随她。牛津高阶At present the organization has to rely on young, inexperienced graduates who are usually birds of passage.目前这个组织不得不依赖于无经验的年轻的毕业生,他们通常很快会跳槽。剑桥国际He tackled the knotty problem without recourse to any help. 他不依靠任何人的帮助而独立处理这一难题。译典通He will have to rely on his persuasive powers to convince the government of the need for action.为了使政府相信采取行动的必要,他不得不依靠自己的说服力。剑桥国际However much you plan an expedition like this, you still have to trust to (= rely on) luck to a certain extent.像这样的探险无论你计划得多么周全,但在一定程度上你仍旧不得不依靠运气。剑桥国际Small companies often have to rely on bank borrowing.小公司常常不得不依赖向银行借贷。牛津商务The school has to rely on the goodwill of the parents to help it raise money.学校不得不依靠家长们的善意来帮助它筹款。剑桥国际Well, until the computer's been fixed, you'll just have to do (= achieve) what you can without it.唉,计算机修好前,你只能不依靠它尽力而为了。剑桥国际When she gave up smoking, she found it hard to concentrate without her nicotine crutch.戒烟后,她发现不依靠尼古丁自己无法集中精力。剑桥国际




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