

单词 vanilla
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DELICIOUS〕The apple pie is delicious with vanilla ice cream. 这苹果馅饼和香草冰淇淋一起吃味道很好。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Add a few drops of vanilla essence, the egg white and half the butter. 加入几滴香草精、蛋白和半块黄油。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕We have three flavors of ice cream - strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla. 我们有三种味道的冰淇淋:草莓、巧克力和香草味。朗文写作活用〔a close second〕Vanilla is the most popular flavor while chocolate is/finishes/runs a close second.香草味的最受欢迎,巧克力味的紧随其后,位居第二。韦氏高阶〔bean〕Any of various other plants or their seeds or fruits, especially those suggestive of beans, such as the coffee bean or the vanilla bean.豆形果实植物:一种其它豆类植物或其种子或果实,尤指像豆子的那些,如咖啡豆或香子兰豆美国传统〔boost〕Add a little more vanilla, to give the flavor a boost .再加一点香草提提味 。朗文当代〔combination〕The milkshakes come in chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla, or any combination of these.奶昔有巧克力、草莓、香草口味,也可混搭以上任何组合。韦氏高阶〔cream soda〕A sweet carbonated drink with a vanilla flavor.香草饮料:一种香草味碳酸甜饮料美国传统〔decadence〕For true decadence, pour the liqueur onto vanilla ice cream.如果真的想享受一下, 就把烈酒浇在香草冰激凌上试试。外研社新世纪〔double〕Three varieties: double toffee, double chocolate, and vanilla.三个种类:双份太妃糖、双份巧克力和香草冰激凌。外研社新世纪〔essence〕Add a few drops of vanilla essence.加入几滴香草精油。牛津搭配〔extract〕Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract.加入一茶匙香草精。朗文当代〔extract〕The recipe calls for a tablespoon of vanilla extract.这个食谱要求用一大勺香草精。韦氏高阶〔flavor〕She added vanilla flavor to the custard.她在蛋奶糕中添加了香草调料。韦氏高阶〔flavouring〕Add a few drops of vanilla flavouring.加几滴香草油。牛津搭配〔hard sauce〕A creamy sauce of butter and sugar with rum, brandy, or vanilla flavoring, served chilled with puddings, gingerbread, or fruitcakes.甜奶油汁:一种由黄油和糖加朗姆酒、白兰地或香草香精调配而成的冷冻后为布丁、姜饼及水果蛋糕调味的奶油调味汁美国传统〔join〕The cook combined whipped cream, sugar, and vanilla to make a topping for the compote.厨师把掼奶油、糖和香草精混合起来做成果盘的浇汁。美国传统〔mix〕To make frosting for the cake, mix powdered sugar with a little milk and vanilla.要制作蛋糕的糖霜涂层,可将糖粉和少许牛奶及香草精搅拌在一起。韦氏高阶〔narrow〕They offer a narrow range/choice of flavors: chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.他们提供有限的几种味道:巧克力味、草莓味和香草味。韦氏高阶〔on top〕He gave us vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce on top.他给了我们顶部涂有巧克力酱的香草冰激凌。韦氏高阶〔pistachio〕The original flavours would have been pistachio and vanilla.原味本该是开心果仁味和香草味。外研社新世纪〔prefer〕She prefers chocolate over vanilla.较之香草她更喜欢巧克力。韦氏高阶〔prefer〕Some people like vanilla ice cream, but I prefer chocolate.有人喜欢香草冰激凌,但我更爱巧克力的。韦氏高阶〔second〕Chocolate is my first choice; vanilla is my second choice.巧克力是我的最爱,其次是香草。韦氏高阶〔sweetness〕Vanilla adds sweetness and creaminess to ice cream.香草使冰激凌更加香甜细滑。牛津搭配〔vanilla〕Add two teaspoons of vanilla and stir.加两茶匙香草精并搅拌一下。剑桥高阶〔vanilla〕He used to love cold milk flavoured with vanilla.他过去常爱喝加有香草香精的冰牛奶。英汉大词典〔vanilla〕I added a dollop of vanilla ice-cream to the pie.我在馅饼里加了一块香草冰激凌。柯林斯高阶〔vanilla〕I just want a vanilla bank account with low charges.我只是需要一个普通的低收费的银行帐号。剑桥高阶〔vanilla〕The city is pretty much plain vanilla.这座城市相当一般化。牛津高阶〔vanilla〕The décor is pretty vanilla.这种装饰风格太一般了。韦氏高阶〔vanilla〕The frosting is flavored with vanilla.这种糖霜是香草味的。韦氏高阶〔vanilla〕The tensions of the Nixon presidency were replaced by the plain vanilla administration of a friendly, middle-aged, middle-class man from the Middle West.尼克松时代的紧张局面被一届平淡无奇的政府所取代,继任总统温和友善,正值中年,出身中产阶级,来自中西部。柯林斯高阶〔vanilla〕There are no plans for an inexpensive vanilla version of the software.没有计划要生产该软件廉价的普通版本。朗文当代〔vanillic〕Of, relating to, or derived from vanilla or vanillin.香子兰的,香草的:香子兰的,与香子兰有关的,或从香子兰得来的美国传统〔whisk〕Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.把混和好的原料从火上拿开,搅入白兰地和香草精。剑桥高阶〔white chocolate〕Cocoa butter combined with milk and a sweetener, often flavored with vanilla.白巧克力:可可脂[油]加上牛奶和糖精,通常会添加香草风味美国传统A little vanilla flavouring improves the taste of the dessert.加一点香草香精可以改善这道甜食的味道。剑桥国际Add two teaspoons of vanilla and stir.加入两匙香子兰,然后搅拌。剑桥国际He loves vanilla ice-cream. 他喜欢香草冰淇淋。译典通Keeping a vanilla (Br) pod/(Am and Aus) bean (= seed container) in your sugar jar will add a delicate flavour.在你的糖罐里放一颗香子兰荚,可以增添一股醇美的香味。剑桥国际Many customers prefer plain vanilla cellphones.许多顾客喜欢简单实用的普通手机。牛津商务Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.将混合物从高温处挪开,搅入白兰地与香草香精。剑桥国际The best ice cream that we tasted had a natural vanilla colour, a smooth texture and a distinctive flavour.我们所品尝过的最好的冰淇淋具有天然香草色泽、滑爽的质地和独特的风味。剑桥国际The pudding was delicately flavoured with vanilla.布丁隐隐飘出香草味。剑桥国际We had apple pie with plain vanilla ice-cream.我们吃了苹果馅饼和纯香兰草冰激淋。剑桥国际




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