

单词 weft
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔filling〕The horizontal threads that cross the warp in weaving; weft.(织品的)纬纱:在纺织品中穿过纵向线的水平纱线;纬纱美国传统〔pick-up stick〕A pointed implement used in weaving to draw the weft through the warp.勾棒:在编织上用来在将纬线穿拉过经线的尖状工具美国传统〔pick〕A weft thread in weaving.纬纱:纺织中用的纬纱线美国传统〔shoot〕To variegate (colored cloth) by interweaving weft threads of a different color.投梭:通过织入另一颜色的织线使(有色布)或杂色美国传统〔tram〕A heavy silk thread used for the weft, or cross threads, in fine velvet or silk.纬纱:一种粗丝线,在上等天鹅绒或丝织品中用作纬线或交叉线美国传统〔weave〕To make (cloth) by interlacing the threads of the weft and the warp on a loom.织:在织布机上交织经线与纬线来织(布)美国传统〔weft〕Yarn used for the weft.纬线:织纬纱的纱线美国传统




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