

单词 unaided
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALONE〕After his illness he was unable to walk unaided. 病后他不能独力行走。朗文写作活用〔ALONE〕With no one else in the office I had to deal with the problem unaided. 办公室里没有别人,我只得独自处理这个问题。朗文写作活用〔Merope〕One of the six stars in the Pleiades cluster, faintly visible to the unaided eye.梅罗珀:昂星团的六星之一,用肉眼只能隐约地看见美国传统〔macrography〕Examination of objects with the unaided eye.宏观检查:用肉眼对物体的检查美国传统〔macroscopic〕Large enough to be perceived or examined by the unaided eye.肉眼可见的:大到可以用肉眼观察或辨别的美国传统〔macroscopic〕Relating to observations made by the unaided eye.与用肉眼进行的观察有关的美国传统〔microscopic〕Too small to be seen by the unaided eye but large enough to be studied under a microscope.非用显微镜不可见的;微观的:用肉眼不可见的但是可以用显微镜观察的美国传统〔multiple star〕A group of three or more stars, usually with a common gravitational center, that appear as one to the unaided eye.聚星:看上去象是一颗星的由三个或更多颗星组成的星群,通常具有一个共同的重力中心美国传统〔profess〕She professed that she could do nothing unaided.她承认自己不能独立无援地做任何事。英汉大词典〔shaky〕He made his way down the aircraft steps unaided but moved shakily as he did so.他独自一人走下了飞机梯级,双腿颤巍巍的。柯林斯高阶〔unaided〕He can now walk unaided.他现在能独自行走了。牛津高阶〔unaided〕He is unable to walk unaided.他不能独力行走。英汉大词典〔unaided〕Jack had difficulty dressing unaided.杰克自己穿衣有困难。麦克米伦高阶〔unaided〕She brought us up completely unaided.她完全靠自己养大了我们。外研社新世纪〔unaided〕She brought us up completely unaided.完全是她一手把我们拉扯大的。柯林斯高阶〔unaided〕She can no longer walk unaided.她再也不能独力行走了。朗文当代〔unaided〕Since his accident, he hasn't been able to walk unaided.自从出了车祸后,他一直不能独自行走。剑桥高阶〔unaided〕The baby sat up unaided.那个婴儿独自坐起来。文馨英汉〔unaided〕The two explorers attempted an unaided walk across the South Pole.两位探险者试图独自徒步穿越南极点。剑桥高阶〔unaided〕There have been at least thirteen previous attempts to reach the North Pole unaided.之前至少已经有过13次想独立到达北极的尝试。柯林斯高阶〔unaided〕There have been at least thirteen previous attempts to reach the North Pole unaided.独力到达北极的尝试之前至少有过13次。外研社新世纪〔unassisted〕Not having assistance; unaided.无助的美国传统〔visual binary〕A binary star that can be seen as two stars with a telescope and sometimes with the unaided eye.目视双星:可用望远镜及有时用裸眼看成二颗星的双星美国传统〔walk〕Due to his illness, he can no longer walk unaided.由于生病,他不能再独立行走了。牛津搭配After his accident, he was barely able to dress or go to the toilet unaided.车祸后, 他几乎不能自己穿衣服或上厕所。剑桥国际That comet is invisible to the unaided eye. 那颗彗星只用肉眼是看不到的。译典通The two explorers attempted an unaided walk across the South Pole.两个探险家尝试在无外援情况下穿越南极。剑桥国际




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