

单词 utensils
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕The school needs new computers, calculators, chairs, cooking utensils...basically, the works. 学校需要新的电脑、计算器、椅子、烹调用具…基本上,全都需要。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕Kitchen utensils should be attractive as well as functional. 厨房用具应该既美观又实用。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕We keep all the cooking utensils on the bottom shelf. 我们把所有的炊具都放在架子底层。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕Peter found the potato peeler in a drawer full of utensils. 彼得在一个放满了厨房用具的抽屉里找到了马铃薯削皮器。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕We packed a few essential cooking utensils such as pots and a can opener for our camping trip. 我们为野营旅行准备了锅、开罐刀等几种必须的烹调用具。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕You will find a wide range of kitchen utensils in our cookshop on the second floor. 二楼的炊具部有各种各样的厨具。朗文写作活用〔attractive〕Kitchen utensils should be attractive as well as functional .厨房用具应该既美观又实用。朗文当代〔battery〕In the kitchen an impressive battery of stainless steel utensils hangs on the wall.厨房的墙面上挂着一套不锈钢炊具,非常显眼。剑桥高阶〔boil〕Please give the utensils a good boil.请把这些器皿好好煮一煮(以消毒)。文馨英汉〔brass〕Ornaments, objects, or utensils made of this alloy.黄铜制品:用这种合金制的装饰品、物件或器皿美国传统〔britannia metal〕A white alloy of tin with copper, antimony, and sometimes bismuth and zinc that resembles pewter and is used in utensils and tableware.不列颠合金:锡铜锑或铋锌白色合金,类似白蜡,用来制用具或餐具美国传统〔canteen〕A box with compartments for carrying cooking gear and eating utensils.饭盒:有盛放餐具和食具的小隔间的盒子美国传统〔chuck wagon〕A wagon equipped with food and cooking utensils, as on a ranch or in a lumber camp.流动炊事车:装有食物和炊事器皿的货车,如在农场或伐木场中美国传统〔cist〕A wicker receptacle used in ancient Rome for carrying sacred utensils in procession.圣器箱:古罗马作行列圣歌时用以携带圣器的柳条容器美国传统〔collectible〕One of a group or class of objects, such as period glass or domestic utensils, prized by fanciers.收藏品:一组或一类被行家收藏的东西,如仿古玻璃制品或家用器具美国传统〔cookware〕Cooking utensils.烹饪用具美国传统〔cookware〕They sell several lines of popular cookware and utensils.他们出售几种热销的炊具和器皿。外研社新世纪〔coppersmith〕One that works or manufactures objects, especially utensils, in copper.铜匠:加工或制造铜制品尤其是铜器皿的人美国传统〔cupboard〕A closet or cabinet, usually with shelves for storing food, crockery, and utensils.食橱,碗橱:一种橱或柜,通常有用来贮藏食物、陶器和器皿的搁板美国传统〔cutlery〕Utensils such as knives, forks, and spoons used as tableware.餐具:用作餐具的诸如刀、叉和匙等的用具美国传统〔dresser〕A cupboard or set of shelves for dishes or kitchen utensils.碗橱:放碗碟和炊具的架子或搁板美国传统〔flat silver〕Utensils, such as knives, forks, or spoons, made of silver or silver plate.成套银餐具:如刀、叉或匙等银质或镀银的餐具美国传统〔flatware〕Table utensils such as knives, forks, and spoons.刀、叉和汤匙等餐具美国传统〔graniteware〕Iron utensils with a mottled enamel resembling granite.单涂搪瓷器皿:表面涂以搪瓷使外观象花岗岩的铁制品美国传统〔hardware〕Metal goods and utensils such as locks, tools, and cutlery.五金器具:如锁、工具及刀具等金属制品或器皿美国传统〔heatproof〕Unaffected by heat. Used especially of plastic, glass, or ceramic utensils that may be used directly over a flame or in an oven.抗热的:主要是指塑料、玻璃或陶瓷器不受热影响可以直接置于火上或放入炉中的美国传统〔hob〕A shelf or projection at the back or side of a fireplace, used for keeping food or utensils warm.铁架:火炉旁或其后用于食品或厨具保温的铁架或凸出物美国传统〔housewares〕Cooking utensils, dishes, and other small articles used in a household, especially in the kitchen.家庭用品:家中,尤指厨房中使用之厨具、碗盘和其他小件物品美国传统〔ironware〕Iron utensils and other products made of iron.铁品质:铁质器皿和其它铁制产品美国传统〔kitchenware〕Utensils, such as pots and pans, for use in a kitchen.炊具:厨房中使用的用具,如锅和盘子美国传统〔mess kit〕A set of cooking and eating utensils compactly arranged in a kit, used by soldiers and campers.野战餐具:士兵和野营者所使用的一套紧凑地排列在用品箱中的炊具及餐具美国传统〔pewter〕Any of numerous silver-gray alloys of tin with various amounts of antimony, copper, and sometimes lead, used widely for fine kitchen utensils and tableware.白镴:一种银灰色的锡合金,带有多种数量的锑、铜,而且有时还有铅,广泛地用于优质的厨房器皿和餐具美国传统〔potholder〕A small fabric pad used to handle hot cooking utensils.防烫布垫:用来端垫热炊具的小块织物垫美国传统〔silverware〕Metal eating and serving utensils.银餐具:金属制进餐和分菜用具美国传统〔silver〕Tableware, especially eating and serving utensils, made of steel or another metal.钢制(或其它金属)餐具:由钢或其它金属制成的餐具,尤指进餐和分菜用具美国传统〔tinker〕A traveling mender of metal household utensils.白铁匠:一个流动的修理家庭金属用具的人美国传统〔treen〕Cookware, tableware, or eating utensils made of wood.木制家用器皿:用木头制成的炊具、餐具或食具美国传统〔utensil〕In the drawer was a selection of kitchen utensils - spoons, spatulas, knives, and whisks.抽屉里有一套厨房用具——勺、铲子、刀和搅蛋器。剑桥高阶In the drawer was a selection of kitchen utensils - spoons, spatulas, knives and whisks.抽屉里是一些厨房用品,有勺子、铲子、刀子和搅拌器。剑桥国际In the kitchen an impressive battery of stainless steel utensils hangs on the wall.厨房的墙上挂着一套引人注目的不锈钢用具。剑桥国际These cooking utensils are made of aluminum. 这些炊具是铝制的。译典通This store sells cooking utensils. 这商店出售炊具。译典通




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