

单词 with one blow
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blow〕He knocked the thief unconscious with one blow of his fist.他一拳把那个小偷打得不省人事。文馨英汉〔cleave〕With one blow of the knight's axe, he clove the rock in twain (= into two pieces).武士大斧一挥,将石头劈成了两半。剑桥高阶〔cleave〕He can cleave a tree with one blow of his axe.他一斧头就能砍断一棵树。英汉大词典〔hit off〕She hit off the money in his hand with one blow.她一掌打掉了他手中的钱。21世纪英汉〔knock〕Rudolph had seen him knock Thomas unconscious with one blow of his fist.鲁道夫看到他一拳击昏了托马斯。外研社新世纪〔upend〕He upended his opponent with one blow.他一拳把对手打倒。英汉大词典With one blow of the knight's axe, the rock clove in twain (=into two pieces).随着那武士的斧子一挥,石头被劈成两半。剑桥国际Bill knocked him down with one blow. 比尔一拳把他打倒在地。译典通He floored his opponent with one blow. 他一拳便将对手打倒在地。译典通




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