

单词 vandalized
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DAMAGE〕All the public telephones in the area had been vandalized. 这地区的所有公用电话都被人肆意毁坏了。朗文写作活用〔rampage〕The rioters went on a rampage and vandalized many shops.叛乱分子聚众闹事,捣毁了许多商店。英汉大词典〔spray paint〕The walls have been horribly vandalized with spray paint.墙上被人用喷漆涂得乱七八糟。柯林斯高阶〔vandalization〕The invaders vandalized the museum.入侵者肆意破坏博物馆。21世纪英汉〔vandalize〕About 1,000 rioters vandalized buildings and looted stores.大约1,000名暴徒一路捣毁建筑,抢劫商店。柯林斯高阶〔vandalize〕All our telephones were vandalized.我们所有的电话都被故意弄坏了。外研社新世纪〔vandalize〕Our car was vandalized in the parking lot.我们的汽车在停车场遭到了故意破坏。韦氏高阶〔vandalize〕Rioters vandalized buildings and looted stores.暴徒们捣毁建筑, 抢劫商店。外研社新世纪〔vandalize〕The cemetery was vandalized during the night.公墓在夜间遭到了破坏。朗文当代〔vandalize〕The lifts (shops) are vandalized.电梯(商店)被捣毁。英汉大词典〔vandalize〕The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint.墙壁被用喷漆喷得一塌糊涂。柯林斯高阶〔vandalize〕When I got back, my car had been vandalized.等我回来的时候,我的车已被恣意搞破坏的人给砸坏了。剑桥高阶She felt it was her civic duty (=her duty as a person living in the town) to give the police the names of the youths who had vandalized the bus shelter.她觉得把那些破坏公共汽车候车亭的年轻人的名字告诉警察是她作为市民应尽的责任。剑桥国际Theresa needed a police escort when she returned to salvage what remained in her vandalized house.特丽萨需要警察护卫,才能回到她那被肆意破坏的家中,抢救剩下的财产。剑桥国际When I got back, my car had been vandalized.我回来的时候,我的车子已经被人破坏了。剑桥国际




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