

单词 vandalism
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕Authorities put the acts of vandalism down to ‘festive high spirits’ after the team's victory. 当局将那种破坏公物的行为归因于该队获胜后“高涨的欢闹情绪”。朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕In recent years, there has been an increase in vandalism in inner-city areas. 近年来在市中心地区故意破坏公物的行为有上升趋势。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕Smashing up trains is such a senseless form of vandalism. 砸毁火车是毫无意义的破坏行为。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕This warehouse is not adequately protected against theft or vandalism. 这仓库没有足够的防盗或防破坏的措施。朗文写作活用〔act〕The deaths occurred when police acted to stop widespread looting and vandalism.警方采取行动制止猖狂的打砸抢行为时有多人丧生。柯林斯高阶〔associate〕Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.说唱组合一直被禁止参加大型音乐活动, 因为人们会把他们同破坏捣乱联系在一起。外研社新世纪〔associate〕Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.说唱组合被禁止参加大型的音乐活动,因为他们使人联想到肆意破坏公共财产的行为。柯林斯高阶〔barbarian〕Young barbarians have committed horrible vandalisms.文盲加流氓的年轻人犯下了令人发指的毁坏文物行为。英汉大词典〔coincidence〕After the fourth attack on her car she was convinced that the vandalism was more than just coincidence.她的汽车第四次遭袭后,她确信这些破坏绝不是偶然。朗文当代〔deplore〕We deplore vandalism.我们谴责破坏他人财产的行为。牛津同义词〔forbear〕Protesters largely forbore from stone-throwing and vandalism.大多数抗议者克制住了, 没有投掷石块和蓄意破坏。外研社新世纪〔forbear〕Protesters largely forbore from stone-throwing and vandalism.抗议者绝大多数没有投掷石头和蓄意破坏。柯林斯高阶〔graffiti〕There's no vandalism, no graffiti, no rubbish left lying about.没有损害公共财物的行为,也没有涂鸦和随处丢弃的垃圾。柯林斯高阶〔graffito〕The school is free of graffiti and vandalism.校内已无乱涂乱画和破坏公物的现象。英汉大词典〔hell〕It was just vandalism for the hell of it, not even thinking about how it would affect other people.这只是为了好玩就破坏公物, 丝毫没有考虑会对其他人造成怎样的影响。外研社新世纪〔hell〕It was stupid, just vandalism for the hell of it.只是为了好玩而破坏公物是很愚蠢的行为。柯林斯高阶〔moronic〕It was wanton, moronic vandalism.这是无端、愚蠢的恶意破坏。外研社新世纪〔moronic〕It was wanton, moronic vandalism.这是无端、愚蠢的恶意破坏。柯林斯高阶〔occurrence〕Vandalism used to be a rare occurrence here.过去这里很少发生故意破坏公物的事。牛津高阶〔pestilence〕The report states that vandalism is a pestilence that must be stamped out.该报告说明,恶意破坏行为是一种毒瘤,必须铲除。剑桥高阶〔responsible〕Police caught the youths responsible for the vandalism.警方抓获了那群故意破坏公共财产的年轻人。韦氏高阶〔responsible〕The court held the parents answerable for their minor child's acts of vandalism.法庭要求父母对于其未成年孩子恶意破坏文物的行为负责。美国传统〔story〕Stories abound of vandalism and looting.破坏和抢劫财物的故事多得很。牛津搭配〔straight-out〕It's straight-out vandalism.这完全属于故意破坏他人财产的行为。外研社新世纪〔vandalism〕Beset by violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.这里充斥着暴力和蓄意破坏公共财物行为,是本市最乱的地区之一。剑桥高阶〔vandalism〕Cutting down the old forest was an act of vandalism.砍伐那片老林子是一种暴殄天物的行为。剑桥高阶〔vandalism〕He was arrested for vandalism.他因故意破坏公共财产而被捕。韦氏高阶〔vandalism〕The advertising industry's use of classic songs is vandalism of popular culture, he said.他说,广告业利用经典歌曲是对大众文化的糟蹋。剑桥高阶〔vandalism〕The troublemakers embarked on a £30 000 vandalism spree.这帮闹事者开始了疯狂的破坏行为,造成 3 万英镑的损失。牛津搭配〔vandalism〕These housing estates suffer from widespread vandalism.这些住宅区遭受广泛的野蛮破坏。英汉大词典〔vandalism〕These schools are known to be vulnerable to vandalism.众所周知,这些学校的公共财物经常遭到蓄意破坏。剑桥高阶〔words〕It is an act of such cultural vandalism – words fail me.这种恣意破坏文化的行为竟到了如此地步——我都不知道该怎么说。外研社新世纪All the bus shelters in the town have been taken down because of perpetual vandalism.镇子里所有的公共汽车候车亭因为连续不断的破坏事件都被拆了。剑桥国际Beset by drug problems, prostitution, violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.到处都有吸毒,嫖娼,暴力和故意破坏行为,这是本市最让人不快的地区之一。剑桥国际Cutting down the hedges was an act of vandalism.砍倒那些篱笆是一种糟蹋行为。剑桥国际Looting and vandalism caused thousands of dollars’worth of damage to businesses and public property.哄抢和破坏公物给商店和公众财产带来了数千美元的损失。剑桥国际The advertising industry's use of classic songs is vandalism of popular culture, he said.他说广告界使用古典音乐是对大众文化的糟蹋。剑桥国际There was a wire mesh over the shop window to prevent vandalism.商店橱窗外包着一层铁丝网以防止恶意破坏。剑桥国际These schools are known to be vulnerable to vandalism.据说这些学校的财物经常被人故意破坏。剑桥国际They established a city conservation area in an effort to preserve what buildings were left after the vandalism of the seventies.他们建立了一个城市保护区,旨在保护70年代肆意破坏以来所剩下的建筑物。剑桥国际




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