

单词 written order
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bill of exchange〕A written order directing that a specified sum of money be paid to a specified person.汇票:指明某笔钱是付给某人的书面指令美国传统〔billet〕A written order directing that such lodging be provided.军队要求民宿的命令:向军人提供膳宿的书面命令美国传统〔billet〕To serve (a person) with a written order to provide lodging for soldiers.把为士兵提供民宿的命令给(个人)美国传统〔check〕Abbr. ch.,ck.A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit; a draft.缩写 ch.,ck.支票:给银行从存款中支付具体款项的书面支票;汇票美国传统〔draft〕A written order directing the payment of money from an account or fund.汇款:指示直接从户头或基金付款的书面命令美国传统〔prescription〕A written order, especially by a physician, for the preparation and administration of a medicine or other treatment.处方,药方:指由医生开出的主要关于药品或疗法的书面指示美国传统〔thereupon〕Ask for a written order with your specifications printed thereupon.要求提供书面订单并在其上具体写明要求细则。剑桥高阶〔writ〕Law A written order issued by a court, commanding the party to whom it is addressed to perform or cease performing a specified act.【法律】 令状:由法院发布的书面命令,要求接受令状的团体做或不做令状指定的行为美国传统




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