

单词 yeast
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔English muffin〕A flat round muffin made from yeast dough that has been baked on a griddle and is usually split and toasted before being eaten.英国松饼:在扁平锅上烙过的发酵面团制成的扁圆形小松糕,吃前通常要切开并烤制美国传统〔French bread〕Bread made with water, flour, and yeast and baked in long crusty loaves.法式面包:由水、面粉和酵母作成的面团而考出的长条脆面包美国传统〔bagel〕A glazed, ring-shaped roll with a tough, chewy texture, made from plain yeast dough that is dropped briefly into nearly boiling water and then baked.硬面包圈:一种浇上糖浆的,质地坚韧耐嚼的环状卷饼,由不着色的酵母面做成,只需简单地将酵母面放入近于烧开的水中,然后烘烤美国传统〔brioche〕A soft, light-textured bread made from eggs, butter, flour, and yeast and formed into a roll or a bun.奶油鸡蛋卷:一种柔软,蓬松的面包,用鸡蛋、黄油、面粉、和酵母做成卷或圆形美国传统〔bud〕An asexual reproductive structure, as in yeast or a hydra, that consists of an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.芽体:一种无性再生结构,如酵母或水螅,包含有一个外部生长物,可以发育成一个新的个体美国传统〔dough〕Work the flour and yeast mixture together until you have a sticky dough.将面粉和酵母混在一起和成黏糊糊的面团。柯林斯高阶〔dough〕Work the flour and yeast mixture together until you have a sticky dough.把面粉和酵母混在一起, 揉成一个发黏的面团。外研社新世纪〔fermentation〕Yeast is essential for the fermentation that produces alcohol.酿酒要发酵,而发酵必须有酵母。外研社新世纪〔fermentation〕Yeast is essential for the fermentation that produces alcohol.酿酒要发酵,而发酵必须有酵母。柯林斯高阶〔fermentation〕To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.为了满足面包店主的需要,制造商让酵母发酵,以生产出浓度更高的产品。柯林斯高阶〔ferment〕Yeast ferments the sugar in the juice.酵母使果汁里的糖发酵。韦氏高阶〔ferment〕Yeast is added to the milk to make it ferment.在牛奶中加入酵母使其发酵。外研社新世纪〔ferment〕Manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.制造商让酵母发酵以生产出浓度更高的产品。外研社新世纪〔ferment〕Something, such as a yeast, a bacterium, a mold, or an enzyme, that causes fermentation.酶,酵素:酵母菌、细菌、霉菌或酶等能引起发酵的东西美国传统〔foam〕The mixture will bubble and foam when you add the yeast.加入酵母后,混合物就会起泡。韦氏高阶〔form〕Barley, hops, yeast and water form the basic ingredients of beer.大麦、蛇麻、酵母和水是啤酒的基本原料。英汉大词典〔from〕Bread is made from flour, water, and yeast.面包是由面粉、水和酵母做的。朗文当代〔kuchen〕A coffeecake raised with yeast, often containing fruit and nuts.(德国)糕点:一种发酵制成的咖啡糕,蛋糕中常有水果和坚果美国传统〔lactase〕An enzyme occurring in certain yeasts and in the intestinal juices of mammals that is capable of splitting lactose into glucose and galactose.乳糖酶:一种能将乳糖分解成葡萄糖和半乳糖的酶,它存在于某些酵母或哺乳动物的体液中美国传统〔leaven〕An agent, such as yeast, that causes batter or dough to rise, especially by fermentation.酵素:一种可使面粉糊或面团发大的制剂,尤指通过发酵,如酵母菌美国传统〔level〕Stir in 1 level teaspoon of yeast.加入一平茶匙的酵母后搅拌。柯林斯高阶〔level〕Stir in 1 level teaspoon of yeast.加入一平茶匙酵母后搅拌。外研社新世纪〔malt〕German beer has traditionally been made from just four ingredients — hops, malt, yeast and water.德国啤酒传统上只用4种原料——啤酒花、麦芽、酵母和水。柯林斯高阶〔malt〕German beer is traditionally made from hops, malt, yeast and water.传统上德国啤酒是用酒花、麦芽、酵母和水酿制而成的。外研社新世纪〔mixture〕The mixture of flour, water, and yeast is then left in a warm place for four hours.然后将面粉、水和酵母的混合物放在暖和的地方发酵4小时。剑桥高阶〔panettone〕A festive Italian yeast cake flavored with candied fruit peels and raisins.节日果子面包:意大利节日果子面包,配有水果干和果皮蜜饯美国传统〔purification〕I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood.我每天服用干酵母片以净化血液。柯林斯高阶〔raised〕Made light and high by yeast or other leaven.发酵的:用酵母或其它发酵剂使…轻而高美国传统〔rise〕Yeast will make the dough rise.酵母会使生面团发酵。韦氏高阶〔rising〕The leaven or yeast used to make dough rise in baking.发酵粉:做面包时用于使生面团发酵的酵母或酒母美国传统〔runza〕A pastry consisting of cabbage and usually pork or beef encased in yeast dough.伦扎饼:由包在酵母面粉中的白菜或猪肉、牛肉组成的饼美国传统〔saccharomycete〕A yeast of the family Saccharomycetaceae, including the saccharomyces.酵母菌:酵母菌科的一种酵母,包括酵母美国传统〔sally lunn〕A somewhat sweet bread leavened with yeast.莎莉伦饼:一种用酵母发酵过的微甜面包美国传统〔scone〕Utah Yeast bread dough, deep-fried and served with honey and butter or with a savory filling.【犹他】 蜂蜜面包:生面发酵成的面包,炸熟后配以蜂蜜和黄油或加以调味美国传统〔sour〕Yeast is used to sour the wort for beer.鲜酵母用来使酿啤酒的麦芽汁发酵。英汉大词典〔sour〕Let the dough sour in the keg for making yeast.让生面团在桶里发酵以制酵母。英汉大词典〔stir〕When the yeast is dissolved, stir the flour in gradually.酵母溶解后,把面粉慢慢拌入搅和。英汉大词典〔stollen〕A rich yeast bread containing raisins, citron, and chopped nutmeats.果子面包:含有葡萄干、香橼和切碎的坚果核仁的充分发酵的面包美国传统〔terra alba〕Finely pulverized gypsum used in making paper, paints, and as a nutrient for growing yeast.白土:可粉碎的很细的石膏,用于造纸、颜料和正在发酵的酵母的营养剂美国传统〔work〕Yeast makes beer work.酵母使啤酒发酵。21世纪英汉〔work〕Yeast makes beer work.酵母使啤酒发酵。英汉大词典〔zymase〕The enzyme complex in yeasts that catalyzes the breakdown of sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.酿酶:酵母中的酵素结合体,将糖催化分裂成酒精和二氧化碳美国传统〔zymosan〕An insoluble carbohydrate from the cell wall of yeast, used especially in the immunoassay of properdin.酵母聚糖:来自于酵母细胞壁的一种难溶解的碳水化合物,尤用在免疫蛋白质的免疫分析中美国传统Crumble the yeast into the milk, stir in the honey and mix to a smooth paste.把酵母弄碎放入牛奶,和蜂蜜一起搅拌,混合成细腻的糊。剑桥国际Gluten enables dough to rise when baking, by trapping bubbles of carbon dioxide produced by the yeast in the mixture.在酵母释放出的二氧化碳气泡的作用下,面筋使面团在烘烤时膨胀变大。剑桥国际Sourdough is sometimes used in addition to yeast in bread-making.在面包制作过程中,除了放酵母外,有时还加酵头。剑桥国际The dough is leavened with yeast.酵母使面团发酵。剑桥国际The mixture (= combination) of flour, water and yeast is then left in a warm place for four hours.将面粉、水和酵母的混合物放在温和的地方四小时。剑桥国际When you put yeast in bread and bake the bread, it rises.当你将酵母放入面包并烤面包时,它就会发起来。剑桥国际




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