

单词 working hard
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-controlled〕He was working hard to keep control of himself.他正努力克制自己。柯林斯高阶〔OFFEND〕Anna took it personally when the boss said some people were not working hard enough. 老板说有些人工作不够卖力,安娜觉得那是在针对她。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕It is up to the teacher to keep the class quiet and working hard. 让学生保持安静并勤奋学习,这是老师的责任。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕Bruno had been working hard in the kitchen all morning. 整个早上,布鲁诺都在厨房里忙个不停。朗文写作活用〔What good does it do?〕What's the good of working hard if your boss doesn't give you any credit for it? 如果老板不予以肯定,努力工作有什么用?韦氏高阶〔allegiance〕Both candidates are working hard to convince voters to switch allegiances.两位候选人都在努力说服选民们改变拥戴对象。韦氏高阶〔appearance〕He gave an appearance of working hard.他给人一副努力工作的样子。外研社新世纪〔be a question of doing sth〕It's simply/just a question of working hard for a month and then you can relax.那就只需努力工作1个月,然后你就可以休息了。剑桥高阶〔believe in〕I believe in working hard to achieve success.我相信取得成功在于努力进取。韦氏高阶〔breather〕He'd been working hard and felt he needed (to take) a breather.他一直工作得很辛苦,觉得该歇一会儿了。剑桥高阶〔by〕By working hard he finally succeeded.凭著努力工作,他终于成功了。文馨英汉〔catch〕The police are working hard to catch the criminals and put them in jail.警方正在全力抓捕罪犯并把他们投入监狱。韦氏高阶〔connection〕They're working hard to make an emotional connection with their adopted children.他们正努力与他们收养的孩子们建立感情。韦氏高阶〔control〕He was working hard to keep control of himself.他一直努力使自己保持冷静。外研社新世纪〔enough〕He told me I hadn't been working hard enough.他说我工作还不够努力。麦克米伦高阶〔evidence〕He says he's been working hard, but I haven't seen any evidence of it.他说他一直努力工作,但我可没看出来。牛津搭配〔hard〕I've been working hard all day.我一整天都在努力工作。外研社新世纪〔image〕The hotel and casino industry is working hard on improving its image .酒店和赌博业正努力提升其形象。朗文当代〔know〕She ought to pass the exam—goodness knows she's been working hard enough.她应该考合格,她可真够努力了。牛津高阶〔late〕He started working hard much too late in the day—he couldn't possib ly catch up.他太晚才开始努力工作,不可能赶上了。牛津高阶〔leap〕Murray has been working hard at his game and has progressed by leaps and bounds.默里在自己的行当里一直都很努力,并且也取得了相当大的进展。麦克米伦高阶〔marketplace〕We are working hard to enter the global marketplace.我们正在努力争取进入全球市场。牛津搭配〔nicker〕You could pull in 300 nicker without even working hard.你不必出大力就可捞进300英镑。英汉大词典〔palate〕She's been working hard on a menu that will please the palates of all her guests.她一直在努力设计一份能满足所有客人口味的菜单。韦氏高阶〔perspire〕He had been working hard and was perspiring profusely.他一直在努力干活儿,身上大汗淋漓。牛津搭配〔preach〕He's such a pain - he's always preaching about the virtues of working hard and getting up early.他很烦人——老在宣讲努力工作和早起的美德。剑桥高阶〔prepare〕The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams.全班都在努力用功准备考试。牛津高阶〔prepare〕We were all working hard to prepare for the wedding.我们都在卖力地为婚礼作准备。麦克米伦高阶〔recreation〕We deserve some recreation after working hard.辛苦工作之后,我们该有一点娱乐。牛津同义词〔reestablish〕She is working hard to reestablish her political influence.她正努力恢复其政治影响力。韦氏高阶〔replete〕The country's history is replete with stories of people who became successful by working hard.这个国家的历史不乏通过勤奋努力取得成功的故事。韦氏高阶〔reverse〕Some surgeons are working hard on a satisfactory way to reverse vasectomies.一些外科医师正在努力工作,以研究出一种重新接上被切除的输精管的好方法。英汉大词典〔slice〕We're working hard to get a bigger slice of the tourist trade.我们正努力争取旅游业的更大份额。麦克米伦高阶〔solution〕UN leaders are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.联合国领导人在努力寻找和平解决这场冲突的方法。麦克米伦高阶〔surprise〕I started working hard for the first time in my life. To my surprise, I found I liked it.我生平第一次开始努力工作。令我惊讶的是,我发现我竟然很开心。柯林斯高阶〔trade on〕He wants to succeed by working hard instead of just trading on his good looks.他希望通过努力工作而不是凭英俊的长相获得成功。韦氏高阶〔win ... over〕We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.我们必须再努力奋斗10天把尚未拿定主意的选民争取过来。21世纪英汉〔win〕We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.我们将在接下来的十天好好努力,把犹豫未决的选民争取过来。朗文当代〔work〕He had been working hard all morning.他一上午都在努力工作。牛津搭配〔work〕The company is working hard to improve its image.该公司正竭力提高自身的形象。朗文当代Diplomats have been working hard behind the scenes in preparation for the peace talks.外交家们一直在秘密而紧张地为和谈做着准备工作。剑桥国际He is working hard at this thesis. 他正在努力地撰写论文。译典通He is working hard that he can catch up with the class. 他努力用功,以便赶上班上同学。译典通He is working hard to excel his predecessors. 他正努力超越他的前任。译典通He'd been working hard and felt he needed (to have / take) a breather.他一直工作很努力,他觉得他该歇一会儿。剑桥国际He's such a pain -- he's always preaching about the virtues of working hard and getting up early.他很烦人----反复宣讲努力工作和早起的美德。剑桥国际I thought he was working hard in the garden, but I found him stripped to the waist (= with no clothes on the top part of his body), lying in the middle of the lawn.我原以为他在花园里辛勤干活,可后来却发现他赤着上身躺在草地中央。剑桥国际The Red Cross is working hard to relieve the distress caused by the civil war.红十字会在奋力工作,减轻内战带来的痛苦。剑桥国际They are working hard against the clock to translate the novel. 他们正在分秒必争地赶紧翻译那本小说。译典通We're working hard to find a solution to the problem.我们在努力寻求解决这个问题的办法。牛津商务




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