

单词 wing
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-winged〕in the Child Psychiatry wing of London's Royal Free Hospital.在伦敦皇家自由医院配楼的儿童精神病部柯林斯高阶〔-winged〕the liberal wing of the Democratic Party.民主党自由派柯林斯高阶〔-winged〕the military wing of the African National Congress.非洲国民大会的武装派柯林斯高阶〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕a bunch of right wing reactionaries 一群右翼反动分子朗文写作活用〔Neanderthal〕the Neanderthal wing of the party 党内的极右翼英汉大词典〔allied〕a think-tank allied to the right wing of the Democratic Party与民主党右翼结盟的智囊团外研社新世纪〔backswept〕a backswept aeroplane wing 后掠机翼英汉大词典〔coloration〕the brilliant coloration of a butterfly's wing 蝴蝶翅膀鲜艳夺目的颜色英汉大词典〔cruciform〕a cruciform aircraft wing 十字形的机翼英汉大词典〔deice〕to deice the ice formation on the wing of an airplane除去机翼上结的冰[亦作de-ice]21世纪英汉〔east〕the east wing of the house房子的东翼外研社新世纪〔endowment〕the endowment of a hospital wing 给医院建一座翼楼的捐赠韦氏高阶〔envelop〕to envelop the southern wing of the enemy包围敌军南侧21世纪英汉〔extreme〕the extreme left wing of the party 该党的极左翼英汉大词典〔fair〕an engine faired into a wing 装得和机翼齐平贴合的发动机英汉大词典〔fair〕faired the aircraft's wing into the fuselage.把机翼连在机身上美国传统〔fillet〕a wing fillet 机翼整流片英汉大词典〔infuscate〕the infuscate wing of an insect 昆虫的烟褐色翅膀英汉大词典〔internal〕senior members of an internal wing 内部一翼势力的重要成员们英汉大词典〔leading edge〕the leading edge of an airplane's wing 机翼前缘韦氏高阶〔left-wing〕the left wing of the Labour party 工党的左翼势力朗文当代〔lift〕a wing design that generates more lift 产生更多上升力的机翼设计韦氏高阶〔marginal〕the marginal parts of an insect's wing 昆虫翅膀的边缘部分英汉大词典〔mirror〕a wing mirror (装在车外侧的)后视镜朗文当代〔nearside〕a scratch on the nearside front wing of the car 汽车左前翼子板上的一道划痕朗文当代〔near〕the near wing mirror靠近人行道一侧的后视镜外研社新世纪〔on〕a bird on the wing 飞行中的鸟文馨英汉〔outboard〕the outboard end of a wing 外侧翼端英汉大词典〔papery〕the papery wing of a moth 蛾子薄如纸的翅膀韦氏高阶〔radical〕a radical wing of extremists 极端主义者中的激进派韦氏高阶〔radical〕radicals on the extreme left wing of the party 党内极左翼激进分子朗文当代〔radical〕the radical wing of the party 党内的激进派牛津高阶〔rebellion〕face a growing rebellion from the left wing of the party 面对党内左翼越来越强大的反对英汉大词典〔reformist〕the reformist wing of the party 党内的改革派朗文当代〔right-wing〕the right wing of the Conservative Party.保守党右翼柯林斯高阶〔secularism〕the more secularist wing of the party 政党中的世俗派韦氏高阶〔span〕a bird with a large wing span 一只翼展宽大的鸟朗文当代〔split off〕the Youth Wing which split off the National Liberal party earlier this year.今年年初从国家自由党中分裂出去的青年派柯林斯高阶〔stroke〕wing strokes of a bird 鸟翼的扑打英汉大词典〔tail〕the tail wing 尾翼牛津高阶〔tip〕lights on the wing tips of aeroplanes 飞机翼尖上的灯朗文当代〔tracery〕the delicate tracery of a butterfly's wing 蝴蝶翅膀上的精美线条韦氏高阶〔turf out〕the right wing landslide which has turfed out the Socialist government.右翼取得了把社会党政府赶下台的压倒性胜利柯林斯高阶〔wing〕wing a bird 打伤鸟的翅膀英汉大词典〔wing〕wing an arrow at a target 向着一个目标射去一箭英汉大词典〔wing〕wing feathers 翅膀上的羽毛牛津高阶〔wing〕a bird with a broken wing 折了翅膀的鸟牛津搭配〔wing〕be on the wing all around the world 奔波于世界各地英汉大词典〔wing〕in the Child Psychiatry wing of London's Royal Free Hospital在伦敦皇家自由医院配楼的儿童精神科外研社新世纪〔wing〕the 107th Fighter Wing *107战斗机联队韦氏高阶〔wing〕the children's (internal, surgical) wing of a hospital 医院的小儿科(内科,外科)病房英汉大词典〔wing〕the east wing 东翼楼牛津高阶〔wing〕the east wing of the palace 东侧殿朗文当代〔wing〕the east wing of the palace宫殿的东翼外研社新世纪〔wing〕the east/main wing 东厢/主厢房麦克米伦高阶〔wing〕the left wing of the Conservative Party 保守党左翼英汉大词典〔wing〕the liberal wing of the Democratic Party民主党自由派外研社新世纪〔wing〕the new wing of the hospital 与医院一侧相连的新楼房牛津高阶〔wing〕the political wing of the organization 组织中的政治派别韦氏高阶〔wing〕the radical wing of the party 这个政党中的激进派牛津高阶




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