

单词 waist
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bare〕be bare to the waist 赤膊英汉大词典〔below the waist〕paralyzed from the waist down = paralyzed below the waist 腰部以下瘫痪韦氏高阶〔belt〕a dress belted loosely at the waist 裙腰松松地束着一条带子的连衣裙朗文当代〔bend〕bend at the waist 弯腰韦氏高阶〔bind〕bind a belt round one's waist 把腰带束在腰上英汉大词典〔bow〕bow from the waist 弯腰欠身英汉大词典〔cinch in〕a silk tunic cinched in at the waist by a woven leather belt一件用编织的皮革腰带收紧腰部的真丝束腰外衣外研社新世纪〔cinch〕a blue dress cinched at the waist by a wide belt 蓝色的连衣裙腰间系着一条宽宽的腰带朗文当代〔contoured〕a dress with a contoured waist 腰身合适的连衣裙韦氏高阶〔dropped〕a dress with a dropped waist 低腰连衣裙韦氏高阶〔elasticated〕a dress with an elasticated waist 腰部有松紧带的连衣裙剑桥高阶〔elasticated〕a skirt with an elasticated waist 有松紧腰带的裙子牛津高阶〔elasticized〕a dress with an elasticized waist 腰部有松紧带的连衣裙剑桥高阶〔elastic〕children's pants with an elastic waist 有松紧腰带的儿童裤子朗文当代〔encircle〕encircle one's waist with a girdle of thorns 把荆棘编成的腰带围在腰上英汉大词典〔fat〕rolls of fat around his waist 他腰部一圈圈的肥肉麦克米伦高阶〔feeling〕lose feeling below the waist 腰部以下失去知觉英汉大词典〔gird〕to gird the waist with a sash用饰带束腰21世纪英汉〔measurement〕a waist measurement of 32 inches 32英寸的腰围英汉大词典〔measure〕one's waist measure 腰围尺寸英汉大词典〔measure〕take sb.'s waist measure 给某人量腰围英汉大词典〔naked〕be naked to the waist 赤膊英汉大词典〔nip〕nip in the waist a bit 把腰部稍微改小一点 英汉大词典〔slender〕the tall girl's slender waist 那高个儿姑娘的纤细腰肢英汉大词典〔slim〕a slim waist 纤腰朗文当代〔small〕a small waist 细腰英汉大词典〔snug〕the skirt snugged the waist with a belt带子束腰的长裙21世纪英汉〔strip〕strip to the waist 裸至腰部,裸露上半身文馨英汉〔take〕took in the waist on the pair of pants.把裤子的腰身改小一些美国传统〔to〕be stripped to the waist 赤膊英汉大词典〔tuck〕perfect for plus-sized brides because it tucks the waist and hides the hips非常适合体态丰腴的新娘, 因为它在腰的部位打了褶, 能遮住臀部外研社新世纪〔upward〕bare from the waist upward.腰部以上赤裸美国传统〔waist〕a large (small) waist 粗(细)腰英汉大词典〔waist〕a skirt with an elasticated waist 腰部有松紧带的裙子牛津高阶〔waist〕a small/narrow/tiny/large/thick waist 小/窄/极细的/宽/粗腰剑桥高阶〔waist〕have a long (short) waist 上身长(短) 英汉大词典〔waist〕the waist of the peninsula 半岛中间的狭长地带英汉大词典〔waspish〕her waspish waist 她的小细腰韦氏高阶〔wasp〕a waist like a wasp's 蜂腰(或细腰)英汉大词典〔wind〕wound her injured leg with a bandage; wound the waist of the gown with lace and ribbons.用绷带包扎她受伤的腿;在衣服的腰部围上花边和丝带美国传统




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