

单词 veil
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔THIN〕a fine chiffon veil with embroidered edges 一块边上刺绣的精致的薄绸面纱朗文写作活用〔airy〕an airy veil 轻薄的面纱英汉大词典〔bridal〕a bridal veil 婚纱英汉大词典〔diaphanous〕a diaphanous silk veil 透明丝绸面纱剑桥高阶〔draw over〕to draw a veil over the behaviour对这种行为避而不谈21世纪英汉〔draw over〕to draw a veil over掩盖,对…避而不谈21世纪英汉〔fuck〕fuck with a veil 弄乱面纱英汉大词典〔gossamer〕a gossamer veil 轻薄精致的面纱剑桥高阶〔opalescent〕an opalescent veil 乳白色的面纱英汉大词典〔secrecy〕the veil of secrecy that covered the talks 会谈蒙着的神秘面纱朗文当代〔veil〕a veil of secrecy.神秘的遮盖物美国传统〔veil〕a veil of silence 一片寂静英汉大词典〔veil〕a bridal veil 新娘的面纱朗文当代〔veil〕a bridal veil 新娘的面纱牛津高阶〔veil〕a bridal veil 新娘的面纱英汉大词典〔veil〕a bridal veil 新娘面纱韦氏高阶〔veil〕interference under the veil of friendship 在友谊的幌子下进行的干涉英汉大词典〔veil〕remove the veil of illusion 拨开幻觉的迷雾英汉大词典〔veil〕to take the veil (= become a nun) 做修女牛津搭配〔veil〕under the veil of religion 在宗教外衣掩盖之下英汉大词典




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