

单词 undergoes
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aberrant〕The brain undergoes aberrant changes in electrochemical activity.大脑在电化活动中会发生一些异常变化。外研社新世纪〔action〕A physical change, as in position, mass, or energy, that an object or a system undergoes.物质改变:物体或系统在诸如位置、面积或能量上所产生的物质变化美国传统〔contraction〕The hot metal undergoes contraction as it cools.热金属冷却时会收缩。韦氏高阶〔infarct〕An area of tissue that undergoes necrosis as a result of obstruction of local blood supply, as by a thrombus or an embolus.梗塞:如由于血栓或栓子的原因,局部血液供应不畅而引发局部组织坏死美国传统〔intensively〕Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.每个辅导员在上岗前都要接受密集培训。柯林斯高阶〔morphosis〕The manner in which an organism or any of its parts changes form or undergoes development.形态形成:一生物有机体或其任何部分改变形式或经历发展的一种方式美国传统〔photorefractive〕Of or relating to a material that undergoes a change in refractive index when subjected to light or an electric field.激光屈光的,光折变的:关于物质在受制于光或电场时所发生的一种折射率改变,或与其相关的美国传统〔projective〕Mathematics Designating a property of a geometric figure that does not vary when the figure undergoes projection.【数学】 射影的:指定几何图形属性的,以便当这个图形经受影射时不发生变化美国传统〔puberty〕The body undergoes many changes during puberty.身体在青春期会发生许多变化。牛津搭配〔replicon〕A genetic element that undergoes replication as an autonomous unit.复制子:一种作为自动单元进行复制的遗传因子美国传统〔spore mother cell〕A cell that undergoes meiosis and usually produces four spores.母孢子体细胞:一种细胞,通常通过减数分裂产生四个孢子美国传统〔yo-yo〕Informal One that undergoes frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion; a vacillator.【非正式用语】 优柔寡断的人:经常突然变换或彻底改变的人,如看法或感情;犹豫不决的人美国传统Everyone in the company undergoes peer review.公司里的每个人都要经过同行评议。牛津商务The ship will be in the dock for several weeks while it undergoes repairs.这艘船要修理了,他将在船坞停泊几星期。剑桥国际




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