

单词 undergarment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔brassiere〕A woman's undergarment worn to support and give contour to the breasts.奶罩:支持乳房和具有乳房形状的女用内衣美国传统〔camisole〕A woman's sleeveless undergarment, now usually worn under a sheer blouse.女背心:妇女所穿的无袖衬衣,现在通常穿在女衫里面美国传统〔cami〕A camisole worn as an undergarment.卡米:作为内衣穿着的妇女贴身背心美国传统〔chemise〕A woman's loose, shirtlike undergarment.女式内衣:女式类似衬衣的宽内衣美国传统〔corsetiere〕One who makes, fits, or sells corsets, brassieres, girdles, and similar undergarments.内衣商:制造、调整或卖束腹、胸罩、紧身内衣及类似的内衣的人美国传统〔corset〕A close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts.紧身内衣:一种紧身内衣,通常用绳索加固,穿来支撑和使腰线、臀部和胸部成形美国传统〔foundation garment〕A woman's supporting undergarment, such as a corset or girdle.妇女紧身胸衣:妇女紧身胸衣,如紧身褡或腰封美国传统〔girdle〕A woman's elasticized, flexible undergarment worn over the waist and hips.束腹:妇女的用弹力线制成的柔韧的围在腰部或臀部的内衣美国传统〔panty raid〕A raid on a girls' dormitory by college boys to obtain undergarments as trophies.内衣袭击:大学男生进入女生宿舍夺取内衣作为战利品的一种袭击美国传统〔pantyhose〕A woman's one-piece undergarment consisting of underpants and stretchable stockings.女用裤袜:由内衣或可拉伸的袜子组成的妇女连衣内衣美国传统〔pantywaist〕A child's undergarment consisting of a shirt and pants buttoned together at the waist.连衣裤装:一种用钮扣将短裤扣在背心上的儿童内衣美国传统〔slenderize〕We manufacture undergarments that tone and slenderize.我们生产健体塑身内衣。剑桥高阶〔slip〕A woman's undergarment of dress length, suspended from shoulder straps.女用连身衬衣:妇女穿的内衣,长度及一条裙子,从肩部的带子垂下美国传统〔stammel〕Archaic The red color of a coarse woolen cloth sometimes used for undergarments.【古语】 鲜红色:一种粗糙的有时用于内衣的毛呢布的红色美国传统〔stockinette〕An elastic knitted fabric used especially in making undergarments, bandages, and babies' clothes.松紧织物:一种有松紧性的编织物,尤用于制内衣、绷带和童装美国传统〔strapless〕Having no strap or straps, as a dress or an undergarment.无带的:(衣服或内衣)没有带的美国传统〔teddy〕A woman's undergarment combining a camisole top and panties.妇女连衫衬裤:将女内衣上装同紧身短裤结合起来的妇女的内衣美国传统〔undergarment〕Rigby and Peller make undergarments for women.里格比和佩勒制作女式内衣。外研社新世纪〔undergarment〕Rigby and Peller, who make undergarments for women.制作女式内衣的里格比和佩勒柯林斯高阶〔undershirt〕An upper undergarment, typically having short or no sleeves, worn next to the skin under a shirt.贴身内衣;汗衫:通常短袖或无袖的内上衣,贴身穿在衬衫下美国传统〔undershorts〕Shorts or briefs worn as undergarments, especially those for a man; underpants.男用短衬裤:穿作内衣的短裤或贴身内裤,尤指男人用的;衬裤美国传统〔union suit〕A one-piece undergarment combining shirt and long pants.连衫衣:一件内衣,连接衬衫和长裤子美国传统〔woolly〕A garment made of wool, especially an undergarment of knitted wool.羊毛制品,羊毛内衣:由羊毛制成的外衣,尤指织成的羊毛内衣美国传统




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