

单词 warlord
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔hand〕The feudal and warlord forces worked hand in glove to oppress and exploit the people.封建势力和军阀势力狼狈为奸,压迫和剥削人民。英汉大词典〔spoiled〕Competing warlords and foreign powers scrambled for political spoils.相互争斗的军阀及外国列强们正在争夺政治上的收益。柯林斯高阶〔spoils〕Competing warlords and foreign powers scrambled for political spoils.相互混战的军阀和国外势力争夺政治权益。外研社新世纪〔supremacy〕By the end of the war, the warlord had established total supremacy over all his rivals.战争结束前,这个军阀已确立了凌驾于所有对手之上的绝对优势。牛津搭配〔thirst〕The warlord thirsted for power and wealth.那军阀拼命想抓权敛财。英汉大词典〔warlord〕He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South.他既是独裁者也是军阀, 对南方人实行压迫和侮辱。外研社新世纪〔warlord〕He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South.他既独裁又好战,压迫侮辱南方人。柯林斯高阶If political leaders agreed a peace formula but some warlords continued to fight, 40,000 peacekeepers would be required.要是政治领袖们同意和平方案而一些军阀继续打仗的话,将会需要4万名维护和平者。剑桥国际It is a poor and politically unstable society in which warlords wield more power than the government.这是一个贫穷, 政治不稳定的社会。在这里, 军阀比政府拥有更大的权力。剑桥国际The warlord treated his concubines as graceful playthings. 那个军阀把他的小妾当作美丽的玩物。译典通There is a great fear that the country will break up into a series of unstable cantons, each with its own warlord.非常可怕的是,国家会分裂成一个个不稳定的地区,每处都有军阀。剑桥国际




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