

单词 verse
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Sahara〕the Sahara of contemporary verse 当代诗歌中的荒芜贫瘠英汉大词典〔Sapphic〕a Sapphic verse 莎孚诗体文馨英汉〔anthology〕an anthology of modern quotations/American verse 现代名言集萃/美国诗歌选集剑桥高阶〔beauty〕the beauty of Shakespeare's verse 莎士比亚诗作之美朗文当代〔blank verse〕the blank verse of Shakespeare and Milton 莎士比亚和弥尔顿的无韵诗韦氏高阶〔chapter〕give chapter and verse for what was already known in general terms 对已经大体上知道的事提供详情细节英汉大词典〔colon〕pl. co.la[-lə] A section of a metrical period in quantitative verse, consisting of two to six feet and in Latin verse having one principal accent.【复数】 co.la[-lə] 言词的节奏单位,拉丁诗歌中从两个到六个音步中,含有一个主重音美国传统〔commit〕commit the verse to memory.将诗句存入脑海中美国传统〔doggerel〕doggerel lines of verse 几行打油诗英汉大词典〔erotic〕erotic verse 色情诗文馨英汉〔fat〕a fat volume of verse 厚厚的一册诗集英汉大词典〔florid〕florid verse 华丽的诗文馨英汉〔get〕get the verse by heart 把诗背熟英汉大词典〔measured〕the free and the measured forms of verse 自由诗和格律诗英汉大词典〔melody〕the melody of verse 诗的音乐性英汉大词典〔pure〕verse of great purity, sonority of rhythm, and symphonic form.节奏铿锵有力、气势恢宏、地道纯正的诗句柯林斯高阶〔quilt〕quilt together a collection of verse 拼凑一部诗集英汉大词典〔rendering〕exquisite renderings of ancient Chinese verse 中国古诗的优美译文英汉大词典〔rhymed〕rhymed verse 押韵诗,有韵诗(参照blank verse)文馨英汉〔rhyme〕prefer blank verse to rhyme 宁写(或读)素体诗而非押韵诗 英汉大词典〔seize up〕the verse that seized up结构松弛的诗21世纪英汉〔shift〕the many shifts between verse and prose that occur in Shakespeare 莎士比亚作品中在诗体和散文体之间的诸多转换牛津搭配〔slim〕a volume of slim verse 一卷蹩脚诗英汉大词典〔transposabilities〕to transpose the verse into prose把韵文改写成散文21世纪英汉〔transpose〕transpose the verse into prose 把韵文改写成散文英汉大词典〔unrhymed〕unrhymed verse 无韵诗英汉大词典〔verse〕a book of comic verse 一本滑稽诗集朗文当代〔verse〕a play in verse 用韵文写的剧本牛津搭配〔verse〕an anthology of verse 诗集英汉大词典〔verse〕comic/light/satirical verse 打油/谐趣/讽刺诗剑桥高阶〔verse〕elegiac verse 挽歌英汉大词典〔verse〕iambic verse 抑扬格的诗英汉大词典〔verse〕prose and verse 散文与诗歌英汉大词典〔verse〕write a play in verse 用韵文写戏英汉大词典〔voltage〕the voltage of sb.'s verse 某人诗作的激情英汉大词典〔word-perfect〕a word-perfect rendition of the first verse of a Beatles song对一首披头士乐队歌曲第一节的一字不差的表演外研社新世纪




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