

单词 width
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEASURE〕Surgeons use a laser with a beam measuring less than the width of a human hair. 外科医生使用一种激光器,其光束的宽度还不及人的头发。朗文写作活用〔WIDE〕Can you just measure the width of the door? 你只要量一下门的宽度可以吗?朗文写作活用〔WIDE〕Carpets are available in several different widths. 地毯有几种不同的宽度可供选择。朗文写作活用〔WIDE〕The huge vehicle took up the whole width of the road. 这辆大车占据了整个路面的宽度。朗文写作活用〔banner〕A headline spanning the width of a newspaper page.报纸的通栏大字标题美国传统〔breadth〕Abbr. b. The measure or dimension from side to side; width.缩写 b.宽度,幅度:从一边到另一边的尺寸或范围;宽度美国传统〔depth〕Measure the width and depth of the shelf.量一下架子的宽和深。麦克米伦高阶〔depth〕Measure the height, width, and depth of the cabinet.测量柜子的长、宽和进深。韦氏高阶〔diameter〕Thickness or width.厚度或宽度美国传统〔dimension〕A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.尺寸:存在于空间范围的一种量变,特别是宽度、高度或长度美国传统〔em〕The width of a square or nearly square piece of type, used as a unit of measure for matter set in that size of type.全身:一个长方形或近似方形的字形的宽度,用来度量以此宽度为单位的长度美国传统〔en〕Abbr. n,NPrinting A space equal to half the width of an em.缩写 n,N【印刷术】 m字体的一半大小美国传统〔fabric〕The tablecloth diameter is larger than the fabric width.这块桌布的直径大于布料自身的宽度。外研社新世纪〔feature〕The most striking feature of the house was a huge two-storey room running the entire width and height of the building.这幢房子最显着的特点是有一间巨大的双层高的房间,与整幢房子同宽同高。剑桥高阶〔finger〕The length or width of a finger.指长,指宽:一手指的长度或宽度美国传统〔fit〕You can adjust the width of the boot to get a better fit.你可以调整靴子的宽度使其更合脚。麦克米伦高阶〔fold〕Each fold in the skirt should be the same width.裙子上每条折子的宽度应该相等。文馨英汉〔gape〕Zoology The width of the space between the open jaws or mandibles of a vertebrate.【动物学】 宽度:脊椎动物张开的颔骨或下颚之间空间的宽度美国传统〔goal line〕A line located at either end and typically running the width of a playing area, on which a goal post or goal is positioned.球门线:位于两端的线,尤指球场宽边的线,在这一边通常有球柱或球门美国传统〔incomplete fracture〕A fracture that does not extend through the full transverse width of a bone.不完全骨折:没有扩展至全部骨头横切面的骨折美国传统〔iw.〕Inside width.内宽美国传统〔kerf〕The width of a groove made by a cutting tool.锯面,切面:切割性工具所切出的沟槽的宽度美国传统〔length〕He measured the length and width of the table.他量了桌子的长和宽。牛津搭配〔length〕The length of the table is six feet, and its width is three feet.桌子长六英尺,宽三英尺。韦氏高阶〔length〕We measured the length and width of the living room.我们量了客厅的长和宽。朗文当代〔measure〕Measure the length and width of the gap.测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。柯林斯高阶〔measure〕The bed measured over six feet in width.床的宽度超过了6英尺。麦克米伦高阶〔measure〕The house is more than twenty metres long and measures six metres in width.这座房子长20多米,宽6米。柯林斯高阶〔narrow〕A body of water with little width that connects two larger bodies of water.海峡:连接两大块水域的狭窄水道美国传统〔narrow〕A part of little width, as a pass through mountains.狭路,隘路:狭窄部分,如穿山小径美国传统〔narrow〕Of small or limited width, especially in comparison with length.狭窄的:宽度小或有限的,尤指与长度相比美国传统〔narrow〕To reduce in width or extent; make narrower.使变窄:在宽度或范围上缩小;使更窄美国传统〔palm〕A unit of length equal to either the width or the length of the hand.一掌长,一掌宽:与手掌的长或宽相等的一种长度单位美国传统〔proportional〕Keep the length proportional to the width.长和宽要成比例。韦氏高阶〔proportion〕The room is very long in proportion to(= relative to)its width.这房间的长度比宽度大很多。牛津高阶〔rule〕Printing A thin metal strip of various widths and designs, used to print borders or lines, as between columns.【印刷术】 线,线条:宽度和设计不一的一种细金属条,用于印刷边界或线,如栏目之间的美国传统〔scantling〕The dimensions of a building material, especially the width and thickness of a timber.建材尺寸:建筑材料的尺寸,尤指木材的宽度和厚度美国传统〔seam together〕Seam fabric widths together with plain flat seams.用平缝针将织物的宽边缝合。外研社新世纪〔shrinkage〕Allow for some shrinkage in both length and width.长、宽上都预留出一定的缩水量。柯林斯高阶〔silicle〕A short silique usually having a length less than three times its width.短角果:一种矮小的长角果,其高度不到它宽度的三倍美国传统〔step off〕He stepped off the length and width of the room.他用步子量了量房间的长度和宽度。21世纪英汉〔swath〕A path of this width made in mowing.割刈地带:割草时割出的一刈宽的小路美国传统〔swath〕The width of a scythe stroke or a mowing-machine blade.刈幅:镰刀或割草机刃一刈的宽度美国传统〔taper〕A gradual decrease in thickness or width of an elongated object.变尖,变细:一个细长的物体在其厚度或宽度上逐渐减小美国传统〔temple〕A device in a loom that keeps the cloth stretched to the correct width during weaving.伸幅器:织机上保持织物在纺织过程中以正确宽度伸平的部件美国传统〔three-quarter binding〕A bookbinding in which the leather or fabric covering the spine extends onto the covers for one third of their width.用皮装订书脊和书角的:一种用皮革或布装订书脊和书角的形式,书脊的皮革材料向外延伸盖住封面的三分之一宽度美国传统〔times〕The area of a rectangle is its height times its width.长方形的面积等于长乘以宽。剑桥高阶〔tower〕A building or part of a building that is exceptionally high in proportion to its width and length.塔楼:建筑物或建筑物的一部分,相对它的宽度和长度而言非常的高美国传统〔turn〕Shoes of medium width turn over quickly.中号宽度的鞋销得很快。英汉大词典〔two-dimensional〕Having only two dimensions, especially length and width.二维的:只有二维的,尤指长度和宽度美国传统〔widthwise〕From side to side; in terms of width.横着,纬向地:从一边到另一边地;横向地美国传统〔width〕He can swim a width underwater.他可以在水下横穿游泳池。外研社新世纪〔width〕How many widths can you swim? 你在游泳池里横向能游几个来回?牛津高阶〔width〕I bought two widths of fabric.我买了两块布料。韦氏高阶〔width〕I can nearly swim a width.我能游差不多一游泳池宽的距离。英汉大词典〔width〕I managed to swim two widths underwater.我在泳池里横向潜游了一个来回。剑桥高阶〔width〕I swam 10 widths .我在游泳池横向游了 10 次。朗文当代〔width〕I was amazed at the width of the river.河流的宽阔让我惊讶不已。外研社新世纪〔width〕Increase the width of the margins by a centimetre.将页边空白增加1厘米。麦克米伦高阶〔width〕It is five metres in width.它的宽度是5米。剑桥高阶〔width〕It's 12 metres in width.它12米宽。外研社新世纪〔width〕It's about 10 metres in width.它宽约 10 米。牛津高阶〔width〕It's about six metres in width.它大约六米宽。朗文当代〔width〕Measure the width of each side.量一下每个边的宽度。牛津搭配〔width〕Measure the full width of the window.测量一下窗户的全宽。柯林斯高阶〔width〕Saddles are made in a wide range of different widths.鞍具有各种不同的宽度。柯林斯高阶〔width〕She carefully measured the length and width of the room.她仔细测量了房间的长度和宽度。韦氏高阶〔width〕Swimming a width is their first major achievement in water.游一个泳池宽的距离是他们下水以来第一次取得的显著成绩。麦克米伦高阶〔width〕The best utensil for steaming is a wok because its width easily accommodates a whole fish.锅是蒸鱼的最好器具,因为它很宽,可以轻松放下一整条鱼。柯林斯高阶〔width〕The car is 1.775 m in width.这辆汽车宽 1.775 米。牛津搭配〔width〕The carpet is available in different widths.这款地毯有各种宽度可供选择。牛津高阶〔width〕The carpet is available in several widths.这种地毯有好多种宽度。韦氏高阶〔width〕The carpets are available in a choice of widths.各种宽度的地毯现货供应。麦克米伦高阶〔width〕The deck runs the full width of the house.这个露天平台和房子一样宽。韦氏高阶〔width〕The fabric is only available in a narrow width.这种布料只有窄幅的了。牛津搭配〔width〕The jacket seems to emphasize the width of his shoulders.这件夹克似乎使他的肩显得更宽了。麦克米伦高阶〔width〕The material is available in various widths.这种材料有很多种宽度可供选择。剑桥高阶〔width〕The needle is seven times smaller than the width of a human hair.这根针的粗细只有人的头发的1/7。剑桥高阶〔width〕The path is about two metres in width.这条小路宽约两米。麦克米伦高阶〔width〕The pattern goes across the full width of the material.图案横贯整幅布料。牛津搭配〔width〕The road narrows to a width of just twelve feet.这条路宽度缩小到只有 12 英尺。牛津搭配〔width〕The road was reduced to 18ft in width by adding parking bays.这条路增加了停车区后宽度缩减到了18英尺。柯林斯高阶〔width〕The snow had narrowed the width of the road to a single track.大雪使路面变窄,成了单行道。牛津搭配〔width〕The terrace runs the full width of the house.露台和房子一般宽。牛津高阶〔width〕The windows have a width of six feet.窗户有 6 英尺宽。牛津搭配〔width〕Two widths of cloth will make the curtains.两块这样宽度的布就可以做窗帘了。英汉大词典〔width〕We swam several widths.我们游了好几个来回。柯林斯高阶〔width〕We swam ten widths in the pool.我们在泳池里横向游了五个来回。韦氏高阶〔width〕What is the width of the table? 这张桌子有多宽?韦氏高阶〔width〕What's the width of the desk? 这张书桌的宽度是多少?朗文当代〔width〕You need a width and a half for each curtain.你的每幅窗帘需要一幅半布料。麦克米伦高阶〔width〕You'll need two widths of fabric for each curtain.每个窗帘你需要两块这样宽的布料。牛津高阶I managed to swim 2 widths underwater.我成功地在游泳池水下游一个来回。剑桥国际It is 5 metres in width.它的宽度是5米。剑桥国际The width of the computer screen makes the words easier to read.计算机开阔的屏幕使得单词更容易看清楚。剑桥国际The width of the room is 20 feet. 这房间宽二十英尺。译典通The area of a rectangle is its height times its width.长方形的面积等于长乘以宽。剑桥国际The area of a rectangle is obtained by multiplying its length by its width.长方形的面积是以长乘以宽求得的。剑桥国际The company is planning to extend the width of its range.公司正在计划扩大其领域。剑桥国际The length of the rectangle is 10 cm and the width is 6 cm.这个矩形的长度是10厘米,宽度是6厘米。剑桥国际The material is available in various widths.该材料有各种不同的宽度。剑桥国际The needle is seven times smaller than the width of a human hair.这根针直径比人的头发小7倍。剑桥国际The new back bedroom stretches the full width of (= all across) the house.新的后房卧室与房子完全一样宽。剑桥国际There is a surprising width of support for the proposal.多得令人惊奇的人支持这一建议。剑桥国际




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