

单词 上星期
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Last week's draw was a bad result for Arsenal, putting Manchester United ahead of them in the league. 上星期的平局对于阿森纳队是个不好的结果,曼联队在联赛中领先了他们。朗文写作活用〔Friday〕I haven't spoken to him since last Friday.自从上星期五以来我都没有和他说过话。剑桥高阶〔LOOK AFTER〕Jenny sat for us last Friday evening when we went to the movies. 上星期五晚上我们去看电影时,珍妮替我们照看孩子。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕There must be some mistake - I definitely paid the bill last week. 肯定出错了—上星期我肯定把账单付清了。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕The roof used to leak but last week I fitted some new tiles and that seems to have solved the problem. 屋顶以前漏水,不过上星期我安装了几片新的瓦片,问题好像就解决了。朗文写作活用〔Thursday〕Do you remember that book we were talking about last Thursday? 你还记得我们上星期四谈论的那本书吗?剑桥高阶〔Thursday〕He was late last Thursday.上星期四他迟到了。韦氏高阶〔Tuesday〕Last Tuesday they went to the zoo.上星期二他们去了动物园。麦克米伦高阶〔WORK HARD〕She says she's been ill for the past week, but I think she's just skiving. 她说她上星期病了,可是我觉得她是在逃避工作。朗文写作活用〔accident〕She was involved in a serious car accident last week.上星期她卷入了一场严重的车祸。柯林斯高阶〔actually〕Actually, Gavin, it was Tuesday of last week, not Wednesday.实际上呢,加文,那是上星期二,不是星期三。剑桥高阶〔advance〕I advanced $1,500 to Kramer last Thursday.上星期四,我预支给克雷默 1500 美元。朗文当代〔bat〕The weather girl batted.900 last week.上星期气象报告女播音员的正确率达90%。21世纪英汉〔be〕The wedding was last week.婚礼在上星期举行。文馨英汉〔cabinet〕Two cabinets were held in London last week.上星期在伦敦举行了两次内阁会议。英汉大词典〔card〕He was given his cards last week.他上星期被解雇了。外研社新世纪〔catch up〕I've got to catch up: I was away last week.我要赶一下进度:上星期我没在。外研社新世纪〔come up/out smelling of roses〕When the results of the fraud investigation were announced last week, the staff came up smelling of roses.上星期公布的诈骗案调查结果证明员工们是清白的。剑桥高阶〔come up〕I sowed some seeds last week, but they haven't come up yet.上星期我种了点种籽,但现在还没长出来。21世纪英汉〔consultancy〕He was appointed to a consultancy last week.他在上星期被任命当顾问(医师)。文馨英汉〔couple〕The couple were married last week.这一对夫妇是上星期结的婚。美国传统〔dead〕He dropped dead(= died suddenly)last week.他上星期突然就死了。牛津高阶〔decline〕Share prices declined sharply last week.股票价格上星期大幅度下降。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕They drew 1–1 with Manchester United last week.他们上星期和曼联队1比1打成平局。麦克米伦高阶〔elope〕She eloped with her lover last week.她和她的情人上星期私奔了。21世纪英汉〔exhibit〕The painting went on exhibit last week.这幅画上星期展出过。韦氏高阶〔form〕Michelle was in great form at last week's conference.米歇尔在上星期的会议上状态很好。朗文当代〔gain〕The baby had a gain of half a pound last week.婴儿的体重上星期增加了半磅。英汉大词典〔get around〕Spain last week and Germany this week - he gets around, doesn't he! 上星期去西班牙,这星期去德国——他可真叫周游列国啊,是不是!剑桥高阶〔grim〕I felt really grim last week.上星期我确实病得厉害。英汉大词典〔head〕Everything came to a head last week when two of the teachers resigned.上星期两名老师辞职时,情形突然恶化。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕An armed raider held up the village store last week.上星期一个武装劫匪抢劫了这家乡村商店。麦克米伦高阶〔keep in〕John was kept in at school one day last week.上星期有一天, 约翰被留校了。外研社新世纪〔kiss-off〕I got the kiss-off from my job last week.上星期我被告知工作已不需要我了。剑桥高阶〔lately〕I saw her only lately [as lately as last Monday].我最近[上星期一]才看到她。文馨英汉〔maintenance〕The window had been replaced last week during routine maintenance.这扇窗户在上星期例行维修时已更换。外研社新世纪〔move〕We moved house last week.我们上星期搬家了。牛津高阶〔name〕She was named to the post last Wednesday.她在上星期三被任命担任该职务。麦克米伦高阶〔official〕There will be an official investigation into last week's accident.将对上星期的事故展开官方调查。麦克米伦高阶〔one-time〕Duggan, a TV personality and one-time journalist, made the announcement last week.这是电视节目主持人、曾做过记者的达根上星期宣布的。剑桥高阶〔overtime〕I worked two hours of overtime last week.上星期我加班两小时。韦氏高阶〔post〕I posted Barry the cheque last Friday.上星期五我把支票寄给巴里了。朗文当代〔preceding〕The preceding week he had been on vacation.上星期他休假了。韦氏高阶〔queer someone's pitch〕We planned to visit the Great Wall last Sunday, but the rain queered our pitch.我们计划上星期日去游览长城,由于下雨使计划落空。21世纪英汉〔rack with〕They have been racked with grief since she died last Tuesday.从她上星期二去世后,他们一直沉浸在悲痛中。21世纪英汉〔ran〕A lot of people ran on the bank last week.上星期很多人向银行挤兑。21世纪英汉〔rash〕He came out in a rash last week.上星期他发疹。文馨英汉〔repayment〕He failed to meet last Friday's deadline for repayment of a 114m loan.他没能在上星期五的最后期限前偿还1.14亿的贷款。柯林斯高阶〔revisit〕Last week he revisited his old neighbourhood.上星期他再次探望了他的老邻居。麦克米伦高阶〔ride〕I went for a ride in a helicopter last week.上星期我乘了一回直升机。麦克米伦高阶〔run against〕She ran against an old schoolmate in the park last week.她上星期在公园中和一个老同学不期而遇。21世纪英汉〔send〕I sent in a few job applications last week.上星期我寄出了几封求职信。朗文当代〔send〕Last week, their government sent 30 fighter jets.上星期他们的政府派出了30架战斗机。麦克米伦高阶〔send〕They sent out their final shipment last week.上星期他们发出了最后一船货。英汉大词典〔service〕The cook left our service last week.从上星期起厨子不给我们干活了。英汉大词典〔set forward〕The traveller set forward last Monday .那个旅客是上星期一动身的。21世纪英汉〔showing〕On(= judging by)last week's showing, the team is unlikely to win today.从上星期的表现来看,这支队伍今天不大可能获胜。牛津高阶〔splice〕They got spliced last Saturday.上星期六他们结了婚。英汉大词典〔split up〕She split up with her boyfriend last week.她上星期和男朋友分手了。剑桥高阶〔startle〕I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.上星期日在该国首都,由空军官员发动叛乱,在企图推翻政府的战斗中,有129人被打死,听到这一消息我感到十分震惊。21世纪英汉〔start〕Let's start by reviewing what we did last week.我们开始先来复习一下上星期学的内容。牛津高阶〔succumb〕The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months.在遭受了两个多月的猛烈炮火轰击后,小镇最终在上星期放弃了抵抗。剑桥高阶〔tale〕The team's tale of woe continued on Saturday(= they lost another match).上星期六这支队又遭败绩。牛津高阶〔that〕Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week? 你忘记上星期我借给你的那笔钱了吧?牛津高阶〔thrust out〕She was thrust out last week.她上星期被解雇了。21世纪英汉〔too〕She broke her leg last week—and on her birthday too! 她上星期把腿摔断了,而且还是在她生日那一天!牛津高阶〔underlie〕There were deeper tensions underlying last week's outburst.上星期的爆发背后潜伏着更为深刻的紧张局势。英汉大词典〔until〕He was here up until last week.他在这里一直呆到上星期。英汉大词典〔week〕The problems with the TV started a week last Monday.从上星期一开始电视就出问题了。剑桥高阶A secret report incriminating the company was leaked last week.一份显示这家公司有罪的秘密报告上星期被泄露了。剑桥国际After failing his driving test five times, he finally passed last Tuesday.在五次未通过驾驶考试后,他最后在上星期二及格了。剑桥国际Dad took us to the museum last Friday. 上星期五爸爸带我们去博物馆。译典通He came round last week and we chatted for a while. 上星期他顺道来访,我们闲谈了一会。译典通He was very ill last week but is now out of danger. 他上星期病得很重,但现在已脱离了危险。译典通I paid for last week's shopping and you paid for this week's, so let's call it quits (=agree not to owe each other anything).我付上星期买东西的费用,你付这星期的,这样我们就两不相欠了。剑桥国际I see he has backed down from the position he took last week. 我注意到他放弃了上星期的立场。译典通I was rather ill last week, but I'm much better now.上星期我病得很重,不过现在已好多了。剑桥国际I've been chewing the problem over since last week.我自从上星期起就在仔细考虑这个问题。剑桥国际Jack got the ax last week. 杰克上星期被解雇。译典通Last week a gun freak went mad on the metro and killed five people.上星期,有个持枪狂人在地铁发了疯,杀死了五个人。剑桥国际Last week, the airline cut its overseas service by half because of a sharp reduction in traffic.因乘客大量减少,上星期这家航空公司减掉了一半的海外航班。剑桥国际Our football team really got plastered last week. 我们的足球队上星期遭到惨败。译典通Red Cross officials estimate that 20 000 refugees streamed into the city last week.红十字官员估计有20 000名难民在上星期涌入了城市。剑桥国际Resistance stiffened even further last week. 上星期抵抗进一步加强了。译典通She had a major operation last week, so she's not in very good shape (= state of health) at the moment.她上星期动了一次大手术,所以现在身体状况不是很好。剑桥国际She had her car stolen (=it was stolen) last week. 上星期她的车被偷。剑桥国际She related the events of the past week to the police.她向警察讲述了上星期发生的事。剑桥国际She tubed every test last week. 她上星期测验门门不及格。译典通Steel production fell last week by 4.7% to 1,689,000 tons.上星期钢产量下跌4.7%,跌至1,689,000 吨。剑桥国际The club took in a new member last week. 俱乐部上星期又吸收了一名新会员。译典通The first lesson on the timetable for Monday morning is history.课程表上星期一早上的第一节课是历史课。剑桥国际The identification of the murdered woman took place (=someone looked at her body to find out who she was) last week.上星期对被谋杀妇女的身份进行了识别。剑桥国际The interview with the new CEO was published last Friday.上星期五刊登了对新任首席执行官的访谈。牛津商务The productivity figures are down on last week's.和上星期相比生产率下降了。剑桥国际The temperature has risen above freezing for the first time in six days / since last Sunday.六天/上星期天以来,气温首次升至冰点以上。剑桥国际The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months.在遭受了两个多月的重炮轰击后,小镇最终还是在上星期投降了。剑桥国际Their cat snuffed it last Friday. 他家的猫上星期五死了。译典通Their son went off and got married last week, just like that (= suddenly and unexpectedly).他们的儿子上星期走了,然后结了婚,就那么突然。剑桥国际They sheared last week. 他们是上星期剪的羊毛。译典通When the results of the fraud investigation were announced last week, the staff came up smelling of roses.上星期公布了对诈骗案的调查结果,全体职员是清白的。剑桥国际




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