

单词 wages
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔STRIKE〕to stop working in order to get higher wages etc 为得到更高的工资等而停止工作朗文写作活用〔average up〕to average up the wages of the lower-paid employees把低工资雇员的工资提高到一般水平21世纪英汉〔average〕average up the wages of the lower-paid workers 把低工资工人的工资提高到一般水平英汉大词典〔big〕pressure by big labour on wages 各大工会在工资问题上施加的压力英汉大词典〔collateral〕wages as collateral security for loans作为贷款担保的工资外研社新世纪〔comparable〕paying the same wages to men and women for work of comparable value.男女同工同酬柯林斯高阶〔deduction〕deductions from his wages 他的工资扣款牛津搭配〔effective〕effective wages 实际工资英汉大词典〔efficiency〕efficiency wages 效率加给文馨英汉〔establish〕the wages established in a region through collective bargaining通过劳资谈判在某一地区确定的工资外研社新世纪〔floor〕establishing a floor for wages and prices 确定最低工资和最低物价标准韦氏高阶〔freeze〕a six-month wage freeze = a six-month freeze on wages 六个月的工资冻结韦氏高阶〔honest〕honest wages for an honest day's work.一天的诚实劳动所获的公平报酬美国传统〔imposition〕the imposition of a wages freeze工资冻结政策的执行外研社新世纪〔improve〕improve wages and conditions 增加工资并改善工作条件英汉大词典〔incidental〕a profit incidental to regular wages 正常工资外的一份红利英汉大词典〔index〕demands that wages be indexed to the rise in prices 要求工资与物价的上涨挂朗文当代〔intermittence〕intermittence of employment and uncertainty of wages 工作的时有时无以及工资的无保障英汉大词典〔intermittence〕intermittence of employment and uncertainty of wages 工作的时有时无及工资的无保障文馨英汉〔leapfrog〕leapfrog the wages 竞相要求提高工资英汉大词典〔line〕be in line for a wages increase 有希望加到工资 英汉大词典〔linkage〕the linkage between wages and prices 工资和物价之间的关联朗文当代〔millstone〕be caught between the millstones of high prices and low wages 备受高物价和低工资的双重折磨英汉大词典〔miserably〕miserably low wages 极低的工资剑桥高阶〔miserly〕miserly wages 少得可怜的工资韦氏高阶〔niggardly〕niggardly wages 微薄的工资朗文当代〔on〕live on wages 靠工资过活英汉大词典〔peg〕wages pegged at a low level固定在低水平上的物价21世纪英汉〔perquisite〕wages and perquisites 工资和外快英汉大词典〔pitiful〕pitiful wages 微薄的薪水麦克米伦高阶〔poor〕poor wages and working conditions.低薪和恶劣的工作条件柯林斯高阶〔poor〕poor wages and working conditions较低的工资和较差的工作条件外研社新世纪〔premium〕premium wages 高额工资英汉大词典〔push〕push for higher wages 坚持要求提高工资 英汉大词典〔real〕a real increase in wages as compared to inflation 考虑通货膨胀因素后工资实际的增长韦氏高阶〔real〕a real increase of 6% in average wages 平均工资 6% 的实际增长率朗文当代〔regrettably〕a regrettably steep decline in wages 令人扼腕的工资锐减英汉大词典〔relation〕the relation between prices and wages 物价和工资之间的联系朗文当代〔retroactive〕a court ruling requiring the company to pay the workers five years' retroactive wages 公司必须补发给工人们过去5年工资的法院裁定英汉大词典〔same〕get the same wages for the same work 同工同酬英汉大词典〔scale-up〕a scale-up of wages 按比例增加的工资英汉大词典〔scrape〕scrape by on very small wages 靠菲薄工资过活英汉大词典〔securely〕trade union demands for secure wages and employment.工会要求稳定的工资和工作。柯林斯高阶〔single〕a single scale of wages (或pay) 单一工资等级英汉大词典〔slicker〕be slickered out of a month's wages 被骗掉1个月的工资英汉大词典〔spiral〕spiralling wages and costs 不断上涨的工资和开销麦克米伦高阶〔squeeze〕the squeeze between low wages and high prices 工资低物价高造成的经济拮据英汉大词典〔statutory〕statutory control of wages 工资的法定控制英汉大词典〔subsistence〕subsistence wages 最低生活工资文馨英汉〔wage〕wages of £200 a week 一星期 200 英镑的工资牛津高阶〔wage〕the wages of sin.罪恶的报应美国传统〔wage〕to receive reimbursement for lost wages 因工资损失得到补偿牛津搭配〔with〕wages that vary with skill随技术高低而浮动的工资21世纪英汉〔wobble〕wobble on wages policy 在工资政策上摇摆不定英汉大词典wages of €500 a week 周工资 500 欧元牛津商务a demand for higher wages 提高工资的要求牛津商务an increase in wages after years of belt-tightening 多年紧缩之后的加薪牛津商务fair wages for coffee farmers 咖啡种植者的公平工资牛津商务group incentive wages 团体激励工资牛津商务workers on basic wages of €500 per week 每周基本工资为 500 欧元的工人牛津商务




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