

单词 wore
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔antique〕wore a suit of rather antique appearance.穿着一套相当过时的衣服美国传统〔casualwear〕wore casualwear to the outdoor reception.穿着休闲服去参加户外欢迎会美国传统〔defend〕wore sunglasses to protect my eyes; 戴太阳镜保护我的眼睛;美国传统〔facemask〕wore a facemask while diving; a skier's facemask; armed robbers who wore facemasks.开车时带面罩;滑冰者的面罩;戴着面具的持械强盗美国传统〔gorgeous〕wore a gorgeous Victorian gown.穿着一件维多利亚时期的华丽的长袍美国传统〔habitual〕the dark glasses he habitually wore 他惯常戴的墨镜牛津高阶〔inside〕wore the sweatshirt inside out.把运动衫反过来穿美国传统〔neat〕a neat man who always wore a suit 总是西装革履、干净整洁的男子韦氏高阶〔rakishly〕a soft-brimmed hat which he wore at a rakish angle.他潇洒地歪戴着的一顶软边帽柯林斯高阶〔rakishly〕he wore a rakishly-knotted cravat他戴一个样子很俏皮的领结外研社新世纪〔rig〕wore an outlandish rig to the office.穿着奇装异服来到办公室美国传统〔same〕wore the same dress twice; 两次穿同一件衣服;美国传统〔scissor〕wore a jeweled scissor on her lapel.在她的翻领上带有珠宝装饰的剪状物美国传统〔slinky〕wore a slinky outfit to the party.穿了一件时髦的外衣去参加聚会美国传统〔stitch〕wore not a stitch.一丝不挂美国传统〔wear on〕as the day wore on 随着日子缓慢流逝韦氏高阶〔wear on〕as the day wore on白天慢慢过去外研社新世纪〔wear〕wore the clothes to rags; pebbles worn smooth.衣服穿成了破布;磨光的卵石美国传统〔wear〕eventually wore hollows in the stone steps.最终在石阶上磨出了洞美国传统〔weigh〕were weighed down with cares; responsibilities that wore me down.因忧虑而心情沉重;使我烦恼的责任美国传统




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