

单词 victorious
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLAP〕The cheering went on for ages as the victorious athletes ran around the track. 获胜的运动员围绕跑道奔跑时,欢呼声经久不息。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕He shook hands with his victorious opponent. 他与获胜的对手握手。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕Three young men from the victorious team came forward to collect their trophy. 获胜队有三名年轻男子上前领取奖杯。朗文写作活用〔assimilate〕The laws of the defeated country were assimilated to those of the victorious nation.战败国的法律被改得与战胜国的法律一模一样。英汉大词典〔bask/bathe in reflected glory〕The government is bathing in the reflected glory of its victorious military forces.军队的辉煌胜利给政府增光不少。剑桥高阶〔beat〕To be victorious or successful; win.战胜:胜利或成功;赢得美国传统〔bell〕Villagers rang the church bells as the victorious soldiers returned.战士们凯旋时村民们敲响了教堂的钟。麦克米伦高阶〔booty〕The victorious forces were laden with enemy booty.战胜竹满载著敌方战利品。文馨英汉〔carve ... up〕The victorious nations carved up the defeated country into several parts,each taking an equal share.这些战胜国把这个战败国分割成几部分,每个国家分得一份。21世纪英汉〔city〕The city turned out to welcome the victorious team home.全市居民倾城而出欢迎凯旋归来的队伍。牛津高阶〔despoil of〕The victorious army despoiled the city of many priceless treasures.战胜的军队抢夺了那城市的许多无价之宝。21世纪英汉〔dictate〕The victorious nations were able to dictate peace terms.战胜国能发号施令地规定媾和条件。21世纪英汉〔flushed〕The tribal chieftain, victorious in battle, was flushed with success.这位部落酋长打了胜仗, 洋溢着胜利的喜悦。外研社新世纪〔girdle〕Her victorious father girdled her waist with the ribbon.她获胜的父亲把绶带系在她腰间。外研社新世纪〔imperator〕Used as a form of address and salutation by soldiers to a victorious Roman general.凯旋将军:士兵对凯旋的罗马将领的称谓和问候形式美国传统〔overcome〕To surmount opposition; be victorious.得胜:战胜反对力量;取胜美国传统〔parade〕The victorious team will parade through the city tomorrow morning.明天上午获胜队将在城内举行庆祝游行。牛津高阶〔smartness〕He is still smarting over criticism of his victorious but clumsy performance.他还在为别人批评他尽管最终胜出但表现笨拙感到闷闷不乐。柯林斯高阶〔triumph〕A public celebration in ancient Rome to welcome a returning victorious commander and his army.凯旋仪式:古代罗马为欢迎凯旋归来的指挥官和他的军队而举行的公共庆祝活动美国传统〔triumph〕To be victorious or successful; win.获胜,成功,胜利美国传统〔victorious〕Against all the odds, Frederick was ultimately victorious.尽管困难重重,弗雷德里克还是取得了最后的胜利。牛津搭配〔victorious〕He emerged victorious in the elections.他在竞选中脱颖而出获得胜利。牛津高阶〔victorious〕In 1978 he played for the victorious Argentinian side in the World Cup.1978年,他效力于获得世界杯冠军的阿根廷队。柯林斯高阶〔victorious〕Osborne emerged victorious after the second round of voting.经过第二轮投票,奥斯本胜出。牛津搭配〔victorious〕She's a member of the victorious British team.她是获胜的英国队的一员。外研社新世纪〔victorious〕The victorious team were loudly cheered by their fans.获胜队赢得了球迷们的高声欢呼。剑桥高阶〔victorious〕The German player emerged victorious after a long five-hour match.经过长达5小时的比赛,德国选手最终胜出。剑桥高阶〔victorious〕The Reds were victorious over the Whites.红队战胜了白队。牛津搭配〔victorious〕The club emerged victorious from the match.这个俱乐部在比赛中脱颖而出获得了胜利。麦克米伦高阶〔victorious〕The socialists were victorious in the election.社会党人在选举中取胜。牛津搭配〔victorious〕They were victorious over their enemies.他们战胜了敌人。韦氏高阶〔victorious〕We were confident that the Allies would emerge victorious (=finally win) .我们确信盟军最终一定能获胜。朗文当代〔wait〕The victorious general waited upon the king.那位凯旋归来的将军拜见国王。英汉大词典〔wherefore〕We are victorious, wherefore let us rejoice.我们胜利了,为此我们欢庆吧。英汉大词典〔wherefore〕We are victorious, wherefore let us rejoice.我们胜利了,因此我们尽情欢乐。21世纪英汉〔will〕They thought they had been victorious in battle because God had willed it.他们以为自己打了胜仗是上帝的旨意。牛津高阶After the coalition victory, the difficulty was to divide the spoils equally among the victorious ministers.在联盟胜利之后,面临的难题是如何在获胜的部长之间均分新职。剑桥国际He finally emerged victorious from this perilous fight. 他最后以胜利者的姿态在这场危机四伏的打斗中脱颖而出。译典通She was partly responsible for organizing the victorious president's election campaign.她部分地负责组织那次获胜了的总统竞选运动。剑桥国际The victorious army despoiled the city of all its treasures. 得胜的军队把城里的财宝劫掠一空。译典通The victorious candidate in the election thanked everyone for their support.在选举中获胜的候选人向每一位支持他的选民表示感谢。剑桥国际The victorious team (= The team who won) were loudly cheered by their fans.获胜队赢得了球迷们的高声欢呼。剑桥国际The victorious team had skilfully demonstrated the old axiom about attack being the best form of defence.胜利的一队有力地证明了古老的格言:进攻是最好的防守方式。剑桥国际The German player emerged victorious after a long five-hour match.长长的五小时比赛之后,德国运动员脱颖而出获得胜利。剑桥国际The allied troops were victorious because of their superiority in numbers (= there were more of them).联合部队胜利的原因在于他们在人数上占优势。剑桥国际The army came home victorious. 军队凯旋而归。译典通The government is basking/bathing in the reflected glory (= glory that it has not earned itself) of its victorious military forces.政府享受着它那获胜的军队给它带来的荣耀/沐浴在获胜的军队带给它的荣光之下。剑桥国际The state of Prussia was abolished by the victorious wartime allies.普鲁士国被获胜的战时同盟国废除。剑桥国际




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