

单词 unopened
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chaos〕The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters.桌上杂乱地堆放着一些纸张和未拆的信美国传统〔pile〕The money lay amid a pile of unopened letters.钱在一堆尚未打开的信中。牛津搭配〔return〕I returned the letter unopened.我原封不动地将信退了回去。牛津高阶〔riffle〕She riffled through the letters, but left them still unopened.她飞快地把一应信件翻了一遍,但是一封也没去拆读。英汉大词典〔santonica〕The dried unopened flower heads of this plant.该种植物的干燥的完整的头状花序美国传统〔sit〕The box sat unopened on the shelf.盒子搁在架子上,没有打开。牛津高阶〔slap〕We felt it was a slap in the face when our gift was returned unopened.我们送的礼物被原封退回时,我们感到这是对我们莫大的侮辱。英汉大词典〔stack〕There's a stack of unopened mail waiting for you at the house.家里有一大堆信等你拆呢。牛津高阶〔unopened〕Catherine put all the envelopes aside unopened.凯瑟琳把所有信件放在一旁,全都未启封。柯林斯高阶〔unopened〕She put the envelopes aside unopened.她把那些信封放在一旁, 没有拆开。外研社新世纪〔unopened〕The champagne remains unopened.香槟酒还未开瓶。剑桥高阶〔unopened〕The letter lay unopened in the travel firm's pigeonhole.那封信搁在旅游公司的信件架上, 没有拆开。外研社新世纪〔unopened〕The letter lay unopened in the travel firm's pigeonhole.那封信被放在旅游公司的文件架上,一直没有拆封。柯林斯高阶〔unopened〕The letter was unopened.这封信没有启封。韦氏高阶〔unopened〕The letter was returned unopened.信被原封不动地退回了。牛津高阶〔unopened〕The letter was returned to us unopened.那封信原封不动地退给了我们。朗文当代〔unopened〕The magazine lay unopened on his knee.他膝上放着没有翻开的杂志。英汉大词典〔unopened〕There was a pile of unopened mail on the table.桌子上有一堆未启封的邮件。韦氏高阶〔unopened〕There were two unopened bottles of wine on the table by the window.窗旁边的桌子上有两瓶未开封的葡萄酒。外研社新世纪〔warning〕Warning bells began to ring(= it was a sign that sth was wrong)when her letters were returned unopened.当她的信原封不动被退回时,不祥之感就来了。牛津高阶




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